Status: Completed

Lessons Learned


I groaned, slamming my hand on the steering wheel after Parker got out of the car.

I don’t know why he was acting like such a child at the moment. I had been nothing but good and helpful to him and he decides that he wants to act like an immature brat.

If he wants to leave, then I’m not going to keep him here, no matter how much I wish he would stay. I know that there is someone out there who hurt him, and I know that he knows who that person is.

My phone rang and I sighed, pulling off the road to park. If he wanted me to come pick him up, then it didn’t make sense for me to drive any further.

“Where are you?” I asked, assuming that it was Parker on the other end of the phone.

“Damn man, you’re telepathic; I never knew.” I heard Dallan laugh.

“Oh, sorry man.” I said, shaking my head and looking out the window to all the cars going by. “You need to be picked up though?” I asked and heard a noise of agreement.

“Yeah. We’re at the airport. We were going to get a cab, but Svenel messed everything up as usual…anyway, can you come get us? We’re only about forty-five minutes away from where you live.” Dallan murmured.

“Yeah. I’ll be there. Be ready to go once I get there; I’m tired and I want to get home soon.” I complained but Dallan chuckled.

“Alright, well I’ll let you go. See you soon,and thanks!” I heard before the phone clicked off. I sighed before pulling into the roadway and beginning to drive.

Sure enough, forty-five minutes later I was there and Svenel and Dallan were standing there waiting for me, smiling and waving.

I groaned, staring them down. “Just get in.” I said.

“We came back for you.” Svenel said after they had loaded their bags into the trunk.

I raised an eyebrow and looked to Dallan who was in the seat beside me. Apparently, he called shotgun when they said they were going to get me to give them a ride.

“You seemed pretty out of it on the phone. We decided that our friend needs us more than our ladies back at Uncle’s.” Dallan said, chuckling.

I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.” I said, laughing a little.

“We can get girls here too, that’s what convinced Dallan to come with.” Svenel laughed.

“So, is the boy at home?” Dallan brought up, drawing the attention away from him.

“I don’t know. He got angry at me and got out of the car. That was about an hour ago.” I said, trying to sound like I really didn’t give a shit.

“Why’d you do that?” Svenel asked, looking at me with scolding eyes that I could see in the rear-view mirror.

“He was in the hospital because someone hurt him; he knows the person, I know he does, but he refuses to tell me so he can get help. I want to tell the police, put whoever it is away forever…he obviously disagrees.” I said, not able to help but get a little angry.

“Oh.” Was all Dallan said.

“Do you mind if we crash at yours?” Svenel asked, the subject once more changing.

“No. You two have always crashed at mine, what’s so different now?” I asked, chuckling.

“All-nighter!” Dallan exclaimed and I glared at him.

Svenel chuckled. “Or we could just go to sleep.”

I liked the younger twin’s suggestion ten times better.
♠ ♠ ♠
horray for updates!!!
