Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Nothing is Everything

The Joker pulled into his driveway and got out. He didn't even bother looking at her, I've taken this teasing thing too far, he thought, mumbling to himself, She'll grow attached, shit, I don't want another Harley, he could feel her walking behind him. He knew by her noiselessness that she was thinking of him as well. He turned to glare at her in anger and grabbed her by the arm, letting every feeling of hate he had towards her clamp down around her arm. She let out a little cry of pain, he giggled and started dragging her towards the only room in the house without a window and pushed her in. Then he closed the padlock on it, glad he had thought of everything, and went up the stairs mumbling and laughing to himself.

French sat on the ground baffled at his behavior. There was no bed. He is the Joker, I'm never going to figure him out, her arm was aching where he grabbed her. She looked at herself in the mirror. She was covered in the man at the bank's blood, her hair was flying out in every direction. Her arms had multiple finger-shaped bruises on them. She touched them, matching the size of his fingers to hers. Her stomach was full of warm-feelings towards this man. You haven't cried since the night you killed your father don't start now, she told herself, he's just a psychotic man whose keeping you alive merely for entertainment. He hates you, he tells you quite a bit. She gritted her teeth in anger. She was mad at herself.

She pointed at her own reflection in the mirror, "From now on, French, you are going to hold your own. You are not going to let him touch you, unless you want him to touch you," even though that's always, "Don't let him know. He doesn't own you, no man does. You are tougher than this, Frenchie."

The Joker could hear her talking to herself, he giggled to his self, "I've shooken her up, hmm?" he giggled, lacing his hands together, "Good."

He bounded down the stairs and started unlocking her door, then he slammed it open, "I was starting to miss you," she giggled, laughing at her own private joke.

"Come on, were going to give Gotham some more punishments," he started towards her.

She crossed her arms and plopped down on the floor, "I don't feel like it, what's in it for me?" she asked, examining her bloody nails.

He exhaled in frustration, "I don't like play-things who tease," he laughed, pressing her down to the floor.

"The feelings mutual," she replied, accidentally, thinking of all his teasing.

He could see her scolding herself for saying that out loud, he laughed at her even harder, "Who has been, ah, teasing my Little Bloody Jax?" he asked, pressing tighter against her.

She pushed against him with all her strength, he went back a little, "Don't," she growled, glaring at him.

He started laughing more, "I like it when you get rough," he stood up and slammed the door shut, "Come get me Jaxy."

French tried to contain her anger but she couldn't help it. She ran at him as fast as she could and pushed up against him. He barely moved as she rammed into him. He just laughed even harder, this made her mad, so she punched him in the face. He was in hysterics now, laughing at her anger, "Shut up," she yelled, punching him in the stomach again. He looked like he couldn't breath he was laughing so hard. She tried to kick him in the balls, but he grabbed her foot.

"Oh, my Little Play-thing, not there now, I kind of need those," he giggled. She ran at him again, "Why don't you use your knife, Biscuit?" he teased, he had tooken it from her.

She groaned in anger and pushed him one last time, "What do you want from me?" she shrieked on the top of her lungs.

This made him stop laughing and he grabbed her by the shoulders, "Why does everyone ask that?" he growled, shaking her a little, "Maybe, I don't want anything, hmm? Does anyone ever think about that?" he threw her down on the ground like she was a rag-doll. "That kind of saddens me, Sugar, I thought you understood, when you murder, do you want anything from that person? Anything that person does is not going to stop you, you don't want anything, except the thrill of their blood going everywhere," French didn't reply, "Answer me!" he bellowed.

"That's right, you are right, okay, I never want anything from that person," he doesn't want me for anything she thought.

He could see it sinking in, he could tell she was realizing that he didn't need her or want her, she was just, as he had said so many times, a play-thing, "I never bend the truth," he told her, "Now, get up we have some more punishment to bring."

"I'm not going," she mumbled, wrapping her arms around herself.

"Fine," he turned from the room, slammed the door and locked it. Then he ran out to his van, yelling at two of his Goons, they followed him into the van. They squealed tires leaving. French was soon asleep, "Get the bombs ready," The Joker barked from the front-seat.

The goons started filling the bags up with the already-made bombs in the back as the Joker swerved all over the road. In the distance he could see a large fire consuming the bank his goons had robbed earlier. He started laughing and then pulled into Wayne Enterprises, "Put those bombs all over the building," he commanded, hopping out of the van.

A heavily-armored black car pulled in then, the bat mobile. The Joker laughed in excitement. He pulled out one of his M16's and started laughing. The Bat man stared at it, like it was a toy, "Joker, turn yourself in," he commanded.

The Joker laughed hysterically, "Reveal your identity."

Batman lunged at him then and the Joker pulled the trigger, letting out a couple of rounds as he fell to the ground. They started to wrestle then, "Give it up Joker," Batman growled, once he had him pinned down.

The Joker laughed at the warm-feeling of pavement pressed on his face, "Such a romantic moment, we are about to see fireworks," he laughed.

A couple of cars in the parking lot blew up, idiots, the Joker thought, his goons didn't even make it to the building, "Looks like your goons failed you, Joker."

"Whatever, I hope Mr. Wayne gets the message," he giggled, as Batman picked him up off the ground, he now had handcuffs, "This is new, why aren't they shaped like, ah, bats?"

The police pulled up and Batman dropped him and disappeared around the corner. A couple of policemen grabbed the Joker and started dragging him towards a car. They pushed him in the backseat and drove off towards Arkham. The Joker laughed as he saw another explosion in the distance, there went a hospital.
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I'm missing the feedback :/
And however, will French get out of that little room without a window, hmm? Lets just say you dont mess with a woman.