Status: All done! :D

From the Cold Streets to a Loving Home

Julianna Mendoza, or Juli, was just a normal girl until she was four years old, when her mother was murdered. After that, she thought her life would be fine. Little did she know her father would commit suicide when she was fifteen.

With no family left to take care of her, she was left to walk the streets by herself. Living on the streets isn't easy. People discriminate against her, and the only one that really helps her at all is an old friend of hers named Mary-Kate. That is...until someone new steps into her life and gives her a helping hand.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own The Outsiders, nor do I own any of its characters or story lines.
  1. Life on the Streets
    An insight into Juli's life.
  2. Kindness of Strangers
    The stranger from in front of the convenience store is revealed, and Juli has to make a difficult decision that could change the course of her life forever.
  3. The Decision
    Juli gets a preview of the house quickly, meets a new character, and finally makes up her mind.
  4. The Colorful Characters That Make Up the Gang
    Julianna meets the rest of the gang, learning a little bit more of the situation around the house.
  5. Danger on the Streets
    Juli has a run-in with some people that she won't soon forget.
  6. Morning in the Curtis House
    The first morning Juli spends at her new home, learning the routines.
  7. Decisions, Decisions...
    Pony, Two-Bit, and Juli argue over what to do when Juli comes up with a good idea.
  8. Movie Time
    Mary-Kate, Ponyboy, and Juli go to the movies and a realization is made.
  9. Meddling
    With how cute Pony and Mary-Kate would be together, how can Juli help but try to hurry things along?
  10. What Happens Next?
    So Pony and Mary-Kate had a bonding moment. Does that change anything?
  11. The Argument
    Darry is dead set on buying Juli clothes, but she doesn't want to worry him anymore. When two stubborn people have strong views...the world implodes. Kinda.
  12. Shopping Day
    Is shopping really as bad as Juli made it out to be?
  13. Caught
    Right when Darry and Juli decide to keep it a secret, some people ruin it all.
  14. Surprises
    Just when Juli thinks that her life is starting to pick up for the better, life throws a curve ball at her.
  15. It All Comes Down to This
    Will Juli choose to finish school or live with the fact that she's barely educated?
  16. School Time
    Did Juli make a mistake?
  17. Pressure
    School is taking its toll on Juli...already.
  18. Relaxation...
    It's time for Juli to learn that stressing about everything isn't going to help her at all.
  19. Lunch Situation
    Forgetting her lunch turns out to be a bad mistake for Juli and Two-Bit...
  20. Hospital
    Two-Bit finally gets to the hospital.
  21. Still in the Hospital
    Darry finishes up all the business at the hospital, and the gang is finally allowed to leave.
  22. Home at Last
    Things start to get complicated...
  23. Bring on the Awkward...
    Darry doesn't take Juli's news about Ian well...
  24. Awakening
    The consequences are worse than anyone could have predicted...
  25. Future
    Juli's injuries turn out to be pretty serious.
  26. Things Are Looking Up
    Surgery's done, and now it's time for Juli to start getting better.
  27. Crashing Down
    Everything falls into place, and things get back to normal...until...
  28. Discharged
    The hospital time is now in the past...but what about Juli and Darry?
  29. Wedding Bells?
    Does Juli accept or decline Darry's offer?
  30. Breaking News
    Ponyboy, Soda, and Mary-Kate are told the good news...but will they think it's so good?
  31. A Step in the Right Direction
    What's Juli going to do about the second thoughts she's been having?
  32. Relief
    The future seems clear appears that there's yet another bump in the road.
  33. The Truth Comes Out
    Who is Libby?
  34. It's Time
    A couple of years later...
  35. Wedding Reception
    After all that time of drama, it's nice to have a day to let go and have fun without any worries.
  36. Back to Work
    The honeymoon ends eventually, and it's time for Darry and Juli's lives to pick up as they had been before.
  37. Chaos
    Work can be a little bit hectic.
  38. Sickness
    Soda's contagious...right?
  39. Pregnant?
    Could Juli really be pregnant?
  40. Good News
    Sickness is gone, good times ahead.
  41. Unexpected Visitors
    Someone from Outsiders past has come back to take a peek into the present...
  42. The Verdict
    So how does Soda take Sandy's unexpected visit?
  43. Getting Rid of the Problem
    The Sandy situation desperately needs to be fixed.
  44. Prison
    What familiar face is in jail, too?
  45. Saved?
    Do Two-Bit and Juli get bailed outta jail or...?
  46. Facing the Consequences
    There only seems to be one way out of this...
  47. The Longest Night is Followed by the Longest Day
    Soda's decision?
  48. Blood's Thicker Than Water
    Did anything come of Soda's attempt to save Juli?
  49. Free
  50. Later in Life
    Here's where Juli and Darry are ten years from where they were. Last chapter.