‹ Prequel: Circus Circus

Return to the Circus

There are many things about the Circus that is well known. The 'rules'

Rule #1. Stay to yourself and don't go looking for trouble.

Rule #2. Be on time.

Rule #3. The show will leave with or without you.

Rule #4. The lion's master is always right.

But the main rule of all...

You never say no to Brendon Urie. The Circus owner... Never.
  1. Chapter One
    For Dee because I love her and maybe she will write me a story and finish it this time. :X
  2. Chapter 2
    This is for my Homebodys Dee and Trish cause I love them and they love B.den.
  3. Chapter Three
    This is for all my loves :D
  4. Chapter 4
    Way over due I know, Sorry if this sucks, but lets hope it doesn't.