Status: 10 stars. We love you all <3 It's quite active.

You're So Pretty On the Outside


Once everyone was settled in the living room, I walked into the kitchen. Oli followed shortly after and turned me so that my back was against the counter. I stood on my tip toes to wrap my arms around his neck as he placed his hands on my hips and buried his face in my neck.

“Why can’t you just come with us?” he asked, his words muffled by my skin.

“Because, Oli, I have a job now. They’ve just accepted me. I can’t just tell them no now. And besides, we’ve just started dating and nobody even knows about us. What if something went wrong?”

“Nothing would go wrong, Angel. We would just tell everybody now, just tell the people that something came up and you have to decline the job, and we could work everything out from there.” He lifted his head and placed his hand against my cheek as he kissed me. “We would be fine.”

I smiled softly even though I knew that I wouldn’t be going. Suddenly I heard footsteps and I whispered to Oli about them as I pulled away. I had just made my way across the kitchen as Curtis entered the kitchen. He sent a suspicious glance my way before his gaze drifted over to Oli. Curtis made his way to the refrigerator and pulled out a Coke as he continued to send curious glances our way. I watched him in amusement as he slowly made his way back out of the kitchen.

“That was strange,” I commented once the door was closed.

“That was Curtis.”

I laughed and shook my head. After finding the donut that I had initially been looking for, I started to follow Curtis’ lead and walk into the living room. I squealed when Oli grabbed my free hand and pulled me away from the door. I gasped when he took my donut and bit off of it.


“Yes, I know I have one,” he said smugly only to earn a slap. “What was that for?!”

“For being a perv without giving me the opportunity to be one too.”

“You’re so weird.” He was cracking up as I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room.

“I think that we should all go out to eat,” I announced when I entered the room.

“Why?” Sarah asked.

“Because I’m hungry and nobody will cook for me.”


I pouted as our group slid into the large booth at Applebee’s. No matter how much I denied going to the restaurant and threatened to mess with them in their sleep, everybody forced me to go here instead In-N-Out. Those of us who don’t eat meat would just eat fries.

“I hate this place,” I muttered as I slipped in followed by the Matt’s and Oli.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed when the waitress practically threw herself at all of the guys. When I saw that she was flirting with Curtis and Sarah was thoroughly pissed, I decided to say something since I knew that she wouldn’t.

“Hey, fuck off. Can’t you see that he’s taken?” I snapped.

The girl, Stacy, glanced at me in shock before glaring. She went to make a move on Lee but he was so entranced with Jennifer that he just ignored the slut. With that said, she finally moved on to Oli. I glared at the side of his head before looking away when he played along and flirted with her. Finally I got fed up with everything and stood up.

“That’s it. I’m done here. You can expect a complaint to your manager,” I spat.

My temper was shot. First of all, she wouldn’t take my order therefore I didn’t have any food twenty minutes after she had been standing there. And now she’s flirting with everything that has a working dick.

I squeezed my way between people and made my way out of the restaurant. Before walking out of the place though, I filled out a comment card describing how horrible the service had been. Just as I was about to start my little Honda S200, Oli stormed out of the building.

“What was that all about?” he questioned somewhat angrily.

“I’m hungry and you were flirting with another girl.”

“You could have just asked me to stop.”

I suppressed a roll of my eyes as I rested my head on my arms along the top of my door.

“And what? Give away the fact that I like you and we have a relationship? Or have you pissed off at me because I interrupted your little ‘conversation?’ Telling you to stop wouldn’t have gotten me anywhere.”

“Neither does storming out of the building and trying to leave,” Oli argued.

“Sure it does. This way I can actually be served somewhere and I don’t have to see you acting like the man whore you are.”

“Are you seriously going to bring this shit up again, Anna?”

“Yes I am, because you’re proving everything that I thought before to be true! Why don’t we just stop with this little charade of ours and accept that we can’t be anything more than friends if we can even be that?”

“Because I don’t want to be just friends, Angel! I want to have a real relationship with you. I want to be able to tell people that you’re my girlfriend and brag to them that you’re a better girl than they could ever get! I want to be able to spend time with you whenever we have time without worrying about if people will see us!”

“I know that Oli and I want it too! I just… can’t. I can’t explain why because I don’t know why! I just can’t risk getting hurt. Seeing you flirt with that waitress in there just brought my paranoia back. I know that if we were together you wouldn’t cheat on me, but sometimes you never expect somebody to cheat and then they do.”

Oli was gripping his hair in frustration and it looked as if he was restraining himself from saying something.

