Status: Finished :3

A Handful of Moments


“A bon fire night?”
“Yeah!” Jack beamed bouncing with excitement in front of me like a ten year old.

I chuckled. It was always very amusing as I found out to see Jack like this...and cute too.

“So is it a good idea? Matt and Alex said if everyone was interested we’ll do it tomorrow in the next city.”
“Sounds great to me!” I nodded. “Have you asked the others?”
“I think Zack or Alex was going to.”

I nodded and Jack smiled before walking around behind me and placed his hands over mine that held onto the chains. He gave a little push to start the swing moving. I smiled and started swinging my legs to go higher as he helped push.

I couldn’t help the smile on my face. I love swings, always have probably always well. After a while Jack stopped pushing me and I looked to the side of see him on the other swing standing on it as it moved with a huge smile on his face. Rian was right when he said Jack was a big kid at heart. I’m completely fine with that, I find it adorable.

Plus he makes me smile being like that. In fact I think he makes everyone smile like that.

I chuckled at him and kept pumping my legs. Once I was at the height I wanted to be at I leant right back and looked up at the sky. It felt like a rush doing this and it always gave me the feeling of flying. Smiling I closed my eyes and just felt the air move around me.

A sudden thud made my eyes snap open and I sat up looking at Jack. He was lying on the ground not far away from the swing he was just on. I looked at him worried and just as I opened my mouth to as if he was ok, he rolled over and burst out in a fit of laughs. My shoulders slumped and I let out a long sigh of relief.

I really thought he hurt himself this time.

“So I guess I can’t do that trick anymore.” He chuckled sitting up.

He looked at me and I gave him a confused and curious look. He smiled softly.

“It’s a trick on the swings me and Alex used to do, it’s kinda of hard to explain without showing it to you. And well as I just found out I can’t do it.” He shrugged. “I’m too tall.”

I laughed and he just smiled getting up off the ground. He moved and walked over to stand in front of me seeing as stopped swinging when he fell. I looked up at him; he was already taller than me in height so you bet he looked huge right now.

At least he did until he bent down close to my level so I didn’t have to look up as high. He placed a quick kiss to my lips.

“Will you go down the slide with me?” He asked completely serious.

I had to actually bite the inside of my cheek so I wouldn’t laugh. Over his shoulder I took a glance at said slide – small thing that was bright yellow. Maybe he was more of a kid at heart when what I thought. I looked back at him in the eyes and smile.


He grinned at me and before I had the chance to stand up, I was somehow picked up and draped over his shoulder. I gasped at how sudden it was and glared at Jack’s back.

“Jack, put me down!” I yelled.
“Nope!” Jack said turning his head to smile at me. “I like the view; nothing personal.” He laughed.

I felt my face heating up and I bit my lip. I hit him lightly on the back and huffed. That just made Jack laugh louder as he walked over towards the rest of the playground equipment. After a moment Jack placed me down on one of the platforms. Once I stood up straight I couldn’t help but grin. I was taller than him. I chuckled and quickly kissed his cheek.

Jack beamed and then climbed up next to me. I pouted; well there goes all my tallness. Jack ruffled my hair making me duck my head down and walked across the bridge to the slide. Letting out a long breathe I followed.

Jack plopped himself down so he was sitting at the top of the slide with his legs hanging down. He looked up at me patting his lap. I stepped over him and sat on his lap, with this slide I kind of had to, it wasn’t very wide at all. Jack’s arms snaked their way around my waist. I smiled.

We both slid down and we were on the ground in around three seconds or less. Jack laughed from behind me sitting on the edge of the slide. I turned my head to look at him now laying down on the slide.

“Comfy there?” I asked smirking.
“Very.” He nodded.

I chuckled and lay back against him. His arms around me tighten slightly. I looked up at the sky and the odd strange looking clouds. It was really nice to have a day off that was peaceful as this. It was nice to relax, not run around everywhere and not be in the van...which still seriously needs a clean.

In all have no idea who long we were laying like that, together, silent and just peaceful when suddenly Rhianna was right in front of me. I jumped shocked and blinked. She laughed.

“We have lunch, if you two care to join the rest of us.” She smiled. “Come over when you’re ready.”

And just liked that she was gone from my sight again. Jack sighed quietly from behind me and I felt the warm air brush against my hair. I didn’t really want to move but now I felt hungry.

“Better to get something to eat I guess.” Jack mumbled into my hair.

I nodded and sat up getting off of him. Reaching out my hand, he took it and I helped him off the slide. I looked around the park for our friends to notice that they had moved from where they had been sitting earlier when me and Jack ran off to the swings. I looked towards out tour bus and van; I spotted them sitting on the grass there.

Pulling at Jack’s hand and we started walking over to them. They were all sitting on the ground in a large circle with bags and containers of food in front of them. I sat down next to Issac and Jack took my other side.

Trent handed us some plates and cups. Everyone started picking out food they wanted and pasted it around. Now this was what you call a picnic in a park. This was a brilliant idea on our day off before a long nights drive.

I smiled and spooned a bunch of some type of fried rice onto my plate before getting a bunch of other stuff.

“So do we all agree on the bon fire tomorrow night?” Zack asked.

There was a loud bunch of agreements, one of the loudest coming from Jack. I poked his thigh and he laughed.

“Well we need to figure out a way of getting wood then.” Alex pointed out.
“And marshmallows!” Issac exclaimed.

Then there was a whole bunch of things called out by half of the people here. I laughed and started eating as everyone talked about it.

I felt Jack’s lips touch my cheek. I looked at him and he quickly pecked my lips before shoving a bunch of food in his mouth. I just had to laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
hehe I just wanted to write a cute chapter with just Mariza and Jack :3
At least I hope it was cute!
I got boosted to write this now because someone wrote me a short and sweet oneshot about me- I mean Rhianna and Issac on quizilla :D

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Hey, Mariza, did you notice something Jack said in there that was from some where else? ;D