Status: Well, didn't finish it before graduation but we did finish it =D Hope everyone enjoys.

How far out can you get before there's no turning back?

Chapter 9

When the cop had handcuffed and brought me to jail, he hadn't taken any chances and had me chained to the bed in the solitary confinement cell.

I hadn't been in there that long when one of the security guards opened the barred, heavy steel door and led me to one of the interrogation rooms. He handcuffed my arms and legs to the chair.

My wrist was burning even more now because they had wrapped in up in medical tape. Nurses could be so stupid.

A few minutes later, the door opened and to my unfortunate surprise, Paige was standing there.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned.

She didn't answer and sat down in the chair in front of me.

The detective that came in behind her replied, "She asked to see you, don't do anything stupid."

"Don't do anything stupid? Really? Fuck off." I rolled my eyes. Why can't these stupid bitches just give me my fucking matches back.

"Watch it, Kayla," the security guard warned.

"Detective Rainer, can I have some time alone with her?" Paige questioned.

I glared at her.

"I don't know if that's safe, Ms. Willow. She.." He glanced at me.

Paige looked him in the eye, "I'll be okay. I just want to talk to her."

"Fine," Detective Rainer replied. He leaned into Paige's ear and whispered, "Don't worry, you'll be safe. We'll be watching." He nodded to the mirror behind Paige's chair.

"I'm not stupid, you know." I said, hearing every word.

The security guard chuckled. "Well, you did get yourself here somehow."

Anger flamed through my body.

Detective Rainer walked out the door, and the security guard backed into the far corner.

"What the hell do you want?" I finally asked, glaring at Paige.

"I just want to talk."

"Sure, that's all. You just want to talk."

"That is all I want, Kayla," she said, her face showing sympathy.

"Don't play me. Just fuck off."

"Cut the crap, Kayla," she said, leaning on the table and getting a little closer to me.

"There's no crap to cut, Paige," I said, becoming annoyed.

She pulled something out of her pocket and held it up. "What happened to your parents?" She was holding up the picture of my mom, my dad, and me.

"That's none of your damn business."

She sat the picture down in front of me on the table. "Actually, it is my business. You just shot me, Kayla." she said, pointing to her wounded arm.

"And?" I said. "If they hadn't chained me to this fucking chair, I would have totally strangled your ass by now."

The security guard inched closer to us.

Paige turned to him. "It's okay. I trust her."

The security guard didn't step back.

"Oh, so you trust me now? That's not a very smart decision." I smirked.

She ignored me. "You didn't answer my question. What happened to your parents?"

She wasn't going to give this up. I tried to lean forward, but the handcuffs pressed into my wrist. It hurt like hell.

Paige glanced at my wrist and the bandages that covered them.

"What happened to your arm?" She questioned.

I relaxed, the burning had died down a little. I looked her in the eye. "My parents died."

She looked like she was about to cry. "I'm so sorry."

There was no holding back the anger anymore. "You're sorry!? For what!? That my life's not fucking perfect like yours? I don't need your sympathy."

"You think my life's perfect? It's anything but that. It wasn't even close to perfect before you came into the picture." Tears poured out of her eyes.

"When I was ten, my sister died. She was fifteen and wanted to drive to the store. I got in the car with her, and she wrecked. A head-on collision. She died instantly, but I survived. I survived." The tears came even harder. "I shouldn't have survived. I shouldn't have let her start the car."

I was shocked. I had no idea that this had happened to Paige. "I'm sorry, Paige. I had no idea."

She looked angry. "I don't want your sympathy." She glared at me. "I don't want YOUR sympathy! I blame myself almost every day for what happened to my sister, but I don't need your sympathy."

"I..." I had no clue what to say.

"My life's not perfect, no matter what you think. I'm still
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally wrote it. Only a couple of chapters left until the story's over!!
We'd love it if you told us what you think about the story!
A few weeks ago, when Morgan and I were thinking about this story, we realized something. We were freshman when we started this story, and we're juniors now. It's kind of sad how long this story has taken us. Oh well, though, we're not giving up until it's finished!