Paint Me an Image


"You're not drunk, are you?" I asked Matt as I slipped back into my clothes.

He turned to me as he finished pulling his shirt over his head. "What do you think?"

I sighed and shook my head at him. "I know you're not."

He offered a smirk as he buttoned up his jeans. "The thing is, Imogen, neither are you honestly. You might have been pretty far gone when we started but you were sober half way through."

He was right. "Let me tell Matty," I demanded, "I don't need you ruining everything when I am obviously capable of doing it myself."

Matt rolled his eyes. "Are you staying with him?"

I glared at Matt, hating everything about him once again. "Why are you being civil with me? Is it because you got what you wanted? To sleep with me and ruin my life, again?"

Matt scoffed, "You know you wanted it to, Image. So don't stand here, smelling like sex, smelling like me and play the innocent victim."

I started running my fingers through my hair, trying to detangle the brown locks. I had no words for Matt and no words for myself. I didn't like how I felt now. I didn't like that I just cheated on my boyfriend with one of his friends. I didn't like how I could smell Matt on my skin. But most of all, I hated that I wished that it wasn't over. I hated the feeling that Matt gave me, how he made me feel so good even though what we were doing was so wrong.

"I won't tell anyone if you don't," Matt said as he brushed past me, towards the door.

I looked up at his 6"1 frame. "What are you saying? Lie to my boyfriend? Lie to everyone?"

Matt shrugged, "It's not lying. Just don't mention it. Plus, Matt Baker isn't going to be too hurt by this, he's childlike, he'll get over it."

I glared, "Yeah, but I won't."

My words caused Matt to smirk as he reached for the door handle. "You're going to be that stuck on this night? Well, I must of done something right..." With that he opened the door and walked off, leaving me standing there with my jaw dropped to to the floor.

It took a moment, but I composed myself. When I was walking through the building, I thought about Matt's offer. Maybe he was right. If we told everyone, they'd definitely hate me and him.

"Hey beautiful. Where've you been?"

My eyes grew wide as Matty's arms slipped around my waist. "Hey," I stuttered, "I was in the bathroom. Long line."

Matty looked confused for a minute. "You were in the bathroom for over an hour?"

I laughed nervously, "No! I was dancing and then had to pee."


I sighed, hating how awkward everything became. I hated Matt in that instant. I hated him so much that I felt like I should go home and scrub myself raw, until I burned all the skin off that had ever come in contact with Matt.

"Are you feeling okay, Image?" Matty questioned, his eyebrows knitting together with concern.

I started to nod and then stopped, "No. I don't feel good at all, Matty. Do you think you could take me home, please?"

Matty nodded quickly. "Of course. Lets go."

I sighed, "Let me find Andre and then we can."

I wandered through out the club, looking for my best friend. I found him up on the V.I.P balcony with Brian and Michelle.

"Boo, I'm taking off. You coming or are you going to bum a ride later?" I asked him, using his nickname from college.

He gave me a confused look. "What's wrong with you?"

I shrugged, "Not feeling too good." Then I adverted my attention to Brian and Michelle. "Hi Michelle! It's great seeing you again. I don't know why I didn't figure out that you're the same Michelle DiBenedetto from high school!"

"Oh, it's alright," Michelle replied, "It's probably the new last name," She laughed.

I smiled. "That's probably it. Well, it was nice talking to you but I'm actually heading out with Matty. He's taking me home."

Michelle look confused, "Matt? He's taking you home? I didn't think that you two got along that well."

"Oh no! Not Matt! Matty Baker! Zacky's brother," I replied, quickly. Wondering if I said his name, that everyone would automatically know what had gone on between the burly man and I just moments before.

Michelle laughed and then spoke, "That'd make more sense. Well, I'll see you around then? It was great talking to you again, Image."

I nodded and then turned back to Dre. "So are you staying or going?"

Dre looked deflated for a moment but then Michelle's voice cut through. "We can give you a ride home, Andre. If you want to hang out for a while. Right Bri?"

Brian nodded and Andre smiled at them. "Is that cool, Im?"

I nodded, actually happy to have a little time to myself. "Yeah, totally. Call me when you're on your way home so I can unlock the door for yah."

He grinned, "Can do, babe." He leaned down and wrapped his arms around me. Right as I was about to pull away, he held on tighter and pull his lips at ear level. "When I get home, you better tell me what the hell happened."

