Status: Hope you guys like it. I don't know when I'll post. my date setting sucks. So i will post whenever. Comment PLEASEEEE

You And Me Together In This Life Time, Not Going To Work

Ten Rounds With Jose Cuervo

I woke up in the morning with a hangover. I sighed.
I laid there in bed and remembered yesterday.
"Ashton!" I yelled as I saw him at the door.
He ran at the guy and punched him on his jaw.
I slid to the floor as he left go of me. Ashton punched him across the face and he knocked out. He went on his knees and I cried in his arms.
He drove me home, Renee got a ride.
He took me to my bed, kiss my forehead.
"D-don't l-l-eave." I stuttered.
He moved in the bed after he sighed and took off his shoes.
I put my head on his chest and cried. Not only because of me almost getting raped, but because of the man thats holding me. I am finally letting out the tears.

My parents came home, and saw me. My mom ran up to me when she saw me.
"What happened?" I heard my dad's concerned voice. My mom was rubbing my back.
"Some tried raping her." Ashton whispered. I heard my mom's gasp.
I finally stopped crying and took a shower.
When I got out, I put on my pajamas and thanked Ashton.
He left and my parents also left a half hour later because of an important business meeting.
I let them go. When they were gone, I went to the kitchen and found the alcohol drawer. I pulled out Jose Cuervo and Patron. I put Jose Cuervo in a mixer half way and poured 7 shots of Patron. I put ice and shook it. I got out a big margarita cup and poured it and drank away the memory of Ashton for that one night, listening to a funny song.

I walked in and the band just started
The singer couldn't carry a tune in a bucket
Was on a mission to drown her memory but
I thought no way with all this ruckus

But after one round with Jose Cuervo
I caught my boots tapping 'long with the beat
And after two rounds with Jose Cuervo
That band was sounding pretty darn good to me

Then some stranger asked me to dance
And I reveled to her my two left feet
Said "Don't get me wrong, I’m glad you asked,
But tonight's about me and an old memory

Then after three rounds with Jose Cuervo
I let her lead me out on the floor
And after four rounds with Jose Cuervo
I was showing off moves never seen before

Well, around five or round six
I forgot what I came to forget
After Round seven, Or was it eight?
I bought a round for the whole dang place

And after nine rounds with Jose Cuervo
They were counting me out and I was about to give in
Then after ten rounds with Jose Cuervo
I lost count and started counting again

One round with Jose Cuervo
I went two rounds with Jose Cuervo
Three rounds with Jose Cuervo...

I sighed and got up. The bell rang and I whined, I got up and put on slippers. The bell rang again as I was going down the stairs.
"Wait!" I yelled.
"Ow." I mumbled, holding my head. The bell rang again when I was right in front of it.
I opened the door angrily. Right as I was about to yell, I was attacked into a kiss.
I saw Shane's eyes, closed, with his hands holding the back of my head.
He pulled away, "Please tell me your okay."
"I'm fine." I said simply.
"Sam. I know this is really random, but will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.
"I-i." I froze speechless.
"Um. Yeah I will." I said and forced a smile.