Status: Active

I'm Over Getting Older

Twenty One


Last night was amazing. She loves me. She said it. And besides that, sex with her is always great.

Hannah was asleep next to me, her arm wrapped loosely around my waist. I knew I had to get up to get Natalie, because she’d be awake any minute.

“What the fuck is going on here?” Lisa stepped into the room.

I really did think about making up a lie, but I didn’t want to be with Lisa anyways, so why should I try to make her forgive me for cheating on her? “Hannah and I had sex,”

She gasped. “Why would you do that to me?”

“Lisa, this isn’t working out anymore,” I said. I felt Hannah move, and I knew she was awake, but Lisa didn’t.

“Alex what’s wrong?”

I scoffed. “Lisa, you’re always bitching, and your rude, and you don’t even care about Natalie! There’s just nothing between us anymore,” I said loudly. “I’m sorry,”

“You asshole!” She screamed.

“Lisa stop!” I yelled as she stomped towards Hannah, pulling her hair. Good God she was fucking psychotic.

“You bitch!” She yelled. “You’re such a slut!”

Hannah looked her in the eye, trying hard not to laugh. “I’m a slut?” She scoffed. “Okay,” She rolled her eyes.

She stood up, getting out of bed, throwing on a shirt and a pair of my gym shorts. As she was walking out the door, Lisa turned her around and slapped her in the face, shocking me.

“You’re stupid, you know that?” She laughed humorlessly. “You took him from me first. You’re the whore.”

“At least I didn’t get pregnant in high school!”

Hannah shook her head. “Good luck with that, Alex.” She glared at me, motioning to her. I knew Lisa had just gotten under her skin by saying that.

“Han, wait!” I called after her.

She didn’t respond, and I heard Natalie faintly crying before I heard my front door slam shut.

“Get the fuck out of my house,” I grumbled, pinching the bridge of my nose.

“I hate you!” She said throwing a pillow at me and stomping off to go pack her bags.

"I can live with that!" I screamed after her, smirking.


“My two favorite girls are home,” Tyler grinned tiredly.

I felt guilt rush through me as he kissed me. I couldn’t go on with Tyler after I had sex with Alex. I just couldn’t. But I didn’t want to hurt Tyler, that wouldn’t be fair to him at all…

“I’m gonna go to see Matt. He’s leaving soon and I wanna spend some more time with him. Do you mind watching Natalie while I’m gone?” I asked, wanting to get away from Tyler as soon as possible. I couldn’t stand the gut wrenching guilt I was feeling.

“Of course not,” He smiled, kissing my forehead lovingly. “Tell Matt I say hey,” He called as I left quickly, a little too quickly. I could tell he was confused.

- - -

“Hannah, Hannah chill stop pulling my hand so damn fast!” Matt whisper yelled as I pulled him into my old bedroom so that we could talk without Mom hearing us. I didn’t want her to get involved right now.

“What the fuck is wrong? It’s early in the morning and you’re already flipping out.” Matt yawned.

“I had sex with Alex last night.” I blurted out, getting straight to the point.

“Ew why are you telling me? I don’t want to know my little sisters sex life! That’s a brothers worst nightmare!” He covered up his ears.

I rolled my eyes. “Matt what am I going to do about Tyler?” I whined.

“Well do you want to be with Tyler?” He asked.

I thought about it for a moment. I really don’t think I did anymore. I wasn’t in love with him like I thought. But he’s such a nice guy…

“I don’t know,” I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. “I don’t want to hurt him, but in the end I’m gonna have to end it, I think,” I mumbled.

“It’s better to do it now than later,” Matt said.

“But I don’t want to hurt him! He’s nothing but good to me, and what do I do to him? I go and whore around with Alex,” I growled at myself.

“Stop it!” He slapped my arm, but not hard. Just to playfully scold me. “You’re not a whore,”

“Yeah I am,” I muttered.

“You’re my sister, and my sister isn’t a whore,” Matt smiled.

“I think Alex and Lisa broke up,” I said.

“What? Why?”

“Because Lisa walked in while me and him were laying in bed together, without clothes on.” I said. “And then she called me a bunch of names and bitch slapped me and pulled my hair,” I laughed, thinking about how stupid Lisa looked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Fillla? Kinda, sorrry.
Went to orientation for my school today, and this chick was being a major bitch and told me to "go find my mommy and daddy" like I'm five? I was like wtf is that shit?
And they put me in Algebra 1 Honors, but I didn't want to take an Honors class for math cuz I SUCK BALLS at math.
So I'm fucked.
Oh well.
My throat kinda hurts...
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