Status: On hold until I get back to my own house where I have more time to write.

Texting Started It All

Getting A Number


I'm at this stupid funeral even though I didn't even know the chick! How fucking messed up is that?

Anyway, I'm at my great aunts funeral. I haven't even seen her before let alone talked to her.

My Mom ,who I hate by the way, hardly knew her either. My step-dad, who me and step-sister call 'the dick', sides with my Mom so no way out of this.

My step-sister, Symphony, was texting her friend Danny and was just reading their texts. And she said it was OK so fuck off!


As me and Symmy (Symphony) were standing by the car waiting for our sperm and egg donors to come so we can go, she showed me a picture of Danny.

Holy. Shit. This guy was hot!!!

"He looks kinda......" I lead off.

She starts texting again and it reads, 'My step-sis thinks you're gay'.

"DUDE!" I yell slapping her arm. She just smiles and looks back at her phone and looks back at the phone with a new message.

'Well, she's a bitch. She doesn't even know me.' Was his reply.

I scoffed. What a hypocrite. He calls me a bitch for not knowing him and judging him and then goes and does it to me.

"Give me his number," I huffed. She smirked while telling me the numbers while I put them in my phone.

'Hey bitch :)'

'Heyy Who is this?'

'The person you just called bitch to Symphony'

He didn't respond so I smiled and laughed a little in victory.

I win dick :P
♠ ♠ ♠

Thank you guys so much :)

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