Status: Comment and pitch in to the story! :) <3

Perfect Guy or Girl that May or May Not Exist


He has to be taller than me. Preferably around 6'0.
Blond hair, blue eyes.
Skater-ish style. Make me laugh until I cry.
Gamer. Wants to have a family.
Nice hands, cute laugh.
Understand me. Be honest with me.
Really sweet. Have plans for the future.
Care about himself.
Care about me. Hold me when I need him.
Not be afraid to let me hold him when he needs me.

There are too many things to add to this...
♠ ♠ ♠
And the crazy thing is...I have this guy <3
He's my boyfriend for 2 years now.
And he's absolutely 100% perfect.
His name is Jaden and he's alllll mine :)