This is What Happens When Two Different Worlds Collide

It's All In Your Head

Joe's P.O.V

"This is our stop" Kevin finally says standing up as the bus slows to a halt outside a small street.

I get off with the two trying to keep as far away from Nick as possible as the guy obivously didn't like me, his attitude just screamed that to me.

"This way" Kevin began to walk on whilst Nick grabbed my arm pulling me along.

"You fucking hurt my brother and I'll make sure that you don't live to see christmas."

I gulped at Nick's threat already scared but I didn't know that Nick was Kevin's brother.

Marshall always joked that they were boyfriends but I didn't even know if Kevin was gay or not. Even so, Nick's threat made me wonder too, what did he mean if I hurt him. Why would I?

Soon enough we stopped outside a small house, I was expecting anything big and fancy like what Marshall lived in. But then again, I wasn't expecting a run down house either. It was in-between.

We walked into the house and Kevin threw his bag onto the seat before helping himself to a can of coke before asking me if I wanted one.

I nodded yes still slightly freaked out from my conversation with Nick waiting to see if Nick would say anything else but he just walked away into another part of the house.

"Nick always goes to his room as soon as he gets home, he likes to do his homework."

I knew Kevin wasn't lying when he said this to me but I couldn't help but wonder if Kevin was afriad off me beause of Marshall.

I just hoped it was all in my head.
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Another chapter up, enjoy and comment plz