Status: In Progress

Amnesia Causes Many Things . . . Falling for My Enemy Isn't One of Them

Chapter 1

I sighed as I watched the horses thunder away from the castle. The polished armor worn by their riders glinted in the setting sun as the animals listened to their masters' every command. As my green eyes watched the men leave, only one slowed down until the rest were far ahead of him. He turned his white horse around, the steed, even from this height I could see, pounded the ground before it reared with a scream as the man atop the animal raised his sword before him and his faithful companion hit the dirt road once more to catch up with the others.

A small smile made its way to my red lips as I watched him crest the hill and into the darkness beyond. A sigh once again escaped my lips as I wished I could join the men in their chase. Instead I was stuck here to learn how to walk straight, talk proper, and even learn how to sleep like a princess. Like the princess I was. . . .

"Lady Selene! Lady Selene! Why must you be such a daydreamer! Stop watching your hunky man leave already and get ready for dinner!"

The shrill voice of my maid made me wince as I turned around, my blue evening dress obviously not good enough for a dinner with my mother and father, though the silk was one that many people longed to own. Long locks of ash brown hair tumbled over my shoulders and down to my waist as I spun around to look at the woman currently ransacking my large closet. Her navy blue and white maids outfit made her stick out like a sore thumb in all the bright and fantastic colors in my closet. I could hear her mutterings and curses from where I stood. I would swear on my life that the woman cared far too much about my own appearance than she did about her own. Her mouse brown hair was pulled up into a bun that was very unkempt. Wisps of hair escaped the tightly round band around her hair as she continued her search for the 'perfect dress.'

"You know Elinor, you don't have to do this. I could just walk down there as I am. It's not like the world will perish if I'm not a perfect princess for a night," I told her, already knowing the argument that would arise from those simple words. I could hear the intake of breath as she stuck her head out of my closet, her grey eyes giving the sternest look I would ever see on a maid's face.

"Lady Selene, you could at least try to act like a princess. You obviously need more lessons," she growled, her wild and wispy hair giving her a very devilish look as she disappeared once more into the closet. I sighed and walked across the plush carpet to sit on my large feather down bed. I put one hand under my chin as I rested my elbow on my leg as I leaned over, my back crying out in pain from the way I've had to stand all day. Of course my relaxation didn't last long as I was instantly dragged up by my arm and fussed over as Elinor got busy undressing me and getting me into a gorgeous light pink, floor length dress.

A soft knock on the door made Elinor puff up like an unhappy mother bird as my mahogany door opened to reveal another maid, one whose name I didn't know. Her fearful brown eyes looked at Elinor as if the other woman would be able to make her disappear into an abyss. This, unfortunately, seemed just what she had planned on doing.

"Why must you disturb us at a time like this?! Lady Selene must get ready for dinner! I swear on my last breath if anyone else interrupts-"

"D-Dinner is ready mi'lady," the young girl stuttered, her blonde hair bouncing a bit as she curtsied hurriedly before she instantly closed the door. I could barely hear her quick footsteps almost running away from the door. I could only smile at Elinor. I shook my head, straightening my dress and running my fingers through my hair while Elinor stood there like a shocked deer.

"Now Elinor, you should know you're never going to make friends acting that way," I chided her with a grin before I took a gander in my mirror. I looked just as I did every other day . . . fixed and pretty. Every time a feeling of great emptiness filled my stomach, almost as if I was staring at someone I didn't recognize. My thoughts were interrupted, however, by Elinor as she chuckled lightly and ran back over to me as if I was a porcelain doll about to fall to pieces.

"Lady Selene, you needn't worry about me. I don't need friends. My job is to look after you, and that is what I shall do, no matter the cost."

I smiled sadly. That's exactly what I was afraid of. I didn't want someone to be tied to me just because I was a princess, or just because of a job or a home where they could live. It just didn't feel right. Sometimes it felt as if I was wearing another person's skin, and one day, I would eventually find myself where I belong. Obviously, I hadn't found that place yet.

