Back To December


BTD 31

Two weeks have passed since that doctors visit in Dublin. We're in Paris now.
Its Christmas Eve and i want nothing more than to be at home with Paul.I was
sitting in a hotel room, all alone, when my phone rang.

I reached across the table with a sigh, and answering my cell in a grumble. "
Hello?" I asked bored.

I heard Paul's chuckle and a shiver went down my spine.

" Why hello to you to...are you okay, babe?" he asked worriedly. I smiled

" Yeah. I'm okay. What are you up to?" I asked.

" Well, Since you asked-"

All of the sudden, there was a knock on the door.

" Hold on Paul," I cut him off," Theres someone at the door, I'll be right
back!" I set the phone down and walked quickly to the front, swinging the door

I gasped, there stood Paul, two duffle bags, and a smile, with his phone pressed
to his ear.

" Merry Christmas"

I smiled, launching myself into his arms and latching my legs around him,
kissing him fiercely.

He pressed me against the wall, dropping his bags and responding to the kiss
with just as much passion.

After not seeing him for so long, being this close to him, feeling his warm skin
all over mine; it send my world spinning.

" What.Are.You.Doing.Here?" I panted as he trailed wet kisses down my neck and
rested his face on my collarbone.

I felt him smile against my flushed skin.

" I was going crazy without you. I just couldn't do it. The guys were so
aggravated with me," he let out a throaty laugh,"more than usual. They
practically packed for me. Figured I'd be a sufficient present. "

I slid down the wall and buried myself on his chest," I've missed seeing your
face. I've missed you...I love you," I whispered.

Paul lifted my chin so our eyes would meet. He raised my left hand and kissed
the finger my ring was on. " I love you too. I can't wait to marry you, Kara. I
can't wait"

I looked down, the weight of my mistakes weighing down on my shoulders, and
unable to face him," Paul, I need to tell you somethi-"

I was cut off by loud laughter coming from down the hall, I recognized it as

Paul chuckled," Hey. Just tell me later, okay? Why don't you introduce me to
your friends, we'll play nice with them, we'll go to a nice little
restaurant,and then you let me ravish your body into the early morning, okay?
Sound like a plan?" he smiled a wolfish grin,running a warm hand up and down my

My eyes closed and I shivered in pleasure, my breath hitching in my throat.

Oh, the things this man does to me.

" Okay"

My friends rounded the corner and Chris wolf whistled. He was wearing an
obnoxious Santa Hat.
I smiled, grabbing Paul's large hand and dragging him with me.

I pulled him to right in front of my friends," Guys, thus is my fiancé, Paul.
Paul, these are my friends." I introduced.

I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I leaned back into his embrace,
completely at peace for the first time in weeks.

I watched as one by one my band shook hands with the most important man in my

" Are you coming with us?"Ali asked.

Before Paul could respond I yelled," Shit!"

I completely forgot about that stupid interview. Gah!

" What's wrong?" Paul asked, tightening his grip on my waist, his wolf
protectiveness kicking in.

I sighed, rubbing my forehead," I feel so stupid, I totally forgot about the
interview! Now our whole plan is out the window, I mean, the dinner, the

Paul cut off my rant by flicking my nose, making me glare lightly at him and he
smiled innocently.

" Babe. Calm down. Nothings ruined. After the interview,we'll go get dinner, and on celebrating the holidays." he wiggled his eyebrows, and I

" You two are so cute together," Ali cooed. We turned back to the group of
people that I had honestly forgotten about.

" Sorry." Paul chuckled, pulling away slightly. I pouted and he smirked.

" Onward, then?" he asked, looking down at me. I sighed, nodding as I laced my
fingers with his.

The whole group of us then walked out of the hotel and into the shuttle bus
Sharon had rented.

Because the world hates me, I somehow ended up seated in-between Paul and Aaron


I could tell that the whole band sensed the tension, and as always, Paul; more
brawn than brains, was oblivious.

I looked out the window most of the time. I smiled at the beautiful Paris
atmosphere. All the snow. It was white everywhere. The bright lights from the
Eiffel Tower and carolers singing. Beautiful.

" Sooo, Paul, tell me about yourself. " Aaron suddenly spoke up with a devious

I shared a look with Ali.
Now is definitely not the time
for being competitive, Aaron!!

Paul cleared his throat," Well, I-Ugh- I'm from La Push, like Kara. Ive lived
there my whole life. Me and my friends, we're-uhm-kind of in charge of security
in our town. That's about it, really"

I could tell Paul was having a hard time explaining himself.

He couldn't very well blurt out that he was a vampire fighting werewolf, now
could he?

" How old are you?" Chris asked. I glared at him. Not you too!

" Uhh, 23?"

Aaron smirked, nodding," And our dear Kara? How did you two end up together?" he
asked, sarcastically.

" Love at first sight" I butted in, saving Paul. He smiled, kissing me gently.

" Yeah. I think that explains it. Love at first sight. "

I grinned, leaning into his chest when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I giggled,
pulling it out and checking it.

1 New Message
From: A-Man
I remember everything about that night. We need to talk.

My heart skipped a beat, and not in the good way.
I felt my head spin and i suddenly got very nauseous.

" You okay?" Paul murmured in my ear, sensing my unease.

I faked a smile, hoping he'd buy it, and when he did, I sighed.

I looked up and met Aaron's eyes. He looked at me like a man who had discovered
the pot at the end of the rainbow.

And I was the gold.
♠ ♠ ♠
i appreciate everyone who has sent comments. you guys rock.