But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter twenty two

I watched Frieza beat up Gohan and wondered what I could do to help. I wanted to jump in, but I’d be no help. It wasn’t just my safety I was worried about – I had to be prepared and help as much as I could, and sacrificing myself in vain wasn’t the way to go about it.

“Help him Vegeta! You’re the only one capable of doing so. If we both jump in and fight Frieza two on one, it’ll distract him long enough for Gohan to be whisked away. If we’re lucky, we can distract Frieza long enough until Goku is healed and he can finish the job!” I shouted at Vegeta.

“Bah, why bother? We don’t need Kakarot. Frieza was the one to destroy my kingdom, I’ll do it myself.” Vegeta barked at me.

“Then go and do it! He’s one of us. We’re dying out, and if you want to avenge your father’s kingdom then go and save one of the last of our species!” I shouted.

Vegeta then looked at me and slowly nodded. He knew I was right. If he was going to avenge his father and defeat Frieza, now was the time to do it.

However, before he could enter the fight, Krillin appeared in front of Frieza. Completely healed, shooting an energy disk towards Frieza.

Frieza dodged Krillin’s attack, however a part of his tail was chopped off. It made me smile, a small victory of the little guys! Finally!

Krillin then fired a few more disks, Frieza dodging them all just as easily. Krillin then flew off as Frieza charged at him, obviously trying to lead him away from Gohan.

I went to follow. I knew this was something I could be able to help with effectively. Besides Krillin had just had a close call with death, I couldn’t let that happen again. I had to help him.

Just as I flew off after Krillin and Frieza, Vegeta appeared in front of me.

“You’re not going anywhere, girlie.” Vegeta snarled at me.

I huffed and crossed my arms, but stayed in the air. If I were to try and outfly him, he’d catch up easily. There was no purpose in fighting; we really did need Vegeta’s help. Sorry Krillin, you’re on your own.

There was nothing I could do now but wait until one, or very unlikely, both of them returned.

I noticed the Namek child, Dende, approach Gohan. Vegeta and I looked over curiously. Not too long after, Krillin returned and approached Dende and Gohan, who were still lying down injured.

Vegeta shot down, and I followed him to go and help Gohan. Dende had offered over Gohan, and I fell to the ground, putting Gohan’s head on my lap to comfort him.

As I was stroking Gohan’s head, Dende was performing some technique on Gohan. It was quickly made apparent what this technique was, as Gohan immediately began more responsive and his bruises and scratches began to disappear.

“Why did you not inform me of the Namek child’s healing abilities?” Vegeta barked at Krillin.

“We didn’t know! We would have used him to heal Goku if we knew!” Krillin argued.

We all then looked up to see our opponent: Frieza had reappeared. Gohan jumped back up, and we all got ready to fight Frieza together.

However Gohan had other plans, as he went to attack Frieza head on again. Before he could lay a finger on Frieza, a beam of light appeared to separate Frieza and Gohan. When the glowing stopped, yet another Namek had appeared.

“PICCOLO!” Gohan shouted, sounding absolutely ecstatic.

‘Piccolo’ did nothing but give a smile towards the child.

“You all can take a breather. I will fight Frieza alone. This is my planet, so it’s between me and him.” Piccolo stated.

I stared at him. He looked strong, but was he strong enough to take on Frieza single handheld? I’m guessing this was the guy they had the dragon revive, I didn’t want their wish to be wasted.

Vegeta then began to laugh at Piccolo.

“HAHAHAHA YOU?! Take on Frieza alone? I don’t think so. You’re the Namek that Nappa easily defeated back on Earth, aren’t you?” Vegeta laughed.

“I have gone through a lot of training since then, and if you like after Frieza is defeated we can battle to the death. But for now, we must focus on the task at hand.” Piccolo stated.

“You, Namek. I suggest you leave this battlefield as well as planet at once. You have not done anything to me, so I hold no vendetta against you or reason to kill you.” Frieza stated to Piccolo.

Piccolo ignored Frieza, and then their match began.

At first glance, it seemed Frieza and Piccolo were equal in strength. Piccolo managed to get in a few good hits, but Frieza retaliated by ramming Piccolo into the cliff and bombarding him with energy blasts.

Luckily, Piccolo emerged from the rubble unharmed.

Vegeta then did something I should have expected him to, but didn’t see coming due to all of his courage over the past hour or so. He then tried to flee the battle scene, now that Frieza was pre occupied fighting Piccolo.

“Oh Vegeta…” I said softly to myself, feeling almost sad.

Vegeta had shown immense courage since the time Frieza had arrived. He had thrown away all of his previous fears and worries, to finally avenge his race and his father. But now that was thrown away, as he was running away in cowardice.

But then I remembered he was breaking up the team and leaving us on our own, and that disappointment milked away.


Frieza then noticed Vegeta was getting away, and flew at him at high speeds. He easily caught up with Vegeta, pummelling him to send him flying straight into the rocks below.

I sighed. I could almost say he deserved that, but he was now unable to fight and be on our side. Hopefully Piccolo could turn things around. We really needed it.