"Come on Lady Selene! We're going to be late and your father won't be pleased," Elinor fussed as she dragged me out of my room. My feet were bound in light pink glass shoes and my hair hung down just like it always had. That was the only thing that I could get away with. No one would dare touch my hair. I was much too protective over the simple fact that some people thought I was crazy. But maybe I was.

As I rushed down the corridor, I grabbed my dress up off the floor so that I wouldn't trip to my death. Elinor hurried ahead of me, her simple maid shoes and outfit made it much easier to move around than a large puffy dress.

It only took us a few minutes to reach the dining hall, where Elinor disappeared down one of the maid's corridors while I fixed my dress and hair hurriedly, hoping I wouldn't be a disappointment before I started my descent down the stairs that would bring me to the dining hall.
The deep red carpeted stairs looked magnificent compared to the marble floor below. The chandeliers hanging above cast more light than anyone would have imagined, but considering how there were at least a hundred of the glittering chains, it seemed expectant.

"Ah, and here's my daughter," I heard a deep but underlying soft voice announce, his voice echoing off of the walls as I held my head high. I hardly dared to look ahead of me to see who I would be introduced to, but I knew I must. My green gaze landed upon a fairly young man, around my age so it seemed, standing with awe and admiration as he gazed toward me. The mask I only used for formal greetings slipped upon my face as it normally did, a small smile and a gesture here and there to acknowledge the person before me, but tonight, my facade slipped slightly. The amazing blue eyes that stared at me made my skin crawl. It wasn't that his presence was threatening, oh no. His muscular build, fair skin and sandy blonde hair would make any other girl giggle and laugh like a puppet, with him being the puppeteer. Even with his fancy clothes and demeanor, he looked as perfect as anyone would expect. It was the look in his eyes that set him apart from every other person in the room. He recognized me. I could tell from the look buried deep within his eyes. Those eyes were so breathtakingly gorgeous, but at the same time terrifying. I couldn't place the feeling I had, but I almost jumped as my mother laid her hand on my arm.

I tore my gaze from the young man to look at my mother with a smile. She knew. She always knew. If there was something going on within this room, she'd know it in a heartbeat. That was one of the reasons I loved her so. She would be able to tell if I was about to have a breakdown even if I was smiling and laughing.

"Selene, we would like for you to meet Deimos Salvador. Lord Salvador, this is our daughter, Lady Cressida," my mother stated, her voice strong and beautiful as it carried across the room. Lord Salvador, or Deimos, looked slightly surprised as he took a step away from the table. For a moment, I thought he was going to leave, but then he walked closer to me. Again, I put on that same mask, even though with each echoing step he took, I thought it was melting off of my face. My mother moved away from me, and without her presence, I felt abandoned and alone.

No matter, I had to be polite and princess-like. As he outstretched his hand, I gently laid my hand on top of his open palm. The electric feel almost burned my hand, but I kept my reaction in check as I curtsied, my other hand grabbing my dress and lifting it so. As I finished, he bowed, raising his eyes to look at me once again before gently kissing my hand. His soft lips seemed to dance across my hand before I gently pulled back, almost in alarm. Lord Salvador seemed not to have noticed either way.

"Well then, let us feast!" My father boasted as he took his seat once again at the head of the table with my mother to his left. I walked to the right side of the table and laid my hand on the back of my chair ready to allow myself to sit down, but before I could even think about using my muscles to move the chair back an inch, a warm hand covered my own.

"Allow me, Lady Cressida," a soft voice almost whispered in my ear, almost making me unable to breathe. I slid my hand out from underneath his with ease as he moved the chair back. I elegantly sat in the chair as he pushed it against my legs. I almost felt as if I would pass out at any time. Had Elinor tied my corset too tight? Had my lungs quit working? No. It was simply my imagination.

