Status: In Progress

Tea for Two

Chapter Four

So Jordan had declared himself my teacher, he said he would be the best teacher as he has spent the last twenty-two years of his life socializing. After I said yes, I admit I regretted agreeing to his terms, but he seemed so desperate for something to keep him occupied since his brothers and friends were just about to start their seasons. Lauren, who is usually the most rational out of all the people I know, thought it was an absolutely ridiculous idea. Her reasoning behind it was that Jordan was like a god in Pittsburgh, the attention brought with him would be one hundred times worse then with a normal person. Somehow I found myself defending Jordan, saying that he was just a normal person. Quickly adding that gods don’t get injured when she raised her eyebrow at me.

Karina on the other hand, she was ecstatic about Jordan’s idea. She was a little confused how I became rather good acquaintances with him after that night, and said she somewhat saw where I was coming from with us each not being at our full potential.

The tasks where going to start off simple, working up to something extravagant which Jordan had yet to figure out. He did however plan for a test he said would be like a ‘midterm’, which was going to consist of two tasks. One would be done with my sister at her Victoria Secret show in November, the second of the two tasks was going to be some charity ball the penguins hosted every year. With the assurance by Jordan that the next couple of months where going to be hectic I hired a couple of extra sets of hands in the shop. Their names where Jeremy and Dom, they were a couple who recently moved to Pittsburgh and had frequented the shop often. They were originally from Britain, and new plenty about tea. So far they had been wonderful, and were very understanding of my condition.

The first task that he had set was dinner at a restaurant with the team and their WAGs, if I was going to be hanging around him a lot it was apparently necessary to know his friends. We would then venture out to a bar the guys liked to frequent, where they got their privacy. It also helped that they had decided to go out on a Tuesday, neither Loz or I had work and it was a rare off day for the guys.

I stood in front of my very large closet with Lauren on my bed, she was already in her white thigh length dress, she was in a way a hippy, and her outfit clearly demonstrated it. I decided on a black halter neck dress with a heart pattern on it. The 50s inspired it, an era I loved. My naturally curly hair hung loosely, the front sections pinned back loosely completing the look. The only makeup that was on my face was the red lipstick, and black mascara.

“Are you girls ready?” Sidney said poking his head in the door, his jaw dropping when he saw Loz.

“Yeah, sorry for making you two wait,” I said making my way out to the lounge room of my apartment where Jordan was sitting in a nice suit with no tie. He smiled when I came in the room, pulling me in a hug and holding me at arms length to examine me. “Wow, you scrub up well Lizzy,” he said smugly causing me to look down at my feet. He grabbed my chin and brought my face up too look at his. “Lesson number one, you’ve got to believe in yourself. Your amazing, funny, smart, beautiful and sexy. Before you ask there is a difference between beautiful and sexy,” he said making me smile and blush simultaneously.

“Come on guys, everyone is waiting for us,” Sidney interrupted, as we scrambled down to the car.


We parked in front of a set of beautiful condominiums in the centre of Pittsburgh. Jordan informed me that this was Tyler Kennedy and Kris Letang’s place; we were meeting everyone there. We would then walk down the block to the restaurant; apparently they weren’t worried that people may even recognize them or if they did it didn’t show.

“So when I we where going to go to a quiet bar later, well the majority of the girls wanted to go clubbing instead, so um we are going to Diesel instead,” Jordan nervously explained just before we reached the door. He was behind me and I almost got whiplash turning my head to look at him. “Don’t give me that look Lizzy, you’ll be fine. I wont leave you, and when we go to the club we will leave whenever it gets too much for you. But you have to promise to try,” he said, and I pursed my lips. I wasn’t pleased in the slightest.

“I wish you would of told me we were going out, this isn’t really clubby,” I said pointing at my dress suddenly feeling rather self-conscious.

“Liz, you look stunning. Everyone will be jealous of your amazing figure and your out with the Penguins. Also, you have a nice rack, so just chill,” he said wiggling his eyebrows causing me to giggle and smack him on the shoulder. “See, loosen up.”

