Status: I plan to fix up this story sometime after I fix my bleach one up. :)

Hidden Secrets of a Screwed Up Life

I love you's

“Ah, your delicious coffee; Ha’ri should try some. Miki-chan’s coffee is the best I’ve ever had.” Shigure said to Hatori. I think he started to over exaggerate on the ‘best coffee’ part. It’s just normal coffee I found in the pantry. Anyways, we grab our food, and coffee, and sit on the picnic table on the balcony. We ate out there, and the breeze was sort of chilly.
After we ate, we just sat there and talked. Then Ayame brought up a subject that I, personally, never knew about Hatori; Kana. Ha’ri just froze for a minute, and I understood perfectly. He was in love with this Kana girl. I stood up and picked up the plates, giving it a look as I wasn’t hurt by this newfound information.
“I’m going to clean the dishes now. I’ll be inside if you need me.” I say and take their plates and go inside the kitchen. I wash the plates first, and think about how stupid I am, to have fallen in love with Hatori. And when I wanted so badly to tell him about it, I find he’s in love with another woman.
I sigh and dry the plates, starting on the silverware and pots. When I finish I drain the water and put everything away. I change into a light blue tank top, black shorts that go to my knees, ankle socks and shoes. I write a note, saying that I am going on a walk. I leave and walk to the lake, with no problems. I sit there on the docks thinking really hard about everything.
I lay there and sigh looking at the slowly dimming sky. I stay there for a couple of hours, making it at least three, maybe close to four, when I hear someone calling my name. I sit up and hear it getting closer. I stand up and walk to where the docks and land meet, and walk a couple feet towards the forest.
Out of no where, I am on the ground with Hatori above me panting. “Hatori?” I ask looking at him slightly appalled. He looks at me and gets on his knees and helps me get on my knees too. “Ha-” “Are you alright?” He asks cutting me off. “Yea, I’m fine. Are you okay Ha’ri?” I ask putting my hand on his forehead. He smiles and takes my hand. “I’m fine.” He replied.
“You’re sad, that’s why you left, is it not?” He inquired. “Uh, w-well…” I stutter and I try thinking of a way to get out of this situation. “It’s because of Ayame bringing up Kana. Correct?” He says hitting the nail on the head. I twitch a little, not knowing I actually did it.
“I don’t love Kana; I had to erase her memory because she found out the family curse several years ago. And ever since I met you, I can’t get you out of my head. I love you, Mikira.” He says and I look up at him, understanding completely what he means about it all. The curse to him confessing his love for me… wait a second, he said he loved me. My eyes shoot back up to his eyes again and I stare at him for a minute.
“I love you too, Hatori.” I say and he smiles and lightly grabs my chin, bringing me into a slow, yet passionate, kiss. After a couple of minutes he pulls away and we just sit there on our knees staring at each other. “Let’s get back to the house.” I say and he smiles and we get up. I ask him, on the way back while holding hands, about his family curse.
When he finishes telling me about it, I understand why I can hug him, for an odd reason because after he told me, I just randomly knew. “I know why I can hug you guys.” I tell him as he wraps lets go of my hand and puts his arm over my shoulder instead. “Ok, then tell me.” He plays with a smile upon his face. “Well, I can break curses. I don’t know how I know this, but it came to me after you told me about your families curse.” I tell him and he ‘huh’s.
I laugh at him and we make it back to the house and go in. I go to the kitchen, seeing as it is six fifty-three, to see dinner already made and at the table, for two. All thanks to Shigure and Ayame. I think they planned all of this. Hatori comes in behind me and looks at the table. He holds out his arm and asks me to dinner with a slightly amused look on his face.
I giggle and intertwine my arm with his, and he leads me to the table. He pulls out my chair and I sit down, with him pushing me in. He sits in his seat and we look to see what they had made; sandwiches. We laugh and eat our dinner. Afterwards he asks me to be his girlfriend and I say yes.
We talk about a lot of things, even stuff like our first pet, and Aya and ‘Gure come inside looking tired. I look at the clock and see it just past eleven. Everyone decides to go to hit the hay and we all went to our rooms. I enter mine, and see an envelope on my bed, with a small box. I open the letter, and see it is from my parents, telling me about my unique power to get rid of curses, and that they’re alive.
I smile as they wrote that they’ve been watching over me this entire time, and that they needed me to know I could do that on my own. They also wrote that they bought a small little house a few blocks away the college I want to go to. I smile as they gave me an address, phone number and cell phone number, and to visit them when I get back from my trip.
I smile and put the letter down and open the little package, and see a picture of them both, along with a new cell phone. Since my aunt was more then likely going to cut mine off. I smile and put them both in my bag and go to Hitori’s room. I knock and he tells me to come in. I enter and smile at him. “Can I sleep with you?” I ask him smiling and he nods.
I slip in with him and tell him the good news. “That’s good; do you want me to go with you when you go?” He asks and I nod. We lay there laying in each others arms and that’s how we fall asleep. The next few days go by, quite quickly, but I am excited to meet my parents. We drop Aya, Shigure and my things off and I call my parents while we drive. They tell me they can’t wait for me to get home, and they want to ‘interrogate’ my boyfriend.
We get there and get out, and see them on the porch, waiting for me. I run up and hug them, introducing Hatori to them, and we go in and sit down. We stay there for the rest of the day and my mom asked when he was going to take me away and marry me. I blush as I hear my dad asking Hatori a similar question in the other room.
My mom and I are quiet, only because she is holding my mouth shut to hear them; and we hear Hatori answer. “I will need your permission first, before I ask her that, and if you do, I would like to ask her in a few months, because I love her dearly and would die for her.” That is all my parents wanted to hear and they come back, Hatori scoops me up in a comforting hug.
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This is the last chapter. I hope you liked it, i might write another chapter telling what happens with them. :D I think i might. Please tell me how you like it. Or hate it. Either or. :)