“Fine then. If you don’t want to be together then we won’t. Go ahead and leave. See if I care,” he spat.

I glared at him and flipped him the bird before storming over to my car. Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair and drove away from Applebee’s. I had expected it though, I told him not to expect too much to come out of our ‘relationship’ so to speak.

After driving around the city aimlessly, I finally pulled into the parking lot of an old fashion diner. A nice, older woman led me to an empty booth and took my order of fries and a milkshake. She looked me up and down before smiling at me reassuringly.

“Boy troubles?” she questioned knowingly.

I stared at her in shock. “How did you know?”

“I may be old now, but I was your age once. I know the face of a girl who just broke up with her boyfriend. Just don’t give him too much of a hard time.”

She patted my shoulder before walking off to get my food. I played around with the stuff on the table as I thought about what she had said. It was my fault that he was flirting with that girl. Obviously if I wanted the relationship to be a secret it wasn’t that serious. Not to mention, he’s so used to just going with what’s happening that flirting back to a girl was practically second nature to him. I let out a long sigh and looked down in front of me. My food was sitting on the table and I hadn’t even realized that it had been delivered yet. I started on my meal and when I left I made sure to leave an extra large tip for the old woman.

As I drove home I wondered how I would apologize to Oli. I didn’t plan on asking him to be with me again, but I figured that admitting what I had done was wrong was the least I could do. I jumped out of my car when I saw the guys’ rental in the driveway and rushed inside.

“Oli, can I talk to you in the kitchen?” I asked, slightly out of breath.

The expression on his face showed nothing but annoyance and I almost thought that he would just ignore me, but he got up huffily and made his way to the kitchen. Jennifer shot me a questioning glance but I just smiled at her without explaining anything.

“What do you want?” Oliver asked rudely when I entered the room.

“Well excuse me. I just came home because I realized that I was a bitch earlier and I wanted to apologize to you. I guess that plan just flew right out of the window,” I said sarcastically.

He scoffed. “You probably just wanted to get in my pants again. I know how much you liked it the first time.”

“You son of a bitch!” I seethed. “First of all, I’m not nearly that much of a slut. Second, I don’t even remember that night. For all I know you shoved it in once and called it done.”

“Really now? Then why did you scream my name so much?”

His mocking was getting the best of me and I walked up to him intending to smack him across the face. He caught my wrist right before I made contact and pulled me against him.

I gritted my teeth before managing to growl at him. “Let me go.”

“No. I have to say something first.”

“You can do that without restraining me.”

“No I can’t. You’ll either run away or try to slaughter me!”

“I can’t say that you’re wrong about that, but just let me go or I’ll scream.”

“No you won’t.”

“Yes I will.”

No you will not,” he said firmly.

I tried to smack his arms off of me but it was no use.

“Yes I will! What makes you think that I won’t?”

“If you scream then people will come running in here. They’ll see us in this position and when they ask what’s going on, I’ll say that I just asked you out and you were screaming because I was tickling you.”

I sighed in annoyance. Oli had switched the cards around pretty quickly and I didn’t like it one bit.

“What do you want to say then?”

“I want to say that I’m sorry. Even though our relationship is a secret and all, I should have been more considerate about your feelings and told that girl to fuck off.”

I smiled softly and started to play with the hem of my shirt. Oli lifted my chin lightly and forced me to look up at him.

“I’m sorry, “ he repeated.

I sighed and wrapped my arms around his lanky chest. “I’m sorry too.”

“Why don’t we try this again?” Oli suggested.

I hesitated a bit. Making up with Oli was all part of the plan, but getting back with him was definitely not part of that.

“I don’t know…”

“Please? Just this one last time?”

His expression reminded me so much of a wounded puppy dog that I couldn’t resist him. I sighed in defeat and leaned my head against his chest.

“Fine. Just this one last time.”

Oli leaned down and kissed my forehead before finally releasing me from his death grip. I took an exaggeratingly deep breath.

“Sweet air!” I exclaimed dramatically.

“Oh whatever. Now, what are we going to tell people that you were talking to me about?”

I thought about it for a moment. “Sarah’s birthday. Curtis was just asking me what he should get her the other day. You could just say that you don’t know how to shop for a girl and you asked me to help you on the phone before I got here.”

He nodded in acceptance and we headed to the area where everybody seemed to live in.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello everybody! I'm still alive :) I missed you all!

This chapter is super long. Did I freak anybody out with that almost breakup? Haha :p But I like twists. Just to give you all fair warning, it will go back and forth so much that you'll never be able to figure out whether or not the two stay together until the end of the story.
