Status: Uhh.. trying this out. :D

Fall Into Me



“Hello, Volterra and people who inhabit it!” I yelled once Alec closed the door behind us. The human secretary at the first floor (for the completely human façade) smiled at us and Alec ignored her.

“Is she yours, miss?” She asked me. Alec narrowed his eyes a bit and I rolled my eyes. Maybe she wasn’t here when those tourists came. I don’t really know nor do I care.

“Yeah. Mine and his.” I pointed my thumb at Alec and she took a hesitant look at Alec.

“She’s very beautiful.” She complimented.

“Thank you.” I thanked her and smiled before Alec dragged me off.

“Alec, that was rude.” I pouted once we got in the first elevator that wasn’t as heavily guarded as the second elevator that lead to the underground quarters.

“I know.” He answered and I couldn’t help but laugh at that. I just have this sick sense of humor and I also have the knack to laugh at the wrong place at the wrong time.

“I knew not to let you have a tall Caramel macchiato.” Alec clucked his tongue and I giggled. Colette wailed her arms around as she laughed along with me.

“Colette is already picking up some things from you.” Alec said and looked at Colette.

“And that’s bad because?” I asked through giggles.

“Because… let’s face it. You’re crazy.” He chuckled and I smiled.

“Thank you.” I answered and kissed his cheek.

“Wait. You’re not going to hit me or anything?” He asked me.

“Do you want me to hit you?” I asked him as I raised an eyebrow. I didn’t know he liked to be hit.

“No. But..” I cut him off as I laughed aloud. I almost dropped to the elevator’s floor with so much laughter.

“But what? Is that a creepy fetish of yours or something? Oh my God, Alec.. you and your creepy fetishes.” I continued laughing until Alec dragged me out of the elevator with curious eyes on us.

“Why is Cosette laughing hysterically?” Jane asked as she got Colette from my arms. I took that as my cue to drop down on the floor and start laughing even more hysterically.

“HAHAHA! Alec… HAHAHA! H-He…HAHAHAHAHAHA! Has.. HAHAHA!!! A weird.. HAHAHAHA!!!! FETISH!!” I said as I laughed really loud.

“Too much info.” Jane said and I laughed even more.

“I don’t have a weird fetish.” Alec pouted and I looked up at him then laughed again. He helped me up to my feet and I giggled uncontrollably.

“Weird fetish man.” I said and grinned.

“Hardy har har.” Alec stated sarcastically.

“I am so pwning you! LIKE. A. BOSS!” I said through laughs and grinned smugly at him.

“Is it pick-on-Alec day or something?” He asked with a pout on his lips.

“No, honey. That’s on your birthday. The human one and the vampire one. If you want.. we can make everyday pick-on-Alec day.” I suggested softly and he glared at me. I smiled and kissed his lips lightly. “I love you.” I said and smiled innocently.

“I love you too.” He answered and kissed my lips.

“You two are going out now!?” Jane asked aloud which caused Felix, Demitri, and Heidi to come dashing in.

“WHAT!?” They asked aloud and I rolled my eyes.

“You guys are so melodramatic. No. No. Alec and I aren’t going out in case you didn’t hear us exchange our words of love. I’m going out with big foot.” I stated sarcastically and Alec laughed as he wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my lips.

“You really are the comedienne.” He whispered and I smiled.

“I know. I got that from dad.” I answered and looked at all of them as they watched Alec and I.

“What?” I asked.

“It’s just weird seeing you and Alec like this. Master Marcus said that he sensed a deep connection between the two of you and Master Aro was sure that you’re Alec’s singer. But we didn’t think that it would be so soon.” Felix answered.

“Oh. I guess we have to thank Colette for that.” I said and got my baby from Jane. She giggled and I kissed her cheeks.

“Master Aro wishes to speak to the two of you.” Heidi stated and I nodded. Alec pecked my lips before he dashed off to drop our stuff off in my room. He came back about ten seconds later and pecked my lips again. Then, we headed off to the throne room.

“It’s so weird seeing you two all mushy. It’s kind of gross.” Demitri stated.

“Uh huh.” I said and rolled my eyes as we entered the room. We continued talking and shoving each other lightly like teenagers until my dad cleared his throat.

“You want some Strepsils, dad?” I asked and everyone laughed quietly. He cracked a smile and I grinned.

“No, thank you, Cosette. I just want to suggest to you that we should have a party. To welcome Colette into our family and to announce yours and Alec’s relationship.” He said airily. He sounded like the Blue Meanie from Yellow Submarine.

“Alright. Cool. A party. Sure, sure.” I answered and my dad clapped his hands as he smiled.

“I’ll send the invitations out. I shall also invite the Cullens.” He said happily and I nodded.

“Yeah. Invite them if you want Uncle Caius to throw a hissy fit. Go ahead, dad.” I said and everyone laughed and then straightened themselves up when Uncle Caius hissed at them.

“We shall make an exception, Cosette.” He said and I agreed.

“So… the new line is ‘The Volturi don’t give second chances. We only make exceptions if you have a human girlfriend and if my dad is really good friends with your adoptive father.’?” I asked and dad laughed as well as everyone else.

“I wonder where you get your sense of humor from.” Dad wondered aloud.

“I got that from you.” I answered and dad grinned.

“When’s the party?” I asked.

“Next week.” He answered and I smiled.

“I’ll send out the invitations right now. You are all dismissed.”
♠ ♠ ♠
... you know what to do.. :D
