Just You and Me and Every Millimeter In Between


And I will give everything to escape with you. Hand in hand, we'll drive miles after miles
And nothing will break the peace that surrounds us, but the roar of the engine that will drown our fears away. And our laughter and our dreams will escape our very souls, and they will freaking ride the wind and away from us, and they will leave us alone as we freaking drive. And drive, and just freaking drive.

And the sunbeam will roast us from our skin to our very bones. And we'll laugh. We'll laugh in the sunshine and in the dark of the night. And our hair will dance in the wind like there's no tomorrow.

And we'll never look back. Never. And for each turn of the wheel we'll be kissing, and we'll drive every stretch of the road in sight. And we'll forget everything. We'll leave our past as if we had amnesia because we're never gonna look back, like we could drive to eternity and never stop. With each other we'll never stop. It's me on the wheel and you beside me and that is our world. Just you and me and every millimeter in between and that is all that will matter. We'll watch every sunrise and paint all the sunsets; we'll whistle along to every song of the birds and follow the biggest cloud on every cloudy day. And we will drive forever; with each other we're gonna freaking live our lives the way no one's ever done before. Until we forget our own names and lose all our senses we're gonna be together, until our breaths fail us we'll hold each other. Forever, we'll drive, promise.

~Hand in mine into your icy blues, and then I'd say to you we could take to the highway.
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The last line is from Demolition Lovers by My Chemical Romance.