Sequel: Memoria


gone, gone, gone

Life wasn't supposed to hurt like this.

That was what she had been taught her whole life.

So why did it hurt now? She wished she knew. She wanted to know. If she knew than maybe she could make it stop. Instead she could feel her heart shattering. She could feel it shattering and breaking, the pieces stabbing through her chest allowing blood to pour through broken skin and stain the pale t-shirt she had worn that day.

He couldn't see it though. His eyes were blinded to the pain that he was causing her.

Then again, they never could.

"You understand don't you?" he asked.

No, she didn't understand. She still smiled though. She forced it even as she felt the shardes dig even further into skin, bone, and muscle mass. It would be worse if she admitted the pain. She knew it.

"Of course," she lied. "You love him...and you don't love me anymore." She almost broke when she admitted that. Her voice cracked slightly and her smile wavered. She bit the inside of her lip hard for a second. That calmed her and steadied her somewhat.

He shook his head. "That's not it," he said. As if he could sympathize with her. As if he could feel her pain. The bastard. What could he possibly know? He would never be able to understand. "I still love you...I just...there's something about-"

"Stop," she cut him off raising a hand in the air and shaking her head. "Just, please stop," her voice was quieter this time. "I understand...I do," she lied again. The shards dug even more painfully into her frail body making her legs go weak. "Don't worry about me...just go to him." She could see the relief flash in his eyes as he spun on his heel and ran from her.

She waited until she was certain he was gone before she fell to her knees, clutching her chest. She pulled one hand away and it shone bloody in the moonlight, little cuts running across the palm from where the shards had cut her.

Through her hand though, she could see the ground. Hot tears burned trails down on her cheeks and fell through the bloody hand. The next set of tears simply fell inside of her. She was fading, just like they said that she would if he betrayed her.

Making a tight fist, she curled up on herself and simply let the tears come breaking her up with each drop that touched her. He had betrayed her love and for that she had to suffer. It was twisted. It was wrong, but what could she do to fight it? This was the fate of her kind.

Her half-faded face turned up towards the moon. For a moment she simply felt lost, like a little whisp of nothing. It was that moment that she ceased. No anger that she had felt before could save her now. It was simply gone. The shards that had permeated her body melted away into a soft mist that began to cover the ground. The bloody clothes she wore fell to the ground dispersing what was left of her form in a shower of glittering lights.

Be happy, the words whispered around him. He stood and looked back over his shoulder. He couldn't see anyone. Shaking his head, a smile tugged at his lips again at the excitement of seeing the boy he wanted to give his heart to.
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So I had an idea when I saw the quote in the summary and then it morphed into this. I hope you enjoyed it