Just that One Click can change Everything

Chapter 10

Somehow I ended up in a bedroom with Josh. Josh was next to me, asleep. I felt cold. I noticed that my clothes were off. I saw a bruise on my arm and leg. This wasn’t good. I don’t know how I ended here. Was I drunk? But then I heard giggles behind the door. I didn’t care. I got off the bed, confused still. I put on my clothes fix my hair, and walk downstairs.

While I was done the hall way, something made me wants to go back, and find out what happened.
So I walked back into the room. Josh was still sleeping.

“Josh!!” I said tugging on him.


“Wake up, NOW!!!”

Then I turned around. I was getting annoyed. But before I could do anything, Josh pulled me back and closed my mouth, and bite me so hard. I started crying. I couldn’t believe he did that. But then he was really drunk, I could tell. I pushed him off and ran downstairs. I left the house. I sat on the front
porch, and I started crying. What have I done?

I needed to get home. I wasn’t going to call my mom or dad because then later they will wonder. I had to think. Rana didn’t have her permit yet. The only person was, Violet.

I called her on my cell phone.


“Violet! It’s me Emma”

“What do you want?”

“You have to help me, I need you to pick me up now” and then I started crying.

“What happened?! Where are you?”

I told her. I was in tears. I was scared. I don’t know what happened. I saw a black car pull up. It was Violet. I ran into the car.

“What happened to you!! You have like a bite mark, and bruises and your head is bleeding!’

“I don’t know!”

“You can’t go home like this; you’re staying at my place for the night.”

“But then my mom will freak out that I am not home”.

“Call her, say you’re staying at my place.”

And I called my mom. Knowing right now I have my best friend back, taking care of me. I was shaking. I was fine before, but now I feel pain. I feel my head stinging, and that wasn’t there before when I looked in the mirror. And I can feel blood coming out of the bite mark. And my bruises started to hurt.

I wonder what trouble I will be in for now.