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But If I Share My Secret, You're Gonna Have to Keep It


"Alright Adam,"I caved;he knows I can't say no to him."One date." A huge smile emerged onto his face,he leaned in a placed a soft kiss on my lips."What is this date?"I asked,our lips still inches away from mine."Well,think of it as one long date." he smiled deviously."Meaning?" Adam leaned in and kissed me one last time before he spoke,"I want you to come on tour with me." "Tour?!Adam I can't;We're trying to get to know eachother again,this would fuck it all up." I looked up at the ceiling and sighed,"Morgan listen,tour will be the perfect time to get to know eachother again.please."Ge looked at me with pleading eyes;I wanna say no but I can't,"Fine,I'll go."
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So She's going on tour with Adam and the band, to find each other again. Tell me what you think, critiques? Comments? Subscriptions? :)