The Truth About Life


Audrey's POV:

I walked into the so-called, "school."
Girls were running about, gossiping.
Wow... someone had had sex again.
The some of the guys were standing under the stairs, waiting for girls with skirts to go up them. They wanted a clear view.
Yes, welcome to Hell.

I walked quietly to my locker.
To my annoyance, there was a couple making out by my locker.
I shoved them away, releaving to a girl passing by, that her boyfriend was cheating on her.
My good deed of the day. The boy gave me a glare after his ex slapped him across the face.
I shrugged and unpacked.

Finally getting to class, I sat in the desk in the back, right hand corner.
I sat there and took my homework out while people threw crunched up balls of paper at me.

Rudy sat next to me.
"Hey, do you think that the homework was harder from last night, or the night before that?"

I looked up.
I then walked off to sharpen my pencil.
Man, that boy was eager.

"Everyone! Please sit down, class is starting!"

~2 hours later~


The bell rung and I hurried off to my next class.
Rudy caught up with me.

"Do you have Biology next?
I'm doing an experiment on bubbles."

"That's nice, Rudy."

"I know!
And did you know that bubbles only come fro-"

"Oh, look!
It's Anna Marie!"

I pointed off into some random direction.
I thought she was sick!"

I turned back to him.
"I guess I'm halucinating because... of this crowded hallway!
I better get to class."

I'll see you later."

I walked... ran to English.

Rudy's POV:

I'm always like that when I talk to Audrey!
I get really random and hyper and talk so fast, that she runs away.
I guess I'm just nervous.

I knew she hated me and thought I was annoying.
I loved her.
I thought that she would never love me like I loved her.

Anna Marie's POV:

Damn, sick in bed.

I texted Audrey.
Audrey was like, my kinda friend. She was emo and I was popular.
I really liked her because she was nice.

Hey, girl what's up what class are you in

I was too tired to type correctly.

Hey, I'm just here in English, Rudy is annoying.

Haha, she liked Rudy, but he got nervous around her.
He would start acting like an idiot.
That's why she doesn't tell him that she likes him.

Lol you always say that

Audrey and I typed correctly.

Only because he IS.

I laughed, and my mom came in and told me to turn off my phone.

Gtg, I'm sorry you'll have to go to church alone

She can't stand church.
I was the only thing that kept her alive there.