the diary of a vampire

chapter 2

Chapter 2

I lifted it up, it had my mother’s name it on it, and how did it get into my room. I looked at it. It was a very thick book the sides were wearing away. It was covered in black sateen and the title was in red that was in the middle of the cover.

I went downstairs were my dad was watching the TV what else is there to do at half 11.
“Dad do you know how this got in my room” I said showing him the diary.
He took it from and examined it.
The side corners of his mouth turned up a little bit.
“Oh I remember this; whenever I was in your mother’s room it was always on the side table she would never let me read it” he chuckled then passed it back to me “were did you find it?”
“I didn’t I went to get into bed and it was on my pillow”.
“Oh well I wonder who put it there, I wonder what she has wrote in there” he chuckled.
“I know well you’re not allowed to read it dad” I smirked.
“I know well go to bed you have got school in the morning” he got up and gave me a hug then went to the back kitchen.
I went upstairs, got into bed sitting up and turned on my lamp and looked through the diary mostly at first was just when she lived all over different places. I skipped those bit, I got to the bit were she moved to Scotland:

April 1st 1980
Well it is another day at school it is so annoying with the people around us staring at us with a dumb ford expression they cannot deal with us and mostly are jealous well Amelia and Jack are falling even more in love some people may think it is sick but they are not really related so it doesn’t mean anything I hate being around them because I have no one my life is getting more depressed by the days even though I don’t mind being a vampire it is just hard on us and I feel like I will never meet anyone of course there are other boy vampires but they have their soul mates and I couldn’t get with a human it would be dangerous and stupid and I wouldn’t know if they would keep my secret.

April 3rd 1980
Nothing exciting happened today what a shocker there is a new family that has moved into town the Robinson’s there sons are in our school but just like we do to the rest we ignore them they gawk at us as well this will be my last time at school I hate it, once I have finished I will just work with my parents or something it has to better then repeating school for the rest of eternity. One of the Robinson’s sit next to me in maths his name is Ethan he looked at me and I thought I would be friendly so I smiled he smiled back and his checks went red I hid my laughter. We talked a couple of times through the lesson but every time he smiled, if I had a heart, it would of sped so fast he has been the only one who actually has came up to talk to me I have these feelings but I don’t know what they are.

April 10th 1980
Me and Ethan have been talking more, my feelings are growing stronger I don’t know what to do, me and him could never be I would hurt him there is always the other option whether he likes me and I could turn him but I would never do that but he makes me feel really happy every time he smiles at me. I no it's stupid because he probably just like me for all the other reasons that boys like me. My looks. Well on the good news I will finish school in July and will never have to go but we are leaving after the summer but I don’t think I can maybe I like Ethan too much.

April 20th 1980
I know it has been a long time since I have written in this but some strange things have been going and on the worse note Ethan knows about us. He was going on a hike with his younger brother and dad he left them to set up a tent while he went on a walk I was sitting there with a deer in my hands my teeth in its neck and I looked up to see him staring at me his eyes popped open his mouth hanging low but he didn’t move he just stood there looking at me. I dropped my kill and stood up. He asked me what I was doing I couldn’t lie he had seen it. So I told him that I was feeding his expression changed to confused so I told him the truth Mia and Lewis aren’t happy with me but I told him that he could not tell anyone as it would ruin us and we would probably be hunted he agreed I knew that we would have to leave soon.

April 25th 1980
I spoke to Ethan for the first time since he found out, he still is acting normal it is freaking me out I told him I was a vampire a creature that is the most dangerous of all the mythical creatures that feed on blood-I told him that to get a reaction out him when we were alone by my car- he just shrugged and told me that he didn’t care, but what he didn’t know is that I could tell what he was thinking in his thoughts he was thinking of us together I didn’t know whether to be happy or cry-happy because he liked me to or cry because we could never be if I could cry that’s what I would do all night.

May 1st 1980
I have been going out more with Ethan that’s why there hasn’t been many updates in this dairy today I went his house no one was there it was just us to, for the past few days he has been getting more confident around me and what does he do today he kisses me, it wasn’t like I expected I thought because since my lips are like rock and his our soft that it wouldn’t of worked but somehow it did and I kissed him back. Ha I'm glad nothing bad happened like me biting him or something. And I have found out something, I actually love Ethan me a vampire loving a human what are the odds.

May 6th 1980
My siblings aren’t happy with me but Mia can see what made me want him so she is really happy for me and I have never felt this happy in the last 150 years.

My eyes started to close so I folded the page and closed the book and put it on my bedside table and turned the light of.
It was another dream about my mother, but this was different it was about her dairy I was only dreaming about the parts I had red. It made me happy that even though she was a vampire she found the one she loved. I pictured my mum so clearly it felt like she was really there she was holding my hand and it felt so real tears started to fall down my cheeks and I woke up my eyes wet I looked outside the window and it was raining. My clock said 7 my sleep went to quick. I rubbed my eyes and stopped the tears but my dad was already there. He came over and hugged me.
“Hey what’s up chuck was it another dream?” he asked stroking my hair.
“Yes but it felt like she was really there holding my hand it felt so real I wanted it to be real” I started to cry harder now hiding my face in his chest.
He wiped away my tears with his fingers and looked me in the eye “it's ok hun, I know how you feel, do you want to go to school today you don’t have to if you don’t want to”.
I considered not going to school but I would probably mope around the house so I declined and got ready for school.
Dad dropped me off, I was feeling a bit better and so the clouds were clearing a little.

I met up with Olivia and Andrea and we headed off to English this is the one class that I actually liked we mostly did about books like Shakespeare, Jane Austen which I loved even though I have read them like a hundred times I still loved them.
I sat at the back of the class just behind Olivia and Andrea by myself since everyone had a partner and have been sitting with them for the last 2 years but I didn’t mind now and again they would turn around and talk to me but we always had to get on with our work and I was always finished in a few minutes so I just doodled or helped Andrea.
I took my seat I looked around and stopped on the door Alfie walked in.

