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Alterinative Press

"So what's it been like for you, these last two years of non-stop rocking out?" I was asked. A personal interview with AP ends me up in an all black room, one tape recorder, one interviewer, and two stools. I smiled nonetheless, and began to think of a witty answer.

"Awesome, really. I know a lot of people, towards the end of touring, tend to complain a little about being away from home for so long, but I think that, being away that long, makes being home so much more enjoyable. I've been on three tours in the last two years, and that's unbeilivable in itself. I've met so many people, and been requainted with soem old friends, and I can't believe I've had the chance to do all of that," I answered.

"So, you were recently hospitalized, and your baby was taken from you. Reportedly, you've said nothing on the subject, but we're wondering if there's anything you'd like to clarify about it," he asked me. He pushed his glasses up his nose and waited, holding his paper of questions in his hand. I smiled slighty. And I was ready to spill my guts about this.

"Well, the whole story is one big mess. I wasn't expecting to be a mother, and I really wasn't ready. Five months in and I was still seperated from the father, was staying in a hotel room, and had nothing to provide my baby with. I was totally unfit, and I'm not completely ungreatful that my baby was taken. It would have had a hard life, espically with my career and a father that had not a clue what to think about it. Don't get me wrong, Pete would have been a great father, but he wasn't ready either. He just...took the news worse than I did.

"There isn't much to say other than, at this point, I will never forget that I almost had a baby at 21. It almost seems unreal, but not quite. And I would't change any of that for the world, because in the end, Pete and I's realtionship is even stronger than we could have ever imagined," I finished.

"There are rumors about a new cd. What's the truth, and what's on it?" he asked, smirking.

"We are working on some new stuff, stuff that we've never done before. We seemed to have Paramore on every album so far, but this time, we're having Hayley Williams fly out to record with us. And that's just one of many surpirses! We're doing a little bit more hardcore music, a little bit edgier, some pop, even. We know our fans will love it!" I answered.

"So, in the two years of being known as the lead singer of Fallin In Flames, what's made everything worth it for you?" he asked. His glasses had slid down his nose again, and he pushed them back towards his face.

"Everything. Being known is a huge thing. Fans are the one aspect of being in a band that everyone loves, even the fans themselvs. I love being who I am, what I am because I love the fans. The make me who I am and put me where I am right now. They mean the world to me, and I couldn't ask for better people to have as fans then the one that I do have," I answerd. He nodded for once.

"What can we look foward to, stage presence wise from Falling In Flames?" he asked.

"Um, not much out of the oridary yet. We're still a starting out band, or that's what it feels like. I think we're waiting until we headline a tour to put in pyrotechinics and huge banners and lights. Things like those are made for the biggest band on the tour, and we're still playing second or third from begining. I'd deffinitly look out for some musical cameos in the future, though!" I answered.

Soon, he was out of questions, and I was grabbing a cab back to the house. As usual, Hemingway jumped on my lap as soon as I took a seat next to Pete out by the pool. I hadn't noticed that Joe and Andy were in the pool until then, and Sonny came out and jumped right behind Hem ontop of me.

"You have no clue how much I missed you!" he said, reaching over the dog to hug me, but then Hem jumped off the chair and ran to his doggy-igloo. I smiled and hugged him back.

"Sonny, I saw you like, four weeks ago," I said. He smiled and shrugged. Then he got off the chair and jumped into the pool.

"How did the interview go?" Pete asked.

"It was okay, and I'm still here, so that's always good."

He smiled and took my hand, pulling me from my chair onto his, so I was laying in his arms. I could have fallen asleep, if I had not had a gallon of water dumped on me. I sat up straight up and stared right at Joe.

"Andy double dog dared me!" he cried. I glared at Andy, but he just smiled back. Then came my idea. I slowly smiled and got off the chair, making my way over to Joe.

"You did the crime, you'll do the time," I said and lunged at him. The force of my jump landed us both in the water, then bobbing up and laughing hysterically at each other. Hey, these were my friends, and I was absolutly in love with being here again.