Status: On Going

Will you love me

I miss him

Taylor's P.O.V.

Still warm and heavy with sleep wanting to stay asleep. But it was hard considering a bull dozer flew on top of me and Caleb.

"What the hell?!" He hissed sitting up as I was squished completely to the bed.

"Good morning!" The bright chirpy some what familiar voice came. Who the? That voice... Groaning a bit as the weight was off.

"Get off and what the hell are you doing in here?" Caleb's hissing voice made me sit up with my eyes still closed. Mmh tired.

"I wanted to get up here before they called the room! And I guess I did. Rise and shine, aw your so adorable. Your eyes are still closed as well." Cool hands gripped my face making my eyes pop open. The man's daughter was on the edge of the bed smiling at me.

"Let. Him. Go." She looked at him dully and stuck her tongue out before she once spoke again. Call me slow waking up, because I still just wanted to fall over to fall asleep. I couldn't fall asleep till late last night because of my nerves. After all I am posing to be someone I'm not and that someone is very rich and powerful.

"Shut up stupid. We have to bond, because were suppose to be acting like siblings as of today to very late tonight." I swear he was about to do that crazy jumble of Japanese and English again. Please no.

"Don't call me stupid you stinky troll." Troll, She just called him a troll? His face started turning red as a deeper scowl made it's appearance on his lips. Oh no... Sitting up on my knees crawling slowly to him where he glared daggers at her.

"Your the stinky troll! Who comes in someones place without permission and pounces on someone during their sleep? That's just creepy! And another thing you retarded, suck up, rich dumb ass girl. If you ever eye-" Grabbing his face and pulling it towards me quickly before he finished whatever he was going to say that would surely make me feel like crawling under a rock in embarrassment . I placed my lips on his to quickly seal them. His groaned slightly with a bit of a sigh.

"Whoa..." Pulling my fingers down his some what scruffy face that he didn't shave yesterday. But was very good looking with a shadow. Pulling away smiling at him as he shook his head.

"Whatever." Caleb grumbled out pulling away slowly while gently taking my hands into his own. Cute...

"Right, well since your still dressed guess we don't have to wait. Lets go! Bye stupid idiot!" Before I knew it my hands were out of his and in hers with my body flying in the air behind her and straight out of the room. Ever been on the ride called the Mind Eraser? Well I have and she's worse than it. I think I forgot I have a brain. Do I?
When she stopped we were outside the hotel in front of a black sleek car that had two body guards there. The one that was with her the first time and the one that always seemed to be with her father.

"Okay lets kick it! We have to make you look like your rich instead of a emo little cute boy. Of course you'll still probably look this adorable after the look change. Come on in. The man that was with her when I first saw her opened the car door, she slid in. I looked back at the hotel for a brief moment before sliding in as well. The door closed with a slam. I wonder what kind of party this is.

Both the body guards got in front. Soon the car was off. Noticing immediately the warmth fading away and the image's of Caleb coming sooner and sooner. The aching pain of being away even for a short while hurt so much. I stared out the window dolefully. I wonder how it will be being away from him for good...
Watching people and buildings pass on by from dirty looking to clean and fancy looking. The car stopped all four of us gotten out. Taking a look where we were it was a hair dresser place. I hope they don't cut it all off...

Finding out why they whisked me away so quickly, apparently rich people take their time making everything perfect. And when they go get a suit. It isn't all ready to go. They actually make it and send it to you within a couple of hours. Man rich people have it good. On the bright side they only trimmed my hair and pushed it back making only a few determined strands of hair hang in front of my face. I was back at their house dressed in the suit, and looking like a really pampered child. And I hated the feeling. Even more with Ichiro the man's first son. glaring at me very heatedly as if trying to burn me to the pits of hell or something like that.

"There he is perfect." The dresser said tugging at the end of the fine threaded suit jacket that alone it self costs one thousand dollars.

"Good job." The man whom name is Akira the man who is the father of the two that like me and hate me. Hate is for Ichiro and like is for the girl named Yuki whom also has a twin named Sakura. I'm starting to hate tube tops now.