My eyes grew wide and when I pulled back I nodded, numbly. "See you later, Dre."

I turned and made my way down the stairs, when I was about halfway down, Matt slid past me. "See you around, Darling," he said as he licked over his lips and brushed past me, his chest against mine.

I didn't say anything, but glared as I hurried down the stairs, away from him. I caught up with Matty outside. He was standing near the still, really long line, and talking to a couple of young women.

"Travelling with the guys can sometimes be a giant pain in the ass seeing as I'm not in the band. They sometimes mess with me and make me run errands for them. 'Earn my stay' is what Zacky calls it." Matty chuckled along with the two blonde women, "But other than that, the guys are some of my best friends. I love touring with them and spending every night on the bus, watching the miles go by."

The slightly darker haired women asked a question next. "When is the next tour starting exactly? I know it's soon but I can never remember the exact date."

Matty thought about it for a moment, "Three weeks from now, exactly." He looked over in my direction and smiled, motioning me over to him. When I got close enough he took my hand and began to excuse himself from the women.

"Is this your girlfriend?" The lighter blonde question with her head tilted like a puppy.

Matty grinned and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Yeah. She is."

"Aww," The cooed together then turned towards me, "You're really pretty."

I was shocked. I had never gotten a compliment from a stranger before and it wasn't something I thought I'd ever receive. "Thank you," I stuttered with a smile on my face.

"What's your name?" The other asked.

I sighed, "Imogen."

"That's such a pretty name!"

Matty told the girls to follow him before we left and he got them into the club right away. They thanked us excitedly and ran off to have some fun. Matty and I got into his car and began to drive back to my place.

"Those girls were right, you know," Matty murmured as he took my hand in his.

"What about?" I asked as I looked at him, studying his face. His curled brown hair and scruffy chin. His green eyes that at first, look like his brother's but become darker in the light.

"The fact that you're beautiful," he murmured, glancing at me honestly as the words left his lips.

I chuckled, hiding the fact that I felt horrible about myself just as soon as those words spilled into my ears. "They said pretty."

He grinned, "They were being modest."

I smiled at him and then turned away to looked out window and stop myself from telling him anything that would hurt him. I rested my head against the seat and stared out of the window, watching as the trees whooshed past.

"Are you okay, Image?" Matty questioned as we turned onto my street.

I looked over to him and nodded silently. I then looked back out the window. When we pulled up in my parking lot I unbuckled my seatbelt and began to get out of the car.

"Image, wait!" Matty called as he reached out to grab onto my wrist.

"Yeah?" I questioned as I turned back to face him.

His lips were on mine before I could blink. I thought about pulling away for a minute and then decided not to. I reached behind his head and tangled my fingers in his hair, holding him to me.

He pulled back for a moment and whispered against my lips. "Can I come upstairs?"

I shook my head. "No."

He chuckled, his voice huskier than usual. "Why not?"

I sighed. "I don't feel too great," I told him, "I don't want to sleep with you right now."

He grinned. "Who said I wanted sex? Maybe I just want to watch a movie, make chicken noodle soup, and take care of you for awhile."

I thought it over for a moment. "A movie I can do but I'll need a shower first."

He shrugged and then smiled at me. "I don't mind waiting."

"Okay. You can come upstairs."

We climbed the stairs hand in hand and once we got to my apartment he tossed himself down onto the couch and told me to enjoy my shower.

"Make me dinner!" I called as I went into the bathroom.

"Yes ma'am!"

I smiled and shook my head at his childishness. In the shower, I not only washed away the scent of Matt on me but also the thoughts of he and I together. Matt didn't matter. The man laying on my couch and who was hopefully cooking food for me is the one who should matter in my life. So I made a bad decision and ran with it. I knew in the end I'd be running away. This time, I was going to forget about it and let my life be what I want it to be.

"Do you like Chinese food?" Matty shouted through the bathroom door.

I grinned. "I fucking love it, Matty!"

"Good," he said, "Because I just ordered a crap load and we're going to eat it all tonight!"

I then realized that I couldn't wipe the smile from my lips and I didn't want to.
♠ ♠ ♠
Uh oh.

Someone can't make up her mind. :P

Thanks for the comments! They make me update faster! :D