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Built A World of Magic

Crazy Moments;

I was sitting silently on my living room floor playing on the internet. First the first time in a while, I was finally given some peace and quiet. My free-loading boyfriend was spending time out with one of his friends, and Diana had spent the day out with a new boy she’d met on some website.

She would be home soon, so I was soaking up all the time to creep on the internet I could. When I was out eating lunch with Alex, he informed me that he was in a band. I felt a little stupid since I’d never heard of them. Exploring the internet, I discovered that Alex was actually quiet famous.

When I heard the front door creak open, I closed the window on my laptop quickly and smiled as Diana stepped into the living room. Behind her, a boy that was rather tall and old-ish looking walked in behind her. My first thought was that he was too old for her, and my second thought was that I had told Diana not to bring him home because I didn’t know. So, naturally, I should have known she would do just that.

“Mike, this is my roommate, Lexi.”

“Hi, Mike.” I shot him and Diana an irritated smile. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“You too.” Mike and Diana came farther into the room and sat down on the couch. I shut my laptop and leaned back on the couch. “You have internet here?”


“Cool. We can’t get it where I’m at, we’re too far out.”

“Oh. That sucks.”

“Yeah,” he nodded his head. “So how long have you known Diana?”

“We’ve been friends for a while,” Diana spoke quickly. Truth be told, she knew me when I could still run around shirtless. “We’re pretty good friends.”

“Ah,” Mike smiled. “Diana says you’re looking for your own place. I’m looking, too. Have you had better luck than me?”

“Actually,” I stood up quickly, shooting Diana an angry glare. “I haven’t been looking,” I remarked, tossing my jacket on. “Because I own this house, and Diana is only staying with me until she gets off her ass long enough to find a job.”

Before either of them could speak, I grabbed my purse and slammed the door behind me. I was just so angry by the fact that should would honestly say that she owned this house. I do all the work. I clean and I pay the bills. She’s lucky to have a friend like me.

I turned onto the main street where all the small stores were packed together. I suppose this is a lovely place to go if you’re in a good mood with good friends, but for me, it just made me miserable. I saw all the smiling faces and realized that I didn’t have any of that. My friends were jerks, my mood was awful. I was just so sick of doing everything on my own.

“Dr. Grayson, please.” I had pushed my way through the familiar glass doors of the center I got my therapy. My doctor had told me that my stress level was much too high for my health, so if I ever felt like punching someone, I should come see her. “Tell her something came up and I just need to talk.”

“Sure thing, have a seat and we’ll be with you in a moment.”

I nodded my head and sat down beside a boy with long legs. His face was hidden by a furniture magazine. I would have sat anywhere else where I could be alone, but the place was oddly packed today.

I bend over to pick up a crappy magazine, and when I went to sit back down again, the boy pulled me magazine away from his face. I felt my heart lift up a little when I saw Alex smiling at me.

“Guess what,” Alex smiled brightly. “You were wrong when you said I’d never see you again.”

“In all fairness, I didn’t think I’d see you here again.”

“Yeah, well,” he shrugged, tossing his magazine on the table. “I guess sometimes I just need someone to talk to, and since I didn’t get your number, I had to go somewhere.”

“I find myself in the same situation.”

“So what’s going on?”

“Eh, just some BS with a friend, that’s all.”

“You know, if you gave me your number, you could just come chill with me when you’re friends are being jerks.”

“Are you asking me for my number, Alex?”

“No. I did that at lunch. This time I’m simply stating that I’m fun to chill with.”

“What are you doing right now?”

“Right now?” Alex smirked. “Right now I’m waiting to see my therapist, so I can apologize for my outburst and beg her to listen to my dramatic problems in life.”

“Do you wanna go do something?”

Alex glanced towards the door of the small office he usually had his deep conversations in. I noticed a small flicker in his eye before he gave me a nod. He grabbed my arm and pulled me from my seat, and then he took off running through the front door as if we were doing something wrong.

“Don’t you ever feel like you’re on top of the world?” Alex stopped us from running a few feet from the door. “Just for like, absolutely no reason at all, you feel like you can do anything?”

“I’ve felt that before.”

“Let’s do something crazy.”

“Excuse me?”

“Anything. Let’s just go. Do something outrageous.”

I paused for a moment. I stared at Alex with an uncertain face, but I could feel something in my stomach that told me to stop acting like a mother to everyone and do something stupid for my own mental health.

“Let’s do it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
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