Akira stood in front of me his eyes were once again hidden by glasses but I knew they were studying mine closely. I wonder how Caleb is doing.

"We'll be leaving in twenty minutes. Till then work on your smile. You have allot of guests to act happy to." He makes it feel like I'm his actual son when he talks like that. . . I don't like it. He's creepy. He walked out of the room as Sakura came into the room going straight to the burning ball of fire Ichiro with a maid behind her pushing a rack of clothes.

"Hey Ichiro which dress should I wear? The blue, pink, fire orange, peach, cream, ivory, off white, ice blue, forest green, sun rise yellow, or the wine red one?" I watched his gaze slide to her from looking in the mirror. He looked less like he cared for her then anything else. I mean the dress meant more to him than her!
Reminds me of my own brother...

"Sun rise yellow." She nodded and squealed slightly before turning around grabbing it. I winced slightly to seeing it. Turning around myself getting a better view of it. A smile spilled onto Ichiro's lips. That mean little - mh He knows that color would look horrible on her does he?! A neon pastel yellow will not go well on her pale complexion and ash brown hair. Even more with those dark eyes of hers. Oh him and my brother should be brothers! They would get along perfectly. I'm to kind. Shaking my head while almost power walking over there as she thanked Ichiro.

"I think a silver dress would look better on you. Or maybe a pale green." I got another glare from the over heated oven Ichiro. Sakura's eyes seemed to glitter at me.

"Oh the maid said the same thing! Well two opinions are better than one. Okay lets go get that silk one Ruby."

"Yes my lady." They walked out, Ichiro huffed crossing his arms.

"Well aren't you a saint. Bet your some goodie goodie too shoe aren't you short stack?" I turned and fixed the tie that went a bit to the left when I rushed over. Smiling slightly at him with pure innocence.

"I am not sure what your referring to to make that thing up. I was just putting in my opinion, and she happily took it." The body guard of Akira whom name is Yaru stared at us which is his job. He's creepier than Akira!

"You graduated from college. I know that you know that I know that you noticed the dress that I picked would of looked horrible on her." Smiling a bit more.

"Well I'm sorry but you should think twice before you set your sister up like that. It's not very nice, also this event is important to your family, and they'll be paying attention to everything including the clothing choice. Don't do anything rash because your upset about something." Simply put before sitting down, he shot up and pointed at me.

"I am not rash, and I am not upset about anything! And who are you to tell me so? I know more about these events then you will ever know! Also your just a trinket in this matter so know your place." I stood up looking at the suit. Man it was so uncomfortable, and people actually buy these on daily basis for that much money? Insane.

"What are you going to try and hit me? " Cocking a eye brow slightly staring up at him.

"Sorry no. I was just getting up to get a glass of water...would you care for some?" His face was turning a pink color. Did I say something wrong?

"No I don't want any blasted water! I want you to drop that stupid innocent act!" Maybe he is related to my brother...same mothers perhaps? Oh god that's just what I need another brother to lock me outside of things and do evil things while I'm asleep.

"Mmh...sorry that I made you upset." Walking over to the butler who poured a glass for me leaving the some what fuming Ichiro to well fume.

"That's not dropping it! Look you may have the stupid eyes thing but that's it. So stop acting like you own this place or something! Innocence and that on top is annoying as hell!" Did I do something? Is it because I have to act like the first born instead of the actual first born? Guess it would upset me to. . .well if he keeps acting like this it's going to be a long night. I miss Caleb. Sighing slightly closing my eyes before taking a drink of the cool spring water ignoring the yelling of Ichiro.

I wonder what he's doing right now.
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W O R D S : 1 7 3 3

Some what of a filler. But it's to get to know the other characters better so it's all for reason. I cant wait for the party to begin. =) Which sadly is also some what another filler.

Thanks to everyone for your comments

And I'm sorry this is a filler and soon to be next one but they are part of the plot thats in my head so the next one will be out soon. But I'm losing motivation to do it.
So leave love in the comment box. =)