I've Fallen in Love With You, One Too Many Times

im sorry, for breaking all the promises that i wasn't around to keep

Ontario, Stratford, Canada

I pulled the warming blanket closer to my shivering body and pressed my thumb rapidly on the remote, looking for something to watch on television.

“Not hanging out with Ryan or Chaz today?” my mother questioned, entering the bedroom with my baby sister. I shook my head vigorously and returned my eyes to the T.V., glaring.

“They’re with Justin right now” I muttered angrily, laying my chin on my knee.

“Why are you so hard on Justin Sky? He was your best friend” my mother said sighing, putting down my sister.

“Mom, I don’t want to talk about this” I spoke lightly, cutting of the television to give her my full attention.

“You’re treating him like he was nothing to you though! Justin deserves a one on one conversation from you Sky, don’t leave him clueless on the matter to why you’re ignoring him”

I growled lowly and put my face into a pillow a screamed. I could hear my mom laughing and the fading of her footsteps down the hall. I sighed and lifted my head to look around the quiet house. There was nothing to do.


I shoved my hands deep into the pockets of my jacket. Ryan and Chaz walked awkwardly beside me in silence. I could sense they weren’t too happy with me being home either and it was starting to eat at my skin.

These were my best friends, and I’m standing in between them now with this awkward tension in the air that was swirling around us like we were strangers or something. Everything was eating at me, the way I couldn’t talk to them about anything, and the way I couldn’t give Sky a smile without her glaring at me, or the way we could all hang out period. It was just killing me, and there wasn’t much I could do about it since I was the one who chose to drift away from them.

“Guys” I stopped walking and they each turned around to face me, slight annoyance covered both of their faces “I am really sorry about not being a better friend, and not hanging out with you guys more. I guess the fame wrapped around my head like a million presents and I was always with Selena, I feel so bad about ditching you guys like that. And I remember what Sky said at lunch yesterday, I was buying my way back into your lives and I’m not going to do that. I’m going to be a better friend, no matter what Selena says. I miss you guys, so much. No matter how gay it sounds”

Ryan and Chaz looked at each other and they both smiled, “we forgive you Justin but I don’t really think we’re the ones you need to be apologizing to, there’s another one in this group who you never contacted while you were gone bro” Ryan said and I frowned.

“She won’t listen to me guys, no matter how hard I try” I muttered looking away from them.

“Trust me Biebs, Skyler has been waiting for five years to hear you apologize to her face to face” Chaz smirked and I lifted my eyes to greet theirs.

“Are you serious?” I questioned looking from Ryan to Chaz.

“Dead serious” they both chorused and I smiled.

Skyler Moore, get ready for the BEST apology of a lifetime.
♠ ♠ ♠
hehe. another short chapter. :|
hopefully by the next chapter i wont have as much writers block as i do right now.
subsriptions? comments?
go ahead, leave em!