Status: FInished

We know a little about a lot of things; just enough to make us dangerous.

You Brought Me All the Way Out Here for What?

I wake up to the sound of Dave Mathews filling my ear cringing, while remembering my brother changed it to his personal ringtone. “You know I still hate you for contaminating my phone with this shit right?” I ask laughing as I sit up trying to do something with my wild hair.

“You know you love me and don’t even try to deny it,” Jeffery says with a laugh playing on his voice.

“So what’s up my beloved, big headed, brother?” I ask catapulting myself out of bed.

“Not too much. I was wondering what you’re doing tomorrow,” he says as I hear Rosey, his girlfriend, mutter something in the background.

“Nothing, I’m off of work so yeah,” I say realizing the fact that all I do is work and hang out with Meagen and the boys.

“You wanna fly back here on me?” he asks.

“Who died or who did you knock up?” I quickly blurt out wondering why the hell my brother would pay for a round trip ticket from Cali to Virginia.

“You’re so funny. I’m serious come out. I miss my baby sister. Is that a crime?” he asks trying to hold back laughter.

“Ok fine. When do I need to be at the airport?” I ask.

“In three hours. So hurry your ass up. Tickets will be wait for you love you bye,” he says before quickly hanging up.

“Three hours? Are you shitting me? I don’t have enough time to get ready,” I nearly scream jumping up and running around my room throwing anything I could lay my hands on into a bag.

“Are you OK?” Jared asks knocking on my door.

“No! I have less than three hours to pack and be at the airport,” I explain sitting on my suitcase in hopes of getting it to close while cursing myself for always over packing.

“Why the hell do you need to be at an airport in less than three hours?” Meagen asks appearing from behind Jared.

“Jeff has something he needs to tell me in person, I’m completely terrified, and it’s on his dime,” I explain turning around and throwing cloths on not really caring that Jared’s there.

“I see, so I assume the hike is canceled?” she asks.

“Yeah,” I say running downstairs quickly downing some food.

“What do you mean you don’t know what gate it is?” I scream to the woman behind the counter after getting my ticket and checking in my luggage.

“It’s not here,” she explains.

“Look lady! I haven’t seen my brother for about a year. He has something so important I have to be told in person and the flight leaves in ten minutes you better figure it the fuck out quick is all I can say,” I scream only to have a manager come over and quickly fix my problem.
Seven hours, flipping out on a small child for continuously kicking the back of my seat and about seven of those little bottles of Jack later I arrive at the airport in Norfolk wanting to kiss the ground as soon as I step on it.

“Chrissy!” I hear someone scream before two long arms wrap themselves around me.

“Hey, Jeff,” I say eagerly returning the hug, which was difficult since my brother towers over me.

“So let’s go grab your bag and we’ll head back to my place. Rosey’s still at home she, as usually, was napping when I left to come get you,” he explains.

“Alright sounds good to me,” I explain as we wander off together in the general direction of the luggage claims.

“Chris you have to see this cute little ring I got,” Rosey insists as I walk through the door.

“Umm… sure,” I say slightly worried since Rosey never was a girl to do such a thing.

“Isn’t it awesome,” she says showing it to me.

“Oh my god! It’s about bloody time,” I exclaim grabbing her left hand admiring the princess cute diamond, of significant size I must say, accompanied with two smaller diamonds on either side of it.

“It was perfect. He asked me while we were flying in a helicopter right after he got out of the school thing,” she explains as we sit down a catch up, throwing back a few drinks.

The next morning I wake up hung-over, still slightly drunk, and utterly confused. “Where am I?” I say while sitting up clutching my head.

“Morning sunshine!” My brother screams while handing me a cup of coffee.

“Fuck you! And thanks,” I say before downing the tasty black liquid filling the mug.

“Stupid question because I know you didn’t but did you happen to read on your ticket when you go back to Cali?” my brother asks with his infamous grin making me cringe slightly on the inside.

“No why?” I ask cursing in my head.

“You get to go back today. I just flew you out for the day so that we could tell you,” he says laughing.

“A fucking phone call wouldn’t suffice?” I nearly scream.

“Nope. Now get your shit and peace out,” he says laughing before hugging me and going back to bed.

“Now I remember why I secretly hate that boy,” I tell myself as I prepare for a long day ahead of me.
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