Status: ill update hopefully everyweek???

Spend the rest of your days rockin' out

First Party.

“You want me to get you a beer, Al?” Mario asked me. We were at a party in the dirt parking lot between the tour vans. It was a kick-off of the tour party I guess, not really that fancy just a couple of kegs, a bond fire, and some of the members of the bands in the tour. Not the head liners of course they were too “cool” for us, I guess, oh well there loss.

“Yes, sure, thanks.” I watched my best friend walk over to the keg and fill up a cup. He stopped when some blond chick wearing a mini jean skirt and a black tube top began talking to him, and by the looks of it flirting with him. I knew I was never going to get my beer.

I went to go sit near the fire pit. By myself. I looked over and saw Mario making out with that generic blond groupie chick (who by the way drank my beer), Kevin was taking a smoke with Gerard, and Josh was… well I never know what Josh does in his free time. I began turning my head around searching for Josh wondering where he could be, when I saw a certain afro coming towards me.

“Hey, it looked like you needed a drink.” Ray said as he slid himself next to me on the dirt ground.

“You have no idea.” I said gratefully as I took the cold beer bottle from his large hands and took a large gulp of it. Not very lady like, but why start acting like one now? I heard Ray give a little laugh and then take a swig from his own drink.

“So, why aren’t you out there, you know, socializing with the uhh fellas? The rest of your friends seem to be having some fun with the uhh opposite sex” Ray asked me as he looked down at his bottle like he was asking it the question.

“Well, I guess I’m not your umm, typical social butterfly... What about you? Why aren’t you whooing any ladies tonight?”

“I wouldn’t really call these woman ladies. But you never know maybe I will be.” He said smirking at me as if he was saying some kind of inside joke that I wasn’t in on.

~Two hours later~

Ray and I have been talk to each other the whole time. I love talking to him. I can really be myself around him. This was something I never had with my old boyfriend, and I just met Ray like two days ago. I had been having such a good time with Ray that I hadn’t even noticed that my throat was getting dryer and my pounding headache was turning into a migraine.

“Are you okay?” I guess Ray noticed that I was getting quieter and quieter. I wish I could say yes so I could stay and talk to him, but my head hurt so badly.

“Uhh no. I think I’m going to go back to the van and go to bed. Sorry.”

“I’ll come.” Ray said getting up, and gesturing his hand to help me up from the dirt ground.

“It’s okay. I’m fine, I always get migraines. I just need to take my pills and just go to bed. You can stay and have fun.” I said with a reassuring smile. But the real reason I didn’t want him to come with me back to the van was because I’d probably be puking out my guts. That’s usually how my migraines turn out, and I really don’t want him to see that.

“Oh, okay. Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” I said over my shoulder as I began the walk back to our van. Weaving in and out between similar looking ones until I found ours.
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whoo two updates in one night!!! yeahh!!!
thanks to -mistery girl- for commenting :)
and commenters and subcribers make me happy!! ...just sayin