

Hey Pokeman666,

I don't really have any nicknames, so either call me Jordan or make up a random nickname. lol

You're from England? That is totally wicked, and it reminds me of Harry Potter, sadly. Did you move here when you were younger or like do you still live there? And quick weird question, Do you have an accent? I think accents are awesometasticle. So yeah.

I'm originally from Portland, Oregon which is in the USA. It's a small town, well to others. But I'm currently living in Tuscan, Arizona, which is also a small town. It's the town where all the concerts are held. It's so cool. There was my favorite band there one time, called Something Corporate. You may have not heard of them. But if you do, my favorite song is Punk Rock Princess. So...

Anyways I'm going to store, I shall write more later. :D

Jordan :P
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I really hope you like this story. If there are any mistakes I would really love to know, and fix them. So yeah please comment, comments make me smile like this :D