For the time it took Lord Salvador to place himself next to me, I had regained my composure ten-fold. I pushed all thoughts and feelings out of my mind, convincing myself, for the time being, that I was simply being idiotic. The only reason I felt this way would have to be of Conner's absence from the castle. That was the only possible explanation for my imaginative mind getting the best of me.

It didn't take long for conversation to start rolling. My father and Lord Salvador chatted about the people and politics while my mother put in her input when she decided it was necessary. I stayed mostly silent, only giving my opinion when it was absolutely needed. My mother gave me a single glance before she tore my father's and Lord Salvador's attention away from my silence to discuss the upcoming ball which would celebrate my eighteenth birthday. I sent her a short thankful look before I returned to my dinner.

I ate delicately, as a princess should. No one would be able to finish their food like this before it got cold, but nonetheless, it was a must. As the desert was served, I partially ate some of the served pudding before I laid my napkin on the table. My mother looked up from her own glass bowl to give me an inquisitive look before I cleared my throat. My father and Lord Salvador's conversation ceased as I looked up to both of them, but I concentrated on my father the most. There was no way I'd be able to utter a sound if I didn't.

"If I may be excused, I would like to continue my studies," I stated formally, my green gaze landing on my father's grey eyes. He looked at me skeptically at first before he began to laugh. It echoed around the room before he smiled at me lovingly.

"Are you sure you're not going to stick your nose in another one of your adventures, daughter?" he replied with laughter still shaking his body as his eyes twinkled. I couldn't help but let the smile fall on my lips at the sound of my father's accusation. I could be found anywhere within the castle with a book in my hand, whether I be walking down the stairs or waiting for breakfast to be served.

"As long as it wouldn't disturb you, father," I replied with a smile and a nod and my father instantly shooed his hands toward me.

"Ah, run along Selene. It won't be long until we have to restock the library anyway," he replied with a chuckle as he instantly started a conversation about me to mother. I stood up silently and curtsied toward Deimos, bowing my head slightly.

"It was a pleasure to meet you Lord Salvador. I hope I get the pleasure to meet you once again," I stated with a calm and steady voice, my green eyes not looking toward the man sitting in the chair looking intently at me. I looked straight past him, almost as if he wasn't even sitting there. Almost.

"Oh, darling, Lord Salvador will be spending a few weeks with us until your birthday. His kingdom has graciously accepted our request for their presence here when we will celebrate your eighteenth year. He is here to represent them."

I almost dropped to the floor then and there. My green eyes flickered toward my mother, her brown eyes warm, but somehow worrisome as she gazed at me quietly. I nodded my head before I curtsied once more.

"My apologies. Lord Salvador, I hope you have a lovely stay," I replied before I straightened myself once more, almost wanting to bolt out of the room before his voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Please, don't apologize mi'lady. There's no need."

And that's when I turned on my heel, my formalities forgotten, and walked up the stairs in a fast pace. Elinor was waiting at the top step, and when she saw my face, she almost walked down the stairs herself to demand what had just happened. I wasn't crying, no, none of that nonsense. A look of terror only made my bright green eyes widen as I was whisked away by Elinor, her words forgotten as soon as she uttered them as she led me to the library, my only safe haven.

As a maid, Elinor had to be absolutely positive that I was alright before she had to leave the room, a look of worry written all across her face as she left me sitting in the library. The comfortable red leather didn't relax my muscles as it normally would have after a stressful dinner. Tonight, it only seemed to make it worse.

Picking up a book, I tried my best to get lost within the pages, but I couldn't even manage that. Every time I would start a paragraph, I wouldn't even get finished with the cluster of words before my mind left the page all together and went back downstairs to the dinner and Lord Salvador. The strangeness that made my skin tingle made me light headed as I finally closed the book and placed it on a nearby table.

I stood, almost robotically, as I calmly walked to my room. I slipped out of my dress and into a silk night gown and crawled underneath the covers of my bed, the darkness of my room comforting me slightly as I slowly drifted off into a deep and strange sleep.