Status: Active, may take a little while to get going as I have exams.

I Know That We Still Got Time, but I Do Not Think We're Invincible.


Freya’s POV:

Two weeks had passed since that art museum trip. Brendon had called me a few times, but the majority of his time was spent with Spencer and his family as they hadn’t seen him in eight months. That was fair enough, but I did want to spend a little time with him.
“Freya, is that article ready on the AMA’s?” asked one of the assistants.
If you hadn’t gathered, I was at work.
“I’ve sent it through to the head office already.” I nodded.
“Oh, okay. Then you’re free to go.”
I rolled my eyes; who was she to tell me when I came and went?
“Thanks.” I nodded curtly and gathered my files. I slipped on my jacket and scarf, turned off the computer and exited the office. I pushed my way through the revolving door and saw Gareth resting on the wall.
“Freya! What’s cracking?”
“Hey, ‘Reth. I’m good, tired of work, but good. You?”
“Same. Working in Urban Outfitters can only provide so much mental stimulation.”
I smirked and held his hand. “Wanna come back to mine for a bit? I got a new Studio Ghibli movie in the mail the other day.”
“Oh, sweet. Which one?”
“Grave Of The Fireflies.”
“I really wanted to see that but someone else checked it out… you.” he scowled and poked my cheek.
I laughed and rested my head on his shoulder. “Do you forgive me?”
“Do you have popcorn?”
“Toffee popcorn, yes.”
“Then I forgive you.” he smiled and we walked back to my apartment. I unlocked it and Gareth went straight to the popcorn, pouring it into a bowl. I took off my shoes and lit a few candles, got two sprites and then sat on the couch. The movie was already in the player as I was going to watch it when I got home anyway. The weight shifted on the couch as Gareth sat down next to me and offered some popcorn. I took a few pieces and thanked him, pressing play. He put his arm around me and I cuddled into him, smiling.
Okay, I will admit, I like Gareth a little. He’s so wonderful and… indescribable. He’s artistic, has great taste in music, likes all the slightly obscure movies and comedy that I like… he’s like my twin in male, californian form.
I think he likes me too but I’ve never been sure, or challenged him on it.
“You look really pretty today.” he whispered and I blushed furiously.
He always did things like this, little comments here and there, which could be taken as flirting or as compliments.
“Thanks, ‘Reth, you look pretty dashing yourself.”
He pressed pause on the remote and turned to look at me, breathing out deeply.
“It’s not just me, is it?” he asked.
“No.” I said, looking down.
He didn’t need to expand on his question, because I knew exactly what he meant.
Gareth put two fingers under my chin and lifted my head up slowly. His piercing blue eyes gazed into my own. He went in to kiss me, but laughed a little and backed away. I laughed too, no doubt we’d both imagined this before, but it seemed so odd now we were finally round to doing it.
I cut off his laughs by kissing him softly. He tasted like peppermint gum, he was always chewing that damn gum. That kiss turned into several and he put his hands on the small of my back, slowly pulling me on top of him so we were laying down. His tongue graced my bottom lip and I parted slightly, letting him take control. He swept it in and our tongues massaged each other gently. It became more passionate and lust filled as time passed and his hands slid up the back of my shirt.
I backed away, licking my lips.
“Wow.” he whispered.
“My thoughts exactly.”
I kissed him once more then sat up.
Gareth sat up too and put his hand on my thigh. “What do we, uh, what do we do from this point onwards?”
I looked down, because I didn’t know. As much as I liked Gareth and loved that kiss, I had Brendon to consider. Admittedly, I was single, but I was kind of Brendon’s. Although, he had lied to me, and Gareth had never done that. I trusted him with my everything, but unfortunately I couldn’t say the same for Brendon.
“I… you know Brendon, right?”
“The guy at the art show? Yeah, he seemed cool.”
“The thing is, it’s real complicated with him. I kind of said that maybe I would date him when I could trust him again. But I trust you now so I’m confused.”
“Oh.” he said, looking down. “Of course.”
“I’m going to lose out either way, so maybe I should remain friends with you, but remain friends with Brendon too, to make it fair.”
“You could. I really liked that, though. It’s the most amicable decision, so, let’s continue being best friends.” he sighed internally, smiled half-heartedly and hugged me.
“I’m sorry, you do realize I’d say yes straight away if there was no one else in this?”
“I do.” he nodded and kissed my cheek.
“I really am sor-”
“I know, stop repeating it.”
“No, I have to make a decision.” I said, pulling away from the hug.
I have a feeling I’m going to regret this.
“Through out everything, you’ve been there for me. You’ve been truthful and generous, and just plain lovely. He’s done nothing for me, so screw him.” I said, crashing my lips onto his.
Brendon’s POV:
“Are you dating Freya yet, Bren?” asked Spencer.
“Will you stop nagging? When she says yes, she says yes, okay? I’m not going to pressure her.”
“Are you sure she really likes you?”
“I know Freya, and she wouldn’t sleep with someone she didn’t care a lot about.”
Spencer’s mouth dropped and I covered my mouth with my hands.
“You did not hear that.”
“You slept with her? When?”
“A few months ago.”
“She was in rehab with you? What the hell Brendon?”
I sighed and collapsed onto the couch. “Yes Spencer, she was. Freya used to be anorexic and got out two months before me. She didn’t know it was me, though. I didn’t tell her my name because I thought she would hate me, as she already flipped me off when I told her I loved her at graduation. We dated whilst in rehab, and the day she left I gave her a letter detailing everything that was my past, and who I was. So yeah, she won’t date me until she trusts me.”
“You, and… whoa. Okay.”
“So I can’t pressurize her.”
My cell rang and I answered.
“Hey, B.”
‘It’s Freya.’ I mouthed to Spencer. He nodded.
“Hi, Freya! What’s up?”
“I’ve… I’ve decided something.”
“What is it? Are you hurt, are you okay?”
“I, well, I suppose. The thing is, Gareth asked me out. I told him about how I was going to date you, then I realized something. I trust him with my life, I don’t have to question anything, but I don’t trust you at all, B. So I’ve decided to date him. I’ve only just said yes, so other than him you’re the first person to know.”
“I… oh. Oh.”
“Do you hate me?”
“No, I c-could never h-hate you.” I said, feeling the tears stinging my eyes. “Bye.”
I hung up. I fingered my phone carefully, then chucked it against the wall as hard as I physically could.
I let the tears fall and started crying hysterically. I’m not emotional, but she makes me like this. It’s her fucking fault.
Spencer came in. “Oh God… what happened?”
“Her best friend got there before me. Oh great, she trusts Gareth, she doesn’t trust me. He’ll want her for a good fuck, but as long as there’s trust, who even cares? It’s not like I’d love her with every inch of my body or something like that. It’s not like the prospect of spending the rest of my days with her sounds like the best way ever to spend my life, no, of course not.” I cried.
I’d lost out. I was second best. I wasn’t good enough for her.
He sat down next to me and hugged me tightly. “Bren, it’s okay, you’ll find someone else. She’s not good enough for you. I love you man.”
“I love you too.” I sniffed and hugged him tightly. “I want heroin, Spencer. I need some heroin."
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