With a Delicate Soul, I Don't Claim to Know Much

Untitled ... again

Walking down the stairs of Kacie's parents house, I sighed softly as I took an arm full of clothes into their laundry room and put them in the washer, starting them before walking out of the room and shutting the door. I looked at my Father in law as he sipped his Morning coffee. I sighed as I patted his back in an assuring way.

He looked up at me, "How's kacie?"

"Ok." I mumbled, "She just spent the last hour in the bathroom feeling like shit and throwing up, now she's curled up in bed trying to get some sleep. How are you?"

He shrugged, "I feel alone." He made a face, "She was basically my first 'true' girlfriend, highschool sweetheart turned wife and the mother of my only child. it's hard."

I nodded agreeing with him, "Is there anything you want me to do?" I asked, "Like around the house..."

He looked me straight in the eye and nodded, "Take care of my daughter." he said sternly, "I have a very strong support system with Tracy and my brothers, but Kacie ... she's distancing herself from everyone but you and Sammie." He shook his head, "She's hurt, she's pregnant and her Mother just passed away, she's scared."

"I know." I paused then made face, "I'm here for another day, anything that you need though, anything ... I'm here."

"thank you."

I lowered my head a bit then walked away. The front door opened and a man walked in. He stared at me blankly then frowned, "Who the hell are you?" He questioned.

"Who are you?" I spat right back.

"Dammit Steve!" Jim snapped as he walked in here, "Cant you just act like you're apart of this family for one day!?"

I looked at my Father in law then at the man known as 'Steve'. Steve sighed softly then eyed me a bit before looking at Jim, "Where's kacie?" He asked softly, "How is she holding up."

"Kacie is fine." Jim said bluntly. I raised my eyebrow. JIm sighed, "Gabe, this is Steve Kacie's uncle, Steve this is Kacie's husband Gabe."

Steve looked at me, "Little Kacie got married?"

"She isnt little Kacie anymore, you've been gone for over ten years. A lot has changed ... Gabe is a good guy." Jim sat down in his chair with a loud sigh as he put his feet up, his hip has been acting up on him since this morning at the hospital.


I leaned against the railing of the stairs and looked up, "what Bonita?"

"Can you get me something cold to drink please."

"Yeah." I answered then walked into the ktichen. I grabbed her a cold bottle of white cranberry juice then walked up the stairs and into her old room, to see her curled up in bed, still in just one of my shirts, giving her clothes are in the washer. I twisted the cap off and handed it to her. She sat up and sipped it slowly, her eyes puffy red and she looks like shit but can you blame her?

"My uncle is here, isnt he?"

I nodded as I sat down next to her, "yeah, he is." I whispered then kissed her cheek softly.

"when I was little he used to live with us, he was my older brother, he was fun and carefree, but he was into drugs and what not so my parents kicked him out and he hasnt really forgiven anyone since." She whispered, "I havent seen him in at least ten years."

"He doesnt like me." I said as I pushed some of her hair back.

She took the cap from my hand then twisted it back onto the juice and put it on the nightstand, "Are you doing anything for Daddy?"

"I asked and he didnt want me to do anything. But I figured I would go to the store and pick up some groceries for everyone, his side of the family is flying in soon, we're going to have a full house tonight."

She leaned into me and sighed sadly, "Did you put my clothes in the washer?"

"Yeah." I whispered, running my hand through her hair slowly, "Kacie, your Dad is worried about you."

She lifted her head and looked at me, "why?"

"Because, he said you're distancing yourself from everyone ... and I agree with him. Babe you cant keep pushing people away, I'm not going to be here in a few days."

She eyed me for a second but said nothing before looking away. I turned her head back to me, "Kacie, I know you're hurt, I'm hurt too, everyone is, this was unexpected ... but pushing people away from you isnt the answer, alright?"

She nodded.

"I love you and I dont want you shutting anyone out right now. We need as much family as we can get right now."

Slowly snaking her arms around my torso, she held me close as she rested her head on my shoulder. I rubbed her back lovingly as I rocked. She whined softly before shooting up out of the bed and running to the bathroom. I got up and followed her to hold her hair back as she threw up once again.

Deep down, I know that this isnt just the pregnancy, but it's anxiety, it has to be her nerves, right? The pregnancy can not be doing this all to her, can it?

She flushed the toilet then stood to her feet. She washed her face and I rubbed her sides from behind, "want me to get you something to eat?" I asked.

"No, I'm ok." She turned to me, "I think I'm going to take a nice long shower."

"Ok." I nodded then kicked the door shut before tugging my shirt off of her body. She smiled cutely and shook her head before standing on her tippy toes and pouting her lips. I kissed her slowly, it wasnt lead to sex passionate but it was loving.

She pulled away and walked to the shower in just her panties. I know I shouldnt have, but I let my eyes wander her body. She started the water then slowly dropped her underwear. I glanced over at me then smiled very softly but as soon as it came it left, "Wanna get in with me?"

"I really should get down there with Pops, make sure that your uncle is pushing his buttons."

"Oh." She nodded, "Ok." She mumbled then stepped in. I bit my lip then frowned feeling like shit after that look and the tone o voice she just used. I stripped myself of my clothes, then got in with her. She looked at me then hugged onto me as the water fell down onto our bodies.

Tracing her spine with my finger tips, for the first time in our relationship I feel like she really needs me, and for the first time since our marriage, I truly feel like her husband. I heard the door open and someone sigh, "Kacie ... babe are you in here?" Sammie questioned.

I peeked my head out of the curtain she looked at me, not shocked or anything, "Is she in there with you?"

I nodded, "Yeah, she is." I answered, "We'll be out in a while."

She nodded a bit then walked away, shutting the door behind her. I looked at Kacie and she sighed loudly as she let me go and ran her hands over her wet hair. Slowly, she shook her head and looked at me, "Do I look like shit?"

"Honestly? Yeah ... but bonita you're Mother just passed away, it's ok to look like shit." I insisted, "and you're still beautiful."

"Such a sweet talker, Gabriel."

"It's the truth."

She put her hands on my chest then bit her lip. She made another weird face then turned away from me, grabbing the shampoo. Before I knew it, we were out of the shower and dressed. Sammie and Kacie were locked away in the room, and I was busy trying to keep everyone happy, well, as happy as they can get.

These next two days are going to pass by too quickly, and before I know it, I'm going to be back out on the road, worrying myself to unhealthy legnths about my pregnant wife and her mental health.
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Last sappy chapter for a while, promise.