Status: Starting...

Love Notes

Chapter One: The First

Study hall sucks. People talking about their drama. Making fun. Having fun, while I'm just sitting here. He's doing homework. Who Does homework in study hall. Especially a senior who is to amazing for his own good? I wish he would notice me, even a little. How can he not notice me?! It's window, him, then me! Why would he rather look out the window? I've been told I'm pretty. Was my ex lying?! How can I get Brandon to....Mischievous smile.
Was that a flinch?
Clears throat loudly.
"You okay Haylee?"
"Oh, Sorry Brandon," his name so sweet on my lips "I just feel kinda stuffed in here."
"I'll open the window for you." That was the cutest half smile! I wish I could..."Is that better?"
"Is that better with the window open?" Even his weird way of wording things is cute!
"Oh yeah," clear throat "thanks, kid"
"Kid? Haha cute but as I remember I'm older by a day." Ever sense 3rd grade he's rubbed that in my face. Why did I call him kid!? Ugh he will never love some one who says that!
Bell rings.
"See ya later, Haylee."
"Later." His voice makes me melt like a...
Passes note.
"Who's this for?"
"You." oh there's that smirk again...wait..what!?
♠ ♠ ♠
Can any comment and help me make this better?