Status: active

Scars of my past...

Sarah. #1

I Sarah Green promise to follow all rules and regulations pertaining to New York’s, Iron Oaks,

recovery home. My parents/guardians
Jasper Green and Caren Green place me in full

custody of Iron Oaks recovery home, for an unspecified amount of time. Iron Oaks’ staff and

President Amilia Revorc promise to keep my safety and well being as there top priority.

Parents/Gardians are able to visit me during normal visiting times. Iron Oaks also has full

responsivility for my actions and well beings during my stay.

President Amilia Revorc
Jasper Green, Caren Green, and Sarah Green

And there it is.
The paper that condemns me for God knows how long to this fucking recovery home.

I look to my left where I have 5 or 6 bags packed with all the stuff I can call my own. I my mom, dad, and president Amilia talking about my “recovery plan.”

After about an hour of me sitting here and nodding like I know what the hell there talking about, I ask “Hey Amilia in the pamphlet, it said that this place had a garden. Can I go see it?”

“Why of course you can. But please call my Mrs. Revorc.” She said cheerfully.

”I’m going to stick with Amilia.” I said. She gave me a hard look but then turned to speak into her intercom.

“ Amy could you please come here?”. “Coming” I hear a voice reply.

I wait a few seconds until I see the head of a young woman running down the stairs. She has short brown hair, bright blue eyes, and stands at around 5ft 3inch.

“What do you need Mrs. Revorc?”asks Amy cautiously. “Could you please escort Sarah Green to the garden and stay with her for a while?”she asks. “ Certainly.” Replied Amy.

“I don’t need a babysitter.” I cut in, annoyance lacing my voice. “That maybe true,” says Amilia “but you also don’t know the way to or from our garden.”

Reluctantly I follow Amy out of the office into the long hallway. This place reminds me of one of the medieval palaces, with its winding stair cases, and tall windows. All the windows have small but seemingly impenetrable bars on them to keep the patients from jumping.
After a few minutes of wandering through identical looking halls we arrive to a large corridor with a pair of huge double doors.

"Heres the garden Mrs." said Amy. opening up the doors.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second chapter :)