Waking up in Vegas

I'll love you forever

One year later

Of course we had to wait until John was done with tour and had enough of a break from it so we could have our wedding and our honeymoon, so the new “engagement” lasted about a year before we were finally able to go through with the new wedding.

Telling our parents had been challenging, to say the least. Sure, my parents loved John and I had gotten pretty close to his, but it was still difficult to tell them that we were technically already married. We tried to spare some of the details from Vegas, but it wasn’t too difficult for them to fill in the blanks. They were a little upset at first; their children had gotten married on the first night they met in Vegas with little to no memory of the actually ceremony. But they had gotten over it because they could clearly see how much we meant to each other. John and I were in love. It was as simple as that.

I had asked Cassie to be my maid of honor, and Mallory, Camrynn, and Jayla to be bridesmaids as soon as John had asked me to marry him again, and of course they said yes. They were helping me plan everything, and it was stressful, but it was still fun with Cassie and the girls by my side and just knowing that I would be marrying John again and I would get to spend the rest of my life with him.

The day had finally come and I was at the church, getting ready to marry the love of my life. Again. Only this time we were both actually going to be coherent for it. And I was damn glad because I wanted to remember it for the rest of my life.

I had my dress on and Cassie and Camrynn were finishing up with my hair and Mallory and Jayla were doing my nails. Every time I looked at myself in the mirror I caught myself smiling, even when I didn’t realize I was doing it. I was just so happy.

Finally I was ready and so were all of my bridesmaids. It was time.

We made our way to the main church doors, where we would be entering to walk down the aisle, from the room we had been getting ready in. My dads were standing on either side of me, waiting eagerly to walk me down the aisle.

The girls walked in one by one with the guys from The Maine. Of course they were John’s groomsmen.

Tears started forming in my eyes when I heard the song start playing that would cue my entrance. I tried my best to hold them in; I didn’t want to ruin my makeup. But I was just so happy and so ready to marry John again that I couldn’t help it.

Daddy wiped my tears and kissed me on the cheek. Dad did the same and they both gripped my hands in theirs.

“It’s time to go baby,” Daddy whispered and I nodded, taking a deep breath and stopping the flow of my happy tears.

“I’m ready.”

The doors opened and I started walking, smiling so big that it almost hurt. I looked around at all my friends and family in the church, at John’s as well. I saw his parents smiling and looking so happy for us. I saw my aunts and uncles and cousins, even Jane and Ed looked pleased, and Charlie looked like he was fit to burst with excitement.

When my eyes locked with John’s though, it was like everyone else in the room just melted away. I couldn’t help but think that this was what a marriage should truly be, should truly feel like. I was so glad that I got to experience it with John. And he looked like the happiest man on earth as he watched me walk towards him, ready to promise myself to him forever.

When we reached the end of the aisle, Dad and Daddy gave me away and now it was John’s turn to take my hand. We just stood there and stared into each other’s eyes smiling; we couldn’t look away. Finally the minister had to clear his throat to get our attention so he could get on with the ceremony.

It was a really beautiful ceremony, I’m sure, but all I could really focus on was John. When we read our vows to each other, and exchanged the rings, and said our “I do’s”, it was definitely the best moment of my life.

Finally, the minister announced us as man and wife, and it was time for John to kiss the bride. He placed his hand gently on my cheek as he leaned forward with a smile on his face. I reciprocated the smile before his lips landed on mine. It was a perfect kiss and I was sure that nothing would ever be able to top that moment in my life.

After the kiss everyone started cheering and I kind of came back to reality a little bit. I noticed everyone there again, and how happy everyone looked. It made me feel great to be in a room full of so much love.

The limo ride to the reception was filled with shots and champagne and I was glad that we had taken photos right after the wedding because I was starting to feel a little tipsy. But I decided I didn’t want to push it any farther than that. I had already had one wedding with John that I didn’t remember because of alcohol and I didn’t want to have another. I wanted to remember everything about that day so I could cherish it forever.

We walked into the reception and I couldn’t help but smile as them introducing us as Mr. and Mrs. O’Callaghan. It felt more real now somehow, because I was finally taking John’s last name, and all of our family and friends had been there to witness it this time, not just some Elvis impersonator.

It was a typical wedding reception. We each danced with our parents, we danced with each other, Cassie and Jared gave amazing maid of honor and best men speeches, we cut the cake and John shoved some in my face, I threw the bouquet and John threw the garter, we had the dollar dances, we danced to the Cha Cha Slide and the Cupid Shuffle, and everyone just had an amazing, fun time.

Hours into it there were still a lot of people going strong, having a blast, and I was amazingly content to just dance in John’s arms, no matter how much dancing I had already done.

“I love you so much Kendall,” he whispered as we spun around slowly to the beat of the song playing.

“I love you too John. And this whole thing has been so perfect. I know our story isn’t typical at all but I don’t think I would change it for the world. I’m glad everything happened the way it did. Otherwise I might not have found you.”

He smiled before leaning down to kiss me and I would definitely never get tired of that.

“I’m just glad you agreed to my crazy plan of staying together when we barely knew each other. I don’t know what it was, but there was just something about you that I knew I really liked, and I just wanted to be able to get to know you more.”

“Well, I’m glad you had that crazy plan John O’Callaghan.”

“Is that so Kendall O’Callaghan?”

I just nodded and grinned up at him as we continued to dance.

Once the song was over John leaned down and kissed me again and I hoped he would never stop kissing me like that ever.

“I love you,” I said again. I just couldn’t stop saying it.

“I’ll love you forever,” he replied and that definitely sounded like something I could live with.
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And it's done. finally. sorry i sucked at posting. hopefully it's a good ending