Status: Complete

Running Into You

Chapter 14

I sat there, watching a couple of funny videos before my phone started playing "Whispers in the Dark" by Skillet.

"You don't have a song by us for the ringtone?" Zack asked, still shirtless.

"I DO like other bands. I'm not just a 'Oh my God, I can only listen to one band' kind of person," I replied, picking up the phone.

"Oh my God, Zack Merrick commented on your status!" someone shriked in my ear.

"Umm, who is this?" I asked, wincing.

"Jane! From ninth grade!" she shrieked again.

"Ahh," I said, disinterested.

"YEAH! I was thinking that maybe you could bring the guys by! We could all meet them! I mean, we are the BEST of friends!"

She was still shrieking, and my ears hurt.

"We're best friends? Really? 'Cause I recall in ninth grade you stole my boyfriend. After calling me a bitchy whore with no life, so I'll decline," I said sweetly, hanging up the phone.

"What was that about?" Jack asked.

I looked over at him. All the guys were still shirtless.

"Nothing, really," I replied, walking back to my computer, ignoring the feeling of eyes on my back.

When I sat down, my phone vibrated. I looked over at my friends who were all huddled together, looking at me.

I pulled it out and read the text.

To: Audrey
From: Ali
WTF was that about?

I pulled out the keyboard and quickly texted a reply.

To: Ali
From: Audrey
Remember Jane from ninth grade? Said I should bring the guys over to meet her since we were the 'best of friends.'

I closed my phone and watched as Ali held hers out in front of my friends. Their eyes widened.

I looked over at the guys to make sure they weren't looking, and they weren't.

They had all walked to the back of the bus. I guess it happened while I was replying to Ali.

After that thought, Ali looked up, noticed the guys were gone, and came over to me.

"No she didn't," Krystina said, following after.

"Oh yeah. It was SO insane," I replied.

I pulled up my Facebook again, to see what all was being said.

After reading over half of the comments, I was tired of the same things being said. It was either 'OMG Bring them to meet me! I love you, girly!' or 'Really? Why would you lie about something like that?'

I rolled my eyes and commented back. 'To those of you who think I'm lying, just look up at one of the first comments. Zack Merrick. Get your facts straight before saying crap. And to the rest of you, chill. We can't stop in the middle of tour and over half of you hate my guts, so...'

"Dang, Audrey," Maddie said.

I just shook my head.

"I vote we go after Jane. Let's run her over with a golf cart!" Ali enthused.

"We'd get arrested for attempted murder," Krystina pointed out.

"Not if no one catches us!" Ali replied.

I shook my head again.

"I love you guys. Let's go see what the boys are doing," I said, and opened the door leading to the bunks.

As I did so, Jack and Alex fell on the ground while Rian and Zack stood there like deer caught in headlights.

I raised an eyebrow. "Eavesdropping?"

"Pshhh, no! We were...Uhhh," Jack said.

My eyebrow raised higher.


"That was a pitiful defense," I said, holding out my hand to help him get up, as Maddie did so for Jack.

While we tried pulling them up, we were pulled down.

"Ow. God," I muttered while everyone else laughed.

"Ha. Ha," Maddie said. "Now seriously help me up, Ali."

"Yeah. Zack," I said, holding out my hand.

Ali landed on the ground, soon followed by Zack.

I personally found it a miracle I pulled him down. I knew it was because he wasn't expecting to be pulled down.

Krystina and Rian stood there, thinking of where to go to not end up on the ground.

I grinned deviously. "KRYSTINA!" I yelled. "I need help!"

"Umm, nope," she said, trying to get to the door.

Jack grabbed her ankle and she was sprawled on the ground with us.

Zack took RIan's arm and pulled him down, too, to where we were all lying on the ground in a type of dog-pile.

"GUYS! We're about to be at the venue, so," Matt began, walking through the door. He stpped after seeing all of us laughing in a heap on the floor.

"I'm not even gonna ask," he muttered. "Just put some shirts on and get ready," he said, marching off.