We entered the house and followed the shouts and laughing to a room filled with some familiar and some not so familiar faces. I tried to hide behind Jordan when they introduced me, but I suddenly pulled into a hug.

“I Geno, we best friend now okay,” he said in a thick accent, causing me to laugh and my cheeks to redden. “How Jordan got sexy girlfriend I don’t know,” he said pinching my cheek.

“не Мой друг,” I said (he isn’t my boyfriend) slowly in my very bad Russian.

“Вы говорите Россию?” Geno said, and I nodded and told him only a little back in Russian. If the smile on his face could get any bigger it would, he turned to face Jordan before announcing “She mine now, find new girl,” a blush ignited my cheeks as he spoke, caused from a combination of his accent, Geno casually placing his arm around my shoulders and kissing my cheek. I looked at Jordan and Sidney for help, Sidney seemed unfazed and Jordan wore an expression I couldn’t distinguish.

“Geno, let the poor girl be, she is shy,” Jordan said grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the giant teddy bear and bringing him close to his side in a protective way.

“But speak Russian and sexy. She must no be shy, she awesome like me!” said Geno excitedly causing the room to laugh. In the corner sat Marc-Andre and his girlfriend who’ve I had met once before, they were surrounded by a few other guys chatting away in French. The last thing I heard was “Jordan’s girlfriend seems really nice, but shy” said Vero who was sitting next to the guy with long shaggy sex hair.

“So speak Russian, you speak any think else?” Geno said curiously.

“I um, I also speak French fluently as well. I go to Paris a lot with my sister, and some of my sister’s friends are Russian, hence how I learnt,” I said awkwardly. I heard Jordan groan, and I looked at him confused had I said something wrong?

“You look really familiar, who is your sister?” Vero asked again.

“Um, Karina Simms, she err, she is a model” I said biting my lip. The whole room looked at me with their mouths dropped, realization hitting them

“Victoria Secret Karina Simms? Know wonder Jordan ‘angs out with you,” shaggy haired boy said laughing, to which Jordan sent him a stern look. “Come ‘ere, we are much better then Jordan,” he said smiling and patting the empty chair next to him.

“Great you are going ditch me for the Frenchies and Geno!” he over exaggerated slumping into a chair letting out a dramatic sigh.

“Hey, no fair. It will be nice to have another girl to speak to French too. I believe we’ve met before briefly, I am Vero and these are the Frenchies,” she said ruffling the hair of a man with bright white teeth.

“Pft you are French-Canadian too mon cherie,” said Marc with a strong French accent, from what Lauren had told me earlier several of the team members where from Quebec and were know on the team as the Frenchies. “Ce là est Max,” (That is Max) he said pointing to a shorter man with a scruffy beard, “et cet homme sexy est Kris,” (and this sexy man is Kris) he said pointing to the man with the longhaired man.

“C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer,” (It’s a pleasure to meet you) I said in perfect French, I learnt French as a young girl. My nanny Chloë was from southern France, and I had begged her to teach me her native language each time she looked after me.

“Okay ladies, I think it’s time to go,” said Jordan, it had been thirty minutes since we arrived and I enjoyed talking to Vero and the guys in French. We got to the elevator with Jordan and I entering first, they all seemed to think we would squeeze into the metal box of death. It was a tight fit; everyone was squished up against each other. My breathing getting faster at the close proximity of people.

“Is. Is this safe?” I squeaked once the elevator doors closed and we made our way to the lobby.

“Yeah, the maximum weight this baby can hold is something like 2500 pounds,” Jordan said grabbing my hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. I squeezed back before pulling my hand away and wrapping them around body, I swear I saw him frown for a minute. The door opened in the lobby, and I gasped for air thanking god we made it out of their alive.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thought I should cut this chapter in two since it was so long. Look out for part two soon!

Thank you to the 225 readers, a HUGE thank you to the 28 subscribers and a MASSIVE thank you too the following for commenting

Renee Letang
Ultraviolet Light
Janet Crosby
