Status: Very much active

Don't Go

Chapter 1; Coffee and Cologne

The office reaked of overly made coffee and cologne.

I could definitely tell that this was my bossman's office. The stench of his Old Spice cologne instantly hitting me as I walked in. Luckily, once in and settled, the overly made coffee smell overpowered his cologne. There were only a few words to describe marcus Sinclair; arrogant, narcissitic, and occasionly perky. But, he had connections and he followed through with everything he promised. This is what made Marcus Sinclair the next best band manager in the United States.

And I was lucky to have him as my manager. Now-a-days it was getting increasingly difficult to sign to a decent record company and manager. The music industry had way to many good artists and bad ones. I was fortunate enough to even have Marcus. I wasn't a full time muscian, but I wasn't a roadie either. Usually with most band managers, they want you to become a roadie. Get you used to and prepared for touring. Plus, if the bands really liked you, kudos to you.

At the moment, I was a back up muscian for any band who wanted to add some random musical styles to their concerts. Or just to show off that they're nice enough to allow anybody to play with them. Either way, it was earning me my street cred and money. Also, I met all the bands I loved in the process.

An hour earlier, I was called to come meet up with Marcus. That's why I had to endure his cologne and coffee smell. It was also nice to look him over. For a middle aged man around his forties, he wasn't a bad looking man. No, I don't date older man like that, but it was okay to find them attractive.

He continued to read the papers he had just recieved. After five minutes, he finally looked up at me. "Gotcha a new gig."

I nervously dug at my nails. Hopefully it would be the one to give me my career. "Where, when, and with who?"

Marcus chuckled. "It's not the Warped tour, but something along the lines of it." I groaned, but he wasn't done. "It's with five bands and a side. And a bonus, you can brig one friend. Passes included. Everything paid for. Just perform with each of these bands."

Didn't sound so bad. "Can I find out the bands?" Marcus had a way with not always telling me who I was touring with. His sick sense of humor.

"Surprise." This earned him another groan, and I just recieved that cheshire grin of his.

Lovely. I sighed. "When do I have to meet up with these bands?"

"Tomorrow, around 3. So go out and have fun. Before you waste four or five months on a bus." He took a sip from his mug. "I won't meet you there. But I will want weekly posts. And I will meet up with you next month." He waved me off.

I jumped up, excited, and made my way to the elevator. I took out my phone and dialed my best friend's number. "Pick up, pick up. You cannot be doing a photoshoot right now!"

"Hey! Morgana here, sorry... I can't pick up the phone right now. Either because I am busy or I just don't want to talk to you! If you leave a message and it's important, then I'll get back to you. Bye!" Great, her voicemail.

I growled. "Morgana Amelia, if you do not pick up or reach me in the next two hours, I will not choose you! So call me back!" I hit the end button and slid my phone into my skinny jean pockets. Looks like I need a coffee break. And not the shitty coffee either. Starbucks.


I twisted a strand of my layered maroon hair. The line in here was crazy. It was way to crowded and all I wanted was a peppermint mocha. That was it. Morgana hadn't called back, and I was impatient. So this coffee meant Harlequin would stay calm. If not, I'd just go ape shit on all the indecisive morons.

Fifteen minutes later, finally, I was at the counter. "One peppermint mocha. And make it a large."

"That'll be 2.90." I handed the cashier the money and watched as the coffee guru's did their magic. It was fascinating watching them flip the cups around and make delicious coffee. The chick handed me my drink. "Have a nice day."

"Thanks." I got out of the line and took the slowest possible sip of my mocha I could. Savoring the minty flavor. I wasn't watching my step as I bumped into somebody tall and hard. Thank god for lids.

"I'm so sorreh!" If the british accent didn't hit me, the looks did. A scrawny yet well toned and heavely tattooed Oli Sykes stood before me.

I was beyond stuttering in front of rockstars. After A year and a half or it, no need for it. But damn, het was hotter in person. "It's fine, no harm done."

He still attempted to try and wipe up an invisible mess. "Bloody hell, I really am sorreh."

I pushed his hands away. "No really Oli, I'm fine."

He popped his head up and gave me a baffled look. "You know my name?"

"Of course. Who wouldn't? Oliver Sykes, prefers Oli. Lead vocalist for Bring Me the Horizon. A band I have yet to tour with."

Oli smiled. "I'm sorreh, I don't recognize you."

