Status: Complete! Even tho the ending sucks....

The Breakup Fightup in Pittsburgh

The Voices are Back...But Why are they Telling You to Do Dirty Things?!

"You're so weird. Now shush while I master the apps." Pete said and got the navigator working. "Turn left." "Turn up your as-" "HALEY! Let it go. I hate the voices to." I started cracking up. "So you hear the voices to?!" I cried. He shook his head and laughed. "Ya man those bastards are everywhere. OH WHIZ. Guess what they just told me?" "Oh god. What?" He just giggled. "What Pete?" "Hehehehe." "Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the Third what in the hell are you planning?" Then he quickly leaned over, kissed me, then sat back like nothing happened. "W-Wh-Whoa." I stuttered. He giggled. "If I would have listened to the voices it would have been worse." "Well....I'm uh... glad you didn't listen to the voices." I said shocked. He laughed. “So…are you going to drive or what?” “Well what’s the or what part?” I rolled my eyes at him, blushing. “Oh fine. I’ll just drive.” He said, and then did. “Turn left in 2.2 miles.” The thingy said. “2.2? Why not just 2?” I said to it. “Haley it can’t hear you.” “Ya it can.” No, it can’t.” “Yup.” “No. Really. It can’t.” I rolled my eyes. “Suree.” I said. He put his hand on my leg. “What are you doing?” “Voices told me.” “The voices are going to get us killed! Put your hand back on the wheel!” I cried. He sighed but did. “The voices are mad at you.” “Good. That’s my goal in life.” I said. He laughed. "Why is your goal in life to make the voices in my head mad?" "I don't even know. Just because."

"Turn right." The thingy said. "OH ENOUGH." I yelled at it. Pete jumped again. "Pete cool it! You gotta get used to me yelling." I said. "Ya I guess I do...but that doesn't mean you should keep it up!" I just sighed and looked out the window. "I'm hungry." "That's nice." "Thanks alot Pete." "Your welcome." "So you really don't care do you?" "No not really. It just wanna drive." I over dramaticly sighed. He over dramaticly rolled his eyes. I sat there staring out the window, thinking about Patrick. "What are you thinking about?" Pete asked after about 5minutes. "Nothing..." I answered. "Sure. You're probably thinking about Patrick." He said. "Oh shut up. And so what if I am?" I snapped. "Hey don't snap at me." "Sorry." I sighed. "I've just been moody lately." "I can tell." He said. "I's probably my I'm sorry." He said, and meant it. "Aww thanks Pete. And it's not your fault." "You sure?" "Ya." "Ok good." He said, and found his way back to the house, and me yelling at the thingy everytime it told Pete direction. I ran into the house, scaring the crap outta Patrick. "PATTY! HEY!" I screamed at him.
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**sorry i have been really busy lately... :( and you can also blame writers block haha