I groaned either he was going to sit next to me or hopefully sit on the other vacant table a couple of rows away.
Mr Rochford put him on his own table I was grateful for that.
Mr Rochford gave out the books we were reading pride and prejudice we are starting to read it today but I knew it by heart so I just usually doodled or something. He put a book on my table they were the big books that two had to share something clicked in my brain when Alfie got up and walked over he would have to share with me.
“Mitchie I have no other spare books so Alfie is going to have to share with you which is good because I need use in pair after we read the next few chapters” he said.
“Okay” I grimaced and what do you dark clouds appear out of nowhere.
Olivia turned around to me and groaned “I hate the weather and I thought today it might actually be sunny”.
I giggled at her, and the sun pops through she smiled at me then turned around. I tried to keep myself happy just so the weather was nice.

Alfie sat down next to the page was already opened on the right page I put it in the middle, got my pad out and started to draw, lately I have wanted to draw and draw, but usually when I did it wasn’t like it was me drawing, most of my drawings were of my mother in this strange town a smile on her, her black her past her waist, her eyes shining and she was holding my dad’s hand and he was so happy, the rest of my family was in the picture too and me standing at the back but I couldn’t see how this picture could actually be as I was older and my mother died when I was 6.
Mr Rochford called my name to do some reading good thing I was paying attention to know where we were. I pretended to look at the page as I read:
“My dear Mr. Bennet," replied his wife, "how can you be so tiresome! You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them."
"Is that his design in settling here?"
"Design! Nonsense, how can you talk so! But it is very likely that he may fall in love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon as he comes."
"I see no occasion for that. You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves, which perhaps will be still better, for as you are as handsome as any of them, Mr. Bingley might like you the best of the party."
"My dear, you flatter me. I certainly have had my share of beauty, but I do not pretend to be anything extraordinary now. When a woman has five grown up daughters, she ought to give over thinking of her own beauty."
"In such cases, a woman has not often much beauty to think of.”

“Thank you Mitchie Andrea will you carry on” Mr Rochford asked.
I could see her blushing and smirked and then she went on reading I went back to doodling.
I had almost forgotten that Alfie was sitting next to me when I looked from the corner of my eye to see him sitting there with his head leaning on his ball fisted hand his eyes narrowed even more.
The bell finally rang Olivia turned to me and took my drawing I forget to put it back in. Alfie was still putting his stuff in his bag.
She looked at the drawing her eyes opened wide. “Mitchie did you draw this, this is amazing, I can tell that’s your dad it looks just like him who is he holding hands with” she asked.
“That’s my mother” I answered and I could feel my face falling remembering this morning.
“Wow she is really pretty looks just like you” she smiled and handed me back my artwork.
I smiled back only a little smile and put the drawing in my folder and put my stuff away. Alfie had already left but we had math’s next and he is sitting by me again.

Dad picked me up and we went home. When we got in I took of my shoes and coat and bag and left them in the hallway and went to the living room and sat down on the couch he followed after me.
“So anything interesting happen at school today?” he asked with a smile.
“Nothing really same old but I drew a picture today it just came to me and it suddenly was there on my paper” I answered.

“Really what was it off?”
I got up of the couch and went to the hall, I opened my bag and searched threw my folder and found my picture I went back in and gave it to him.

He looked at the picture with a small smile on his face but his eyes looked sad if could cry I bet he would be crying waterfalls by now.
“Wow Mitchie this is really good, you are a very talented drawer but what is the picture about”
“I don’t know it just popped into my head and then I drew it”

“hmm maybe it is another power coming threw we will have to ask Lewis about it when they visit”
“wow another power it is like I haven’t got enough” I said sarcastically. He handed me the drawing back I put it on the chair and got on with my homework.
That night I went to bed early so I could read some more of mum’s diary I skipped to the part where dad had proposed.

February 17th 1982
Well it is just a few more days before the wedding I am so happy I love Ethan so much and that he loves me too and that we will be with each forever.
I skipped the rest of the wedding/honeymoon part and got to the bit were she found out she was pregnant with me.

February 27th 1982
We are back home, the good thing is that I am married and Ethan will soon be turned into a vampire but the bad news well it isn’t bad just a little bit shocking I am pregnant no one knew that a female vampire could have a child or even conceive a child with a human male but after all the shocking parts I realised that I was PREGNANT I am so overjoyed and so is Ethan, Lewis said that it would not harm me as long as I got plenty of blood in me, me and the baby would be safe.
I skipped some more parts.

August 21st 1982
She is strong this one inside of me I can tell she is going to be special well of course she is my little star. I have already made the connection and love her with all my heart. Ethan is just so happy even after getting turned into a vampire a few weeks back all he does is take care of me and to make sure no harm comes too me I love him so much, this is what I have been wanting, and now a lovely baby girl is on her way to make my life just even more complete. Lewis said the due date is the 11th December, I didn’t know I would have to go through 9 months of pregnancy but it will be worth it.

I skipped some more parts until a name popped out:

October 21st 1982
I got a letter today from Lee Wicken congratulating me I haven’t seen or heard of him in over 40 years it was good to hear from him he was a good friend, we kept the peace between the vampires and werewolves but after we left he told me we couldn’t be friends I was depressed a little he was like my best or even only friend that was true but I guess the peace couldn’t last forever.

My mother had been friends with a werewolf how odd. I wonder if he is related to Alfie. I folded the page and turned the light of and went to sleep and for the first time since forever I had no nightmares.
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hey second part x i might change were she is from from scotland to somwhere hmm