With a Delicate Soul, I Don't Claim to Know Much

Gone Again

Slowly sitting up in bed, I frowned before glancing over at the alarm clock to see that it was almost ten. I got out of bed and ran down the hall, "Gabe?" I called out frantically, "Gabe!?" I shouted louder as I stopping in the living room.

"He left like at seven." Allison informed me from the couch, "he said he'd call you when he got to LA." She added.

I just stood there with a frown, I told him I'd wake up early and drive him to the airport so we could have a little more time together, but I guess he didnt want that.

"He also said that he was sorry that he didnt wake you up, but he didnt want to say goodbye. He seemed really bummed out." She nodded a little, "Like, happy he was going on tour, but really depressed that he was leaving you."

I walked back down the hall without a thing to say to Allison. I took a fast shower, got dressed then left. Before I knew it, I was at my parents house, crying to my Mom. I dont know what came over me, maybe it's my hormones from my body starting to notice that it's pregnant, because this feels like major PMS.

"Kacie, it's not like Gabe walked out on you." She insisted as she rubbed my back, "He just didnt want to deal with you crying, or begging him to stay." SHe paused, "He's going to call when he gets to LA, he still loves you."

"He didnt say good bye." I cried in a pathetic manner, "He always says good bye and gives me a kiss."

"How do you know he didnt give you a kiss?" She asked, "You were sleeping."

I sat there and thought about it then shook my head, "No. A kiss when I'm awake." I huffed.

She laughed, "Kacie, you're acting like a baby."

"I just want my husband." I whined.

She stood up and shook her head before gently kissing my forehead. I made a sad face then wiped away my tears slowly, "I miss him already."

"Honey, are you ok?" She questioned, "Are you scared of being without Gabe or something?"

"No, I'm pregnant ... I'm starting my never ending rollercoaster of parenthood, hopefully this time my body wont decide to exit early." I huffed.

She stopped what she was doing and looked at me, "You two are expecting?" She smiled.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm only like three, maybe four weeks." I whispered, "and I dont have morning sickness yet, but I just feel like I'm having really bad PMS and Gabe leaving without at least waking me up really hurts."

"Kacie, the man had his reasons behind it. You know, he gets sad when he leaves too, its not just you who gets depressed. He just has things to keep him busy, like meeting fans, playing shows, doing whatever it is that he does on tour, I dont know."

Slowly my Father walked in and eyed me with a stern look on his face before it turned soft, "Did I hear that you're pregnant?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah."

He smiled then walked over to me, hugging me tightly. I hugged back then pulled away, "Daddy, where's your caine?" I asked.

"In the living room. I dont need that to get around." He spat, "I'm fine.I'm only 47 I'm not old."

"No one said you were old Daddy." I paused, "But I would like you not to hurt yourself again." I pointed out.

"I dont need a caine." He defended.

"That's why you're having hip surgery, right?" My Mother questioned.

He shot her a look then looked at me. I gasped, "Hip surgery?" I questioned, "When is this happening?"

"In a month and a half." My Mom answered then pointed to the front room, "Go sit down, I'll make you lunch."

My Dad mumbled a few choice words then slowly limped away. I looked at my Mom as soon as he was out of sight, "Mom, is he going to be ok?"

"Yeah, he's going to be fine, it's just a simple operation."

"Mom, hip surgeries arent simple." I pointed out, "Is his therapy not helping with the healing?"

"It is, but they just want to do a hip replacement now because the doctor said in five years he's gonna end up needing it anyway. So he said he wants to go ahead and just get it over with, and that after the operation, Dad will be in great shape again, he wont even have to use a caine."

I bit my lip then frowned, "Mom, I want Daddy alive to see my baby."

She smiled softly then started to make my Father's lunch, "Honey, he'll see the baby, dont worry. And he'll see the baby after that ... he's a fighter, he's tough, it's going to take a hell of a lot more than a hip replacement to get him gone."

I smiled, knowing she's right. I got up and walked into the living room and sat on the couch. My Dad looked at me then his eyes shifted to my stomach for a moment before he looked back in my eyes, "Gonna name your baby after me?" He asked.

I laughed, "What if it's a girl?"

He shrugged, "Jimmy can be a girls name."

I laughed more and shook my head, "I dont know Daddy, we'll see." I sighed, "I just have to get passed these next few months, I'm scared I'm going to have another miscarriage."

"Oh shit, Kacie." he shook his head, "Baby dont worry about the negative. Just take it easy, stay somewhat active, dont run yourself into the ground with work."

I laid down on the couch all the way and frowned softly feeling tired. I closed my eyes and before I knew it, sleep washed over my body.


Walking into my hotel room for the night, I put my bags down before turning on the light. I made a bit of a face as I took my phone out and dialed my wife's cell phone. Listening to the ringing, I heard it about six times before her voicemail came on. I hung up then dialed our home phone and waited patiently.

"Hello?" I heard Allison question.

"Hey, this is Gabe ... is kacie around?"

"No. She's staying the night up at her parents house. She had a total melt down this mornig when she woke up and found out that you were already gone."

"Oh. Ok ... well I guess I'll talk to you later then."

"alrighty, Bye."

"Bye." I hung up and then looked in my contacts list for my ln law's number, once I found it I dialed it and again, waited.

"Hello?" My Mother in law answered.

"Hey, It's gabe ... is kacie there?" I asked.

She laughed softly, "She is, but she's asleep on the couch."

I smiled, "Ok ... I was trying to make sure she was ok." I paused, "I called our place and her phone but couldnt get ahold of her."

"Yeah, she's here. and congratulations on the pregnancy."

I smiled more, "Thank you. let's just hope nothing goes wrong this time."

"I'm sure it wont, kacie will be damned to let anything go wrong."

"I know. Well, when she wakes up just tell I called and I love her. She can give me a call if she wants, I'll have my phone on."

"Ok, I will."

"Alright, thank you." I paused, "I'll talk to you later."

"Alright Honey, have fun. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up and rubbed my face a bit feeling better than I know where kacie is. I put my phone down then looked around, just as I sat on the bed to take a minute to myself, there was a knock at the door.

I got up and looked through the peep hole to see Pete standing there. I laughed and opened the door, "Hey bitch." I smiled.

He smiled, "What are you diong in here all alone?" He questioned as he walked in.

"I just got here." I shut the door and turned around to him, "I was trying to get ahold of kacie."

He smiled over at me, "How is she?"

"Good and ... pregnant." I smiled.

He walked over and punched me, "No shit?"

I nodded, "yeah, after the miscarriage we've been trying to get her pregnant again." I smiled, "It worked."

He smiled, "This is a cause for celebration!" He cheered, "Let's go get everyone and go out."

"Everyone? Who else is here besides Alex and Ryland?" I questioned, "Victoria and Nate arent flying in until like five in the morning."

"William is here."

"Oh, I didnt know he was here already." I made sure I had everything then grabbed my phone and followed Pete out, "Where are we going?"

"Dont know yet, but we're going to go get Alex and Ryland first." He answered.

I laughed quietly to myself as I walked next to Pete, down the long hall and to the elevators. Needless to say I have a feeling I'm going to be waking up with a little bit of a hangover tomorrow.