I shrugged. "I'm not really famous yet. But hopefully soon enough." I put out my hand. "Harlequin Sanders."

Oli took my hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it gently and then winking. "Nice to meet you Harle."

I wasn't really sure what to say. And I didn't want him to go yet. I mean come on, a super famous and super hot rockstar was in front of me! "So how long are you here for?"

I followed Oli to a table and sat across from him. "Well, tomorrow I have to go. New tour wiff my band mates."

God, his british accent. I began to fan myself, it was getting insanely hot in here. I didn't even want my mocha anymore."Me too. I mean, going. On tour."

Another silence, but it looked as if Oli didn't want to leave either. "Maybe you can show me around? I know it's my last day, but I haven't seen much of New York."

"Sure!" Why not? No harm could really befall me if I showed him around.


A couple of hours later, outside of the Statue of Liberty, Oli and I were enjoying some ice cream. "This place is amazing. Thanks Harle!"

"You're welcome." My phone began to vibrate. I took it out and saw Morgana's caller id. "Hello?"

"Ohmygod! I am so sorry! Please don't be mad! Choose me for whatever it is still, please!?"

I giggled. Oli looked over at me and I motioned for him to give me a few minutes. "I might not take ya!"

"Harles!" She whined.

I smiled. "I shouldn't take you, but I suppose I will."

"Yay! But... where are we going?"

"Four month tour with six bands! And don't ask me who, because I don't even know." I looked over at Oli, who was signing autographs. "Look, I got to go, be ready before two. Kay, bye."

I hung up and ran over to Oli. He looked up at me. "Everything fine?"

"Yeah, just my friend. So?"

Oli smirked. "So?"

"Bored yet?"

"Actually, no. You're not a bad tour guide. Make it yeh next career?" He chuckled.

"Well, I still have a few hours left in me before I have to get some sleep. Up for some more fun?"

Oli winked. "With you, hell yeah!"


It was about ten when Oli led me to my apartment room. I have to admit, I didn't want to say goodbye. I wasn't the best at these things. Especially when it means saying goodbye to this sexy ass rockgod.

"It was so nice meeting you Oli! I had a great day!"

"I did too. And I'm so glad I met you Harle." He bent down, kissing my cheek softly.

I felt my face burning. No doubt about it, I knew I was blushing. "I um, hope your tour goes great!"

Oli's face dropped. But all to quickly, it brightened up, hiding any sadness. "And your's. I hope to see you again, sometime."

I watched as Oli walked off. "Me too." Sadly, I didn't really think we'd see eachother again any time soon. And when we did, he'd forget about me. The memory of a girl giving a tour fading within a few weeks. He was a rockstar, he'd busy himself with girls and thngs to do.

I was used to watching things go and being forgotten. It wasn't knew to me. I shook the cruel memories from my mind. This was why I hated goodbyes.


The alarm couldn't go off any quicker.

I was ready. More than ready really. I was excited to see who the bands were that I was touring with. Morgana texted me and declared that she was ready, ahead of schedule. I found myself grabbing clothes and the things I needed, packing quickly. By twelve, I was showered and ready.

I decided to wear a short sleeve and black sweater dress that went to my knees. Black tights with black ankle boots. Decided to leave my hair down, it was naturally straight. My phone rang. "What Morgana?"

"Could you come pick me up early?"

"Maybe. Marcus just sent the address to me. So maybe we should get there earlier than expected, meet all the guys."

I heard Morgana screech. "That is a great idea!"

"See you in an hour."

Hauling my things into the truck was not the most thrilling way to start off my day, but it had to be done. You'd figure if any nice guy saw a tiny girl like me carrying big bags of stuff, they'd come help. Well, not in New York. Driving to Morgana's small house was a ten minute drive. And traffic here was bad. So literally, it took me an hour.

I saw Morgana waiting outside. "Impatient much?" She smiled.

Morgana was the type of girl that most called emo or scene. Pink and peach hair, septum piercing, and the whole band tee and skinny jeans thing. As weird as she was, I loved her. She had been through thick and thin with me. We've been through heartbreak, divorce, abuse, and alot of things that needed a best friend.

"I'm ready to meet the bands! I may be a roadie, but this is exciting. Going on tour with my soon to be famous best friend."

"Whatever. Now help me with your bags." I all to quickly began hauling her things into the truck.
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I know it's a slow start, but I hope to get better in my later chapters!