Status: Complete

Running Into You

Chapter 5

Two weeks later, and me and Zack were texting regularly and my friends were still stalking the rest of the band.

"Guys, just stop," I told them, walking into the living room to see them holding binoculars to the big front window looking down at Zack's house.

"Says the girl who already has a member of the best band ever," Ali said, turning around to glare at me and then turn back to the window.

I blushed. "He's a friend," I mumbled when my phone vibrated, indicating a new text.

"See?" Krystina said.

I blushed again, opening up my phone.

To: Audrey

From: Zack

Hey! What's up?

I hit reply and quickly typed a reply.

To: Zack

From: Audrey

Hey! My friends stalking your friends. The usual really.

I slid my phone closed and sat on the couch, giving up on convincing my friends to stop stalking them. I knew it was never gonna happen.

After flipping to the news, my friends walked into the kitchen and someone knocked on the door.

I got up and opened the door.

"AUDREY!" Jack yelled, rushing forward to give me a hug.

He's taken to doing that lately, no matter how uncomfortable I looked.

"Hi Jack," I muttered.

"Dude, get off her," Rian said, rolling his eyes and stepping inside.

"RIAN! I will never be 'on her'. Unless you want that to happen?" Jakc said, looking at me as he said teh last bit.

"Okayy," I said, unwrapping his arms from around me and taking a couple of steps inside. "Y'all can come inside."

My friends walked out of the kitchen, each with a packet of Pop-Tarts. At first, they were talking among themselves, but they finally noticed all the guys.

"Oh, hi," They muttered, trying to keep calm, but I could tell they were excited.

The guys waved and I closed the door after Zack stepped in.

"I thought they were stalking?" he whispered in my ear.

I shivered involuntarily. "They paused for a moment to get food. If y'all had gotten here any earlier, they would have had a heart attack," I told him.

He nodded and walked to the couch. I walked after him to claim my original spot.

"So, what's going on?" Maddie asked, sitting near Rian.

"We have a show tonight at a club downtown," Zack said, sitting next to me. "We were wondering if you wanted to come," he finished, looking at me.

"HECK YES!" Krystina said, fist pumping.

I held my head in my hands. I'd tried my best to tell her to calm down with the fist pumping. It was evident she didn't listen.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"7 sharp. But you might wanna get there way earlier as to not be killed by the crowd," Zack explained.

I looked down at my watch. It was only 2 o'clock. "Cool," I replied. "I think though, that in the meantime, we should watch a movie!"

Ali went running into my room to retrieve my DVDs. She was a serous movie fanatic.

When she returned, she held Saw III in her hand. She ran to the TV and put in in, and went back into the kitchen. Moments later, as the previews rolled, I could smell popcorn.

"Se's intense about movies," I explained as Zack looked at me.

He nodded as she returned with two bowls.

"Cell phones on vibrate. And keep your mouth shut during the movie. I will shank you if need be," Ali explained.

Me, Krystina, and Maddie grabebd for our phones to put them on vibrate. Zack, Rian, Alex, and Jack just looked aorund, wondering if she was serious.

"She's serious," I whispered to Zack.

He pulled out his phone, as did the rest of them, as I recalled the first time I had watched a movie with Ali. I had thought she was kidding. Not making that mistake again.


Halfway through the movie, and Alex's head was hidden by his hands, Jack's eyes were closed, and Rian just walked off into a different room.

Zack flinched everytime anything remotely scary popped onto the screen. Only me and my friends remained attuned, not flinching or blinking throughout the movie.

At the end, all the guys sighed in relief.

"That was horrifying," Jack said.

I just shrugged.

Alex got up, shaking slightly, and walked off to find Rian.

"Y'all are such wimps!" Maddie called, smiling.

"It was scary!" Zack said, defending himself, removing himself from my arm.

"Please. You haven't seen scary until you've seen her," I said, pointing to Ali, "when you don't turn your phone on vibrate or you say a single word during a movie," I said somberly.

"Are you--?" Zack began to ask.

"Dead serious," I replied.

"That's just...Wow," he said.

"You have no idea," I muttered, smiling.