Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.


“Why is it so dark in here?” I hear Megan mumble as she enters the house making me giggle slightly to myself. “I swear if that girl is still asleep at six in the evening we need to work on her vampire-ish patterns,” she mumbles fumbling around for the light switch.

“Surprise,” I and the handful of girl friends that Megan and I have scream as we pop up when she turns the light on.

“Fucking christ! What the fuck is wrong with all of you! Shit for the fucking love,” Megan begins to ramble after screaming like a thirteen year old before I cut her off.

“Happy surprise bachelorette party!” I scream putting a tiara on her head.

“I hate you,” Meagan grunts before smiling and saying hello to our friends.

“So wanna know what’s on the schedule for tonight?” I ask her smiling from ear to ear.

“Sure. Why not,’ Megan says shrugging.

“So we’re gonna go see Jackass 3 and drink… every time we’re disgusted by something. Then we’re going to a male strip joint. And the grand finale, if we make it that long, shall be the bar and or club of your choice my love,” I say smiling. “Sound good?” I ask as my smile gets bigger.

“Sounds like a fun night to me,” Megan says returning the smile while shrugging.

“OK, well first we need to get all dolled up and then we’re heading to the movie. We have an hour girls so let’s get a move on,” I instruct before going up to my room where I throw on a backless shirt and skinny jeans before debating on my shoes and picking out a cute pair of monster wedges.

“So are we ready to go? And do I really have to wear this?” Megan asks gesturing to the sash I added to the crown, nearly tackling her in the process.

“Yep. So movies here we come, Oh, and by the way love you aren’t buying anything,” I say smiling shoving Megan out of the door.

“Wow, a record of fifteen minutes… that’s a new one for us,’ Megan says laughing after we get kicked out of the movie theatre.

“I feel that if you had simply shown your tits like I told you too the teenage usher would have been so distracted he would have forgotten he came over to kick us out,” Krista says laughing.

“And I shall remind you yet again these are for one man only now,” Megan says grabbing her chest making me burst into a giggling fit.

“OK so now that we’ve gotten kicked outta the strip joint Riley’s?” Megan asks glaring at me.

“I’m sorry it’s not my fault I couldn’t stop my giggling fit at the guy that looked like a cowboy it was too fucking funny,” I say still giggling.

“Is she gonna make it?” one of Megan’s friends asks.

“If not it’s her own fault,” Megan says shrugging.

“So anyway we going to the bar now?” I ask once I finally regain my composure.

“Yeah, and don’t forget you’re the DD tonight,” Megan reminds me.
“I know,” I giggle as we climb into the car.

Three hours later I come home dragging Megan behind me and I’m met at the living room by Jared. “She’s fine just had a lot to drink. I’m just going to get some bread and water in her then send her to bed,” I say smiling.

“Are you sure she’s OK?” Jared asks looking at me oddly.

“She’s fine. If you think this is bad you should have seen her in college,” I say shrugging as I drag Megan upstairs. “You good now and you swear you’re not going to puke?” I ask Megan about half an hour later.

“Promise. I just wanna sleep now,” she says yawning.

“Alright. See you in the morning. Hope you had fun tonight,” I say smiling as I realize that she had already passed out for the night.
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so it's super short but oh well