The Flood Is Getting Closer


Natalie’s POV

Scottie woke me up early the next morning. “I don’t see why we’re not flying to freaking Fresno” I groaned. “Because my dear Natalie road trips are amazing, I mean who wouldn’t want to be stuck in a car with Mabbit for six freaking hours” She winked at me. Something must have happened besides that kiss yesterday. “Scottie who are you driving with then” I shouted running into her room. “Green of course. He drives like an old hag but I get to drive again and I like to give him heart attacks” She laughed. Dear god they’re dating. I got dressed and made sure I had everything I needed. Craig and Max turned up around 9:30 and we made our way to the cars, I had to admit I was really enjoying the fact that it was just me and Craig for god knows how many hours. I was just looking out the window for the first half an hour watching the sites pass me by when he interrupted me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled. "Yea I'm fine thanks just thinking." I said and he nodded. I could tell something was on his mind but I didn't want to bother him. We stopped at a rest stop to get something to eat Bryan Rob Max Scottie and Katie joined us. “Land it’s so nice to be on land” Max joked. “If you were driving we wouldn’t get to Fresno until next year” Scottie joked. “Next time I’ll just go with Mabbit and Nat” Green said. “Yes please do” Craig said. “Come with me” Scottie dragged Craig off into the store.

Craig’s POV

“Dude what the hell is with you. You’ve been distance towards Natalie today. She’s been texting Max asking him what happened. You need to fix this. I can’t have anyone of us be mad at each other when we get to Fresno” She said. “But that’s the thing it’s Gabe” I said. “What?” She looked confused. “I have a feeling Gabe is gonna try and get with her” I said. “Grow up Mabbit. My brother yes he’s a ladies’ man but he respects my friends alright now go apologize to her will you before I beat you with a Twinkie” She smiled I sighed and went into the diner, I didn't feel like sitting next to Natalie, so what if Scottie said that he wouldn't steal her away I can't take her word for it. I sat next to Rob. "Hey bro." He said and I winked at him. I notice Natalie look at me and then shake her head. I felt bad but if I didn't get close then I wont get hurt. Selfish I know but oh well. I ate and then went back to my car. I felt rage pulse through my veins when I noticed Natalie get into the car with Scotti and Max came into my car. "That's what you wanted wasn't it?" Scotti shouted shaking her head at me. Yeah I guess it was. "You're a douche bag Mabbit." Max said as soon as he sat down.

Natalie’s POV

“I just don’t understand him” I was crying. Scottie drove and to say the most she was really good. “Mabbit’s a fucking douche bag I told him I would kill him if hurt you I guess I need too now” She said. “But what did I do” I said. “Nothing you did nothing. It’s him all him” She growled. “Are you ok?” I asked. “He’s so fucking stupid. Like Gabe is a great looking dude but fucking Mabbit saw the same photo I showed you of him and he thinks Gabe is gonna try and steal you away from him. Seriously Mabbit is like a girl sometime” I looked at Scottie. “Your more upset about this then I am” I said. “Because I’m supposed to be relaxing right now not driving and Max and I were discussing stuff” "Oh I'm sorry this is all my fault." I said wiping my eyes. Damn me and my emotions! I got my bag out and started fixing my makeup. I felt like an idiot, crying over some guy I wasn't even going out with! "Don't even worry about it Scotti, I'm not and I won't be talking to him for a while either." I said and put in a CD. I turned up 'Right Side Of The Bed' by Atreyu and we both cheered up almost instantly. "Don't be mad at Max though Scotti, I wonder what he's saying to him right now?" I said.

Max’s POV

“How fucking stupid can you be” I growled. “Dude you know Scottie’s brother” Craig said. “I never fucking met him neither has any of us. Be lucky she’s doing this for us. Seriously she’s not even suppose to be driving right now but your girlfriend doesn’t know how to drive stick and why the fuck do you do this every time girls come your way” I said. “Not every time” He said. “Yes every time. Scottie doesn’t count we ALL know about your two’s fling you had. Don’t act so innocent. She told us what happened and yeah I wouldn’t blame her not wanting to date any of us. She’s amazing and guess what buddy Natalie is perfect for you and she’s good for you man like she makes you happy which is something you need” I said. “Seriously man she’s fall for her brother the minute she sees him” Craig said. “Mabbit you’re a fucking idiot” I popped in a As Blood Run Black Cd and blasted the volume. Anything besides listening to Mabbit and his stupid non problems he created for himself.I sent Scottie a text messaging saying ‘I’m sorry you couldn’t rest. I’ll see you soon. Xx’ She text me back. 'It's okay, Nat is driving its funny as hell I'm trying to teach her' I chuckled to myself and Craig looked at me I shook my head and he grumbled to himself but kept his eyes on the road. I hope Natalie doesn't hook up with Scotties brother I don't want to hear Mabbit's moaning getting any worse, nor do I want a fight. Again.

Scottie's POV.

"You're alright now dude, you picked it up quick!" I said and Natalie smiled. She felt bad about making me drive and literally made me pull over and let her drive and besides she loved it anyways! I got another text from Max. 'Dude, this guy is killing me!' I laughed. “What’s so funny” Natalie asked. “Nothing” I said and texted Max back. ‘I miss you’ I never said that to anyone really but I honestly did miss him. “Hello” My phone rang. “Gabe what’s up” Nat looked at me for a quick second. Eyes on the road” I said. “Dude we’re like about two hours south of Fresno so I’ll call you when we get closer alright? Love you bye” I hung up. “What was that about” Natalie asked. “He wanted to know if I was driving” I lied. Actually he called to tell me Dad will be there. That’s going to be a scary reunion.