Status: Finished! Read the sequel!

More than a memory. More like reality.

Weird, I know

I was dreaming. Dreaming of something. I didn't know what it was. I was in a large room and I kept starting at this boy. What does he want? Why is he just staring at me?


Who called my name? What's going on?

I looked and a man with brown hair and red eyes was looking at me. I wasn't afraid. Something about him made me...I don't know. I just felt like he was important. Why was he trying to get to me?! A small town girl, umm.... anyone say stalker?

I woke up to the horrible feeling of emptiness. Something was missing. Something very close to me. Or is it someone? Damn, I hardly remember anything from the past few months!

I took a shower, hoping it would wash away my feelings of nothing. It didn't help. In fact, the warm water made it worse. That isn't good!

It was that stupid dream. Something about it was real. I have to find out what! Was it that stalker dude? Hmm.....

I put on my choker. I looked in the mirror, put on my eyeliner and mascara and was about to leave but I just kept staring at the choker. That symbol...right above the diamond...

Then something strange happened. I heard someone!

'That's his insignia. The tracker.'

What.Thet.Hell?! I looked around but no one was in my room. Where did that come from? Who gave the choker to me?

The alarm on my phone went off. Time to go.

I grabbed my backpack and headed out. As I walked I couldn't help but look into the forest. Something about it was just...inviting. It wasn't the meadow. I go there everyday. No. Something is there, something, that calls to me...

At school I was greeted by an overly-excited Karen.

"Hey, Alex! Prom's next week! You ready for it?!"

"Yeah...can you calm down?"

She laughed. "Nope! I am so excited!"

"Yeah, because you're taking someone that you like."

She shook her head.

"You two broke up?!"

"No! I was just letting you know that I don't like him. I think I'm falling for him!"

I was so happy for her. Something told me that I knew how she felt. But that's impossible. I've never fallen in love with anyone... Tristan? Hell no, he is an insolent toe-rag!

"So you two are that far huh?"

She nodded, her smile wide.

"I just don't know if he feels the same way."

"I'm sure he does."

We headed to class and I was looking out the window. What is so damn intriguing about the forest?!

Then something weird happened. I saw a vision. That's all I could describe it as. I was looking at myself look out the window. Something caught my eye. I was leaning further trying to see. It was a man with brown hair eyes?! Like the boy and the man in my dream.

"Hey, Alex! Time for lunch. Snap out of it!"

I shook my head as the vision faded. I must have blanked out.

At lunch I ate my food and got ready to go to the meadow. Edward and Bella were looking at me. They looked like the were trying to figure something out. Whatever...
why do I have the lingering feeling, that stalker red eye guy is watching me? Oh... creep!
I walked but as I got close to the meadow another vision came.

Edward and Bella were walking through the forest with me. We were going to meet someone. Who?

We stopped and two men stood in front of us. One had long black hair. And he was creepy. What's up with him? But the other one caught my attention. It was the same guy. The guy I saw out the window! I heard him say something about considering an offer. Ah so he has an Italian accent? Wait. Why do I care? Umm.... Italian is cool, if you like leather jackets, thick accents, fast cars, and hotties, ok! I like Italy!

The vision faded. I was alone, standing between two large trees. I decided to walk back before another vision came and had me standing in the middle of the road.

After school I was walking home. Something isn't right. I felt someone following me but that's not what was bothering me. Someone was actually watching me. Not the follower. Something else. I wanted to run to the follower. Weird I know.

When I got home I took off my necklace and just plopped in my bed. What the Hell is wrong with me?
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Well hope you liked the first chapter of this sequel! If you didn't read the first one you might have to do that then come back. I don't want you to get lost. Enjoy! Comments for chapters!