Status: I will update every 3 days if I can

My life is already a hell hole. Why did you have to show up and make it worse?

My life is already a hell hole. Why did you have to show up and make it worse?

"Stacy. Get your ass down here before I kick you down the stupid stairs!"

I was getting ready for school when Kristina yelled for me at the bottom of the stair case.

"I'm fucking coming! Hold on! DAMN!" I yelled back to her.

I grabbed my school bag and ran out my bedroom door. I had to drive her and my other sister to school before I went my separate way. And damn I was running late.

I ran down the stairs and met up with Mary and Kristina.

"What took you so fucking long? Were you repairing the damn bathroom or what?" Kristina said to me like usual.

Kristina always yelled and did stupid shit. She even had her first kiss before me. (I haven't even had mine yet). She's 14 and a major asshole.

But she has her moments when she nice. But that lasts for about 3 seconds.

"No, I wasn't repairing the fucking bathroom." I rolled my eyes as i walked passed her.

"Stacy, you need to hurry next time. Your going to be late as usual. Kristina's right.... you did take a loonnnnggg fucking time." Mary said to me as she followed me to the car.

"Mary shut up and get in the car."

Kristina, Mary, and myself got in the car. I turned on the car and drove off.

As usual Kristina has shotgun and played the radio at max. Mary sat in back, singing to all the songs she knew. As for me...

I tried not to get a car crash while i thought about how fucked up my life was.

Assholes for sisters. No brothers. My mom always at work, and dating some asshole. Oh! And she's still married to my dad.

My dad was in jail for most of my life. Got out about 3 years ago. Now picks my sisters up from time to time. But he wishes he had boys. He don't like us much because we don't have a "penis"... I don't see whats so great about that.

Well any way yeah a lot on my plate.

"Stacy would you please just fucking listen to me for 2 fucking seconds?!"

Kristina yelled at me.

"What do you want now?" I asked in a miserable tone.

"Mom told me to give you this when she left. She said open it as soon as you get it."

She handed me a envelope that said to "Stacy Willcox" from "Vincent Corpus"

Hmmm I wonder who Vincent is....

I opened the letter as soon as my sisters jumped out of the car in the schools parking lot.

I unfolded the paper and read the first couple or sentences and couldn't go further.

"Stacy Willcox, we were very good friends at childhood, now we are going to be married. I'm sure you aren't happy with this because I'm not but, it can't be changed. Our parents had a agreement when we were born. I'll be coming soon to get you......"

I had tears flowing. I remembered. I remembered him now. He was the one. The one that fucked up my life. Now I'm gong to marry him... This couldn't be happening!

I slammed on the gas pedal and jolted forward. Heading to my moms work.
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