Everyone Has Issues! Right?

Be My Escape


Knock, Knock, Knock
It early, that’s all I know, and so that means no matter how loud my mother knocks on that door I am NOT getting out of this bed!
Knock, Knock, Knock
“UGH, you are so annoying!” I Proclaim
“And you are late so get up and get ready.” She stated in that calm and joyful voice she always uses. The fact that she is always so happy, so early drives me insane; Scratch that SHE drives me insane!

Despite my internal clock telling me that no normal human being should be up right now I crawled out of bed and drug myself over to my closet, Because no matter how crazy my mom is, she’s right, I was late. Grabbing whatever was closest to me. I quickly walked into my bathroom. Placing my clothes on the counter I took a look at the stranger staring at me from inside my mirror. She looked so plain, so lost, so alone.
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uhmm im a dude trying to write in a girls POV lol so bear with me... im getting a girl friend of mine to help out with it.
but yeah sorry for how short it is.