Status: Have A Good Portion Written Already

Valiant Crimes

Chapter 10

Meanwhile Ross had just arrived at the base thinking that by now the man she had fallen for was burning in the cinema for the world war to end. She was immediately put into a room to type out a report. An hour later she was done. Commander Johnson was unhappy with the report which ended with Ross telling him to fuck off for doubting Aldo’s abilities as a leader and to go rot in hell for imposing that she should have whored herself off to the enemy for information.

Three hours later she being handcuffed and escorted to an airplane to be sent back to America so she would be put in prison seeing as that she no longer listened to protocol. Ross didn’t care though; she wanted to suffer because now Aldo was gone. At least now she could suffer alone.

Aldo and Utivich drove the squad truck towards the base with Colonel Hans Landa withering in pain in the back after the swastika was carved into his forehead. Arriving at the base, Aldo was hoping he’d possibly see Ross, instead he was as he predicted, chewed out by Commander Johnson for damaging Landa when they had made a deal with him. But Aldo didn’t give a damn about being chewed out though and he focused on keeping a straight face so he can get out of there to see Ross.

“This is exactly why I wanted Agent Nine to investigate what sort of operation you were running! You have no control or respect for anything!” Commander Johnson yells at Aldo.
“You had her there to spy on me?” Aldo retorts looking at his Commander in disbelief.
“Why do you think I was having her come back? She had to write up a report, what a waste that was,” the man counters angrily. Aldo was feeling a little betrayed but by the look on his Commander’s face he knew she had written something good.
“Where is she?” Aldo questions wanting to see Ross.
“One way ticket back to prison, seeing as that we no longer need her,” Commander Johnson answers rubbing his gray temples with his rough hands.
“After all she has done you’re sendin’ her back to prison?” Aldo responds looking at his superior as if he were some sort of loon.
“We gave her a choice in the beginning, she choose to let five other men free and took blame for all the crimes, even that took a lot to pull off, I’m done bending over backwards for that insolent woman especially after the disrespect she showed in that report,” he retorts looking back at Aldo idly. Aldo felt angry and knew if he hadn’t left the room he’d probably hit his commander then he wouldn’t have a chance to get Ross out of prison.
“I’m going to send you out to some of the concentration camps to take them over, since now the enemy has been broken down,” Commander Johnson continues after getting no response from Aldo.
“Yes sir,” Aldo says through clenched teeth. Now he was being sent elsewhere on another mission without much rest and to somewhere he wouldn’t be able to help Ross out of prison.
“That’s all, you are dismissed,” the man states offhandedly. Aldo left the office angry but he had to retain himself. A young soldier with blonde hair who had been a big fan of Aldo waved him over.
“Lieutenant Raine Sir,” he greets sounding giddy.
“Yes private?” Aldo replies unsure what the kid wanted.
“Private Lowe, it’s an honor to meet you sir,” the young soldier says holding his hand out to shake Aldo’s.
“Well er nice to meet ya too Private,” he responds shaking Private Lowe’s hand briefly.
“Thought you might want this, it’s the report the woman wrote,” Private Lowe states in a hushed tone as he shoved the somewhat crumpled letter to Aldo. Aldo took it wanting to know what Ross had written.
“Thank you Private,” Aldo says giving the guy a pat on the shoulder before walking off placing the letter in his pocket. He would save the report to read for when he was alone.

Ross spent over two months in prison before she was put on trial. She wasn’t expecting people she had helped in the past to get together to higher the best criminal defense attorney anyone could have representing them. After the circus of a trial that the press seemed to devour up like it was an early Christmas present, things got hectic and crazy with politics about whether a woman should be charged and sentenced with death for the crimes committed. It was safe to say Ross was released from prison; if they had kept her there would have been a riot from the people of the city that only seemed to love her.

Everyone was ecstatic to have Ross back. Ross tried her best to put on a happy face as she helped Grace get everything together for the wedding. Grace turned out to be very sweet and caring, yet meeting Ross was like meeting a legend to Grace, being that Johnny had spoken so highly of his older sister. Never had Grace met such a strong woman figure and it was awe inspiring to even know Ross. Everyone knew things happened to Ross that made her lose that sparkle in her golden eyes. It saddened everyone to see her try so hard to be happy around them.

They could tell she was trying to move on but when Ross would look out the window with a sad look in her eyes as if waiting for something, they knew something was wrong yet no one dared ask what happened. Soon the wedding came and went, Ross no longer wanted to live in the city home so Grace and Johnny could have the place to themselves instead she went to the Poconos to live there.

No one had really lived in the summer home in the Poconos for several years so it hadn’t been kept up or anything. Ross didn’t mind though, she needed something to keep herself busy with. She needed some sort of substance to keep her from going insane after all that had happened to her during the war. The Poconos was her escape from pain and worry.
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Hello been a little bit since my last update. Bet yall are wondering what's gonna happen :) Hope you enjoyed this bit and remember your feedback is most appreciated!