Descending Angel

Chapter 11

I didn’t know what I was doing, but it felt good. I wanted this, I don’t even know why. I don’t know Mikey, I don’t know Gerard and I most certainly don’t know Lauren, yet I could feel something out of the ordinary for the two brothers.

They were so alike, so beautiful in their own way. Mikey was sweet and funny. Always trying to make me feel comfortable, not to mention he helped me escape from my ‘girlfriend’. He was an award winning friend, maybe more.

Then there was Gerard. The mysterious, kind, caring, yet ever troubled kid who I was connected to whether I liked it or not. He takes care of me and knows my deepest secret, which has nothing to do with Eric at all, yet with me...Adrienne. He understands completely and still doesn’t think I am crazy.

When Mikey and I parted my hand was still fused with his hair and his arm had wound around my waist, creating a very questioning pose. Yet neither of us cared. And we still didn’t care when a girl came around the corner and noticed our pose. I don’t know about Mikey, but I cared even less when I eyed her then crashed Mikey’s lips against my own to create a scene she didn’t want to see.

“Eric, what did we just do?” Mikey questioned when he broke away from me.

“Make that wannabe Barbie leave?” I said a little sceptical.

“Oh...” He dropped my hand as the bell went and started his way back to the others. We made it back just in time to see a four guys in heavy black outfits sporting tattoos all up and down their arms.

“What’s Sir Fags-a-lot doing here?” One with a large leather jacket on said dryly to Frank, yet looking at Gerard.

“Stop it James. He’s here with Eric.” Ray said standing in between the two boys. Gerard backed up with no emotion in his face before seeing me. He smiled until a fist connected with his jaw.

“You have Eric, Gay-ard? What did you do to him? Word is that you pushed him into a sidewalk where he lost all memory, then you used your fag powers to brainwash him into being nice to you.” I walked up to James and stood in between him and everyone else, just like Ray had done moments before. “Eric! You are alive! Now help us beat down this fairy.”

“No.” I said with more confidence then I had.


“I said no.”

“Eric, this isn’t like you. Now prove you’re one of us and beat down this fairy.” Now don’t get me wrong, I was a girl in my past life. But I was no pussy. In fact I often beat up the guys who would bother me when I was younger. I think that if I concentrated enough, I could use these muscles for my own use. I reeled back and hit him square in the nose.

“Is this enough proof for you? I don’t want you around. Now get lost.” He fell to the ground supporting his nose for a couple minutes before taking his hands away. Blood was pouring down and off his hand.

“You broke my nose!”

“I’ll break more if you don’t shove off!” His eyes widened and he stood up almost tripping.

“You,” He pointed at Gerard, “you did this! We’ll get you for it!” Then he ran back the way he came and jumped into a car.

“Go guys, you’ll be late for class.” I said hugging them all in turn, when I got to Lauren she grabbed my butt.

“See you after school babe.” She whispered into my ear. I shivered in pure terror, however she thought it was because it turned me on so she smirked, winked and walked away. Swinging her hips that extra little bit to show off.

I gagged and turned to Gerard to take me home.

“Well...I’m guessing you weren’t into the girls then eh?”

“Nah, girls are great... just not her. She’s way too clingy and feels me up every minute, I knew I was hot, but I must really be hot to have someone grab my ass on a good bye hug.”

He laughed and turned back to his car.

“Oh and thanks for standing up for me back there. It’s a real difference from the Eric we used to have.”

“No problem. I’m not Eric remember? I’m not him, and I’m not like him. I’m me.”

Once we were back on the road he tried to start yet another conversation with me about my past life.

“So how did you die? I mean... if you don’t mind me asking...” I turned to him.

“No, of course not, I um... I committed suicide.” The word suicide barely left my mouth, I could just hear it. But to Gerard it must of sounded like a gun shot. His head spun around and landed on me.

“How could you? Thats such a stupid thing to do!” It was a fragile subject, I didn’t even realize it until Gerard had reaction. But then again, wasn’t I here to save him from committing suicide?

“Oh, don’t give me that! I know you have been planning on killing yourself! I know all about your death date and what was going to happen to you. So don’t even start!” I turned away form him and plastered my forehead to the window.

The car slowed down and parked in front of large park. I turned back to him, tears adorning both our eyes.

“How... How do you-”

“Thats not the question. We all know I was dead, obviously I know from there. But, why? You have the perfect life? You have everything and you’re giving it up?”

“You don’t know anything.”

“I know a lot, I know a lot more that you think I do. In fact I probably know more than you will ever know. I knew that my parents didn’t just ‘go away’ they died along with my baby brother. I also know that my old boyfriend was an arse, and I also know that the drugs he was feeding me were bad. I know now that when he hit me it wasn’t really my fault, just that he had a little too much to drink and he was bored. I know that Eric used to be an asshole and that he was in love with you. I also know you broke his heart every time he saw you with Bob. I know that Frank is going into something with the way he’s now worried about me, and I also happen to know that I have feelings for Mikey and you that don’t really seem to be mine.

“I know how much Mikey loves you as a brother, and how much Bob loves you as a boyfriend. I know how much Frank and Ray love you as friends. But most of all, I know that you are a great guy who just needs to see what’s around him and forget what Eric did to you because he was too afraid to fess up to his feelings for you.” I said this so quick I doubt he had heard it. I was so fuelled with anger. This kid had it easy. He has a loving family and friends. Sure, a couple guys beat on him and messed his life up a bit. But he couldn’t let that get to him. He was a strong man, and he knew it.

I was panting because of how fast and long my speech had been. For the third time today I had arms wrap around me, this time Gerard’s.

“I don’t want you to go. Ever.” With that he kissed me. And a whole new spark of feelings course through my system. I was so confused now, I didn’t know who I liked more, Mikey or Gerard?

What am I talking about? I’m going to be gone as soon as Gerard is saved. I have no choice. I can’t have either of them.

Or can I?
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Hey, hope you like this chapter. I worked REALLY hard on it for you all!!
