Can I catch your eye Tonight a Short Stack Fan Fiction

Chapter 12 pt 2:

I stayed with Andy for the next few hours until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and he told me to go home. I couldn't sleep very well and I ended up just maing a coffee and staying awake the rest of the night.

I needed someone to talk to, but eveyone on tumblr seemed to eb asleep except for . Katey. She was a good friend to me and I knew I could go to her for anything. I clicked on her profile and wrote in her ask box.

She texted me a while later and we talked until 5:00am when I finally fell asleep. I dreampt of Andy walking towards me covered in blood whispering something into the wind.

When I awoke it was 12:24 pm and I was coverred in sweat. I had a shower then went to see Andy at the hospital being careful not to mention my dream. I didn't want to worry him. He looked sad when I walked in but as soon as he saw me he smiled. I knew it was fake and full of pain.

I sat at the end of his bed and placed my hand on his leg. He looked at me, his smile fading.

"I know you miss them." I muttered, just loud enough for him to hear.

"Of course I do, but when it comes down to it. I'm in love and I would do anything for you, if that means giving up Short Stack forever then thats whats gonna happen." I looked into his eyes and a pure saddness was hidden not far from the surface, he knew that I had seen it and he looked down.

"Your not giving them up. I wont let you." It seemed inevitable, things where going to happen this way. He thinks its me or Short Stack.

And that was the truth.


I had left straight after we had spoken and went home. I sat infront of the tv for an hour flicking through pointless channels watching pointless shows. Everytime I turned on the news all I could hear was 'Short Stack member Andy Clemmensen has been shot and may be in a critcal condition'. I wished they would stop, but Andy was famous. This was out of his hands now.

I went on facebook and Tumblr. Everything was videos of screaming and crying girls telling Andy not to die, telling him that he changed their lives, telling him He was the heart of Short Stack. I agreed with them. They needed him, and I would give them what they wanted.

Even if it broke my